CanadianAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was a very confusing site. Everyone seems to be very angry, and condescending. I cannot tell what stance most people have, there...pro or con.

CanadianAnon 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know, if they admitted that he was injured still, or even died, it would have been passed over by the normies as “it always happens”, etc. By creating the crap, they are shooting themselves in the foot.

CanadianAnon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Words of wisdom from a talented author.

CanadianAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

As someone who IS a chocolatier (when I feel like it, I do individual orders and specialty sales, plus holiday time sales), this is a really good idea. Getting really good at making chocolates, with pure chocolate, not compound or confectionary chocolate develops attention to detail, PATIENCE and perseverance, and the understanding that you WILL make mistakes sometimes, but can move on from them. Attributes/skills that are always useful, in many aspects of life. Besides which, pure chocolate (containing cocoa mass and cocoa liquor) is incredibly good for you!

On a side note. I didn’t meet my husband/life partner/best friend until my mid forties, and rarely dated before that. I find that knowing what you don’t want is just as important as knowing what you do. I also agree with CommiesGetTheRope in not settling. As stated, your match exists.

You will find your match. Take chances, and look for the opportunities. Blessings.

CanadianAnon 8 points ago +8 / -0

It should be punishable by death, EVERYWHERE. For the governments, companies, and the damnable pilots spraying the crap. The chemtrails here in Canada has been astronomical and it is killing everything! Poisoning the water, poisoning the soil, poisoning the air, starving and suffocating the trees, EVERYTHING. Those doing the geoengineering rival the evilness of the pedos, if not worse!

Sorry for the rant but this geoengineering crap REALLY pisses me off!!!!!!

CanadianAnon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Let’s edit that to... “it’s harmless in BLM and Antifa protests, riots and looting. It can be deadly in Freedom protests as it can distinguish between law and anarchy.”

CanadianAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only if it was a white, male dog. Otherwise, it will be released after a day or so to jump into another truck.

Seriously, though, poor dog.

CanadianAnon 5 points ago +5 / -0

That was the place we left the food at the major pick-up places in the GTA last year during the Convoy. I misheard the person who told me where to drop the food off for the Truckers. I thought he said “White Jeep”. 😂. Do you know how many white jeeps there were? Loads! When I saw the white “Sheep” all was well. It looked like the place for disaster relief with all the supplies... In a way it was. We were at the beginnings of Recovery from the sheer and overpowering oppression from the governments, (and most especially, Castreau, the huge dollop of toxic manure. May he and his cronies rot in the sess-pit of their evil.) We took immense joy in seeing our sheer numbers, and especially the smiles! The laughter! The flags. Honking became the voices of heaven. We ALL were joyous in our non-compliance. Our government got very, very, very scared. GOOD! They will never forget that. Even though it doesn’t seem that way fully, yet, that whole period was the visible start of the Great Castration of all world governments, tyrannies, NWO Globos-hits. At least in my opinion, is was.

I will NEVER forget that feeling of hope, joy, and emotional Release. The pride I had in my fellow Canadians! The sheer NUMBERS of us was absolutely incredible.

Excuse me, I have tears in my eyes. Again.

CanadianAnon 7 points ago +7 / -0

A beautiful site, seeing this heckling. I hadn’t seen this one, Purkiss. You’re awesome for posting it.

37 (!!!) cars for him. What about “Saving the Planet” bull? Rules for thee, eh, Castreau? https://twitter.com/Trudeaus_Ego/status/1617673085133676546




Comments are awesome.

For those criticizing the swearing, F**K TRUDEAU has become the greatest Canadian rallying cry in the last couple of generations. Kinda like Let’s Go Brandon x1000.

Reminiscent of the Honkening. Warms the cockles, still. I didn’t think I would still get so goosepimply (pun intended, and not intended) hearing those glorious honks. Sigh.

CanadianAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

“The Turdle”. 😂 Love the term in this connection, but love turtles and don’t want to insult them.

I agree with your comment.

CanadianAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you.

Good luck. Thank you for raising your child right by caring and preparing him. Blessings.

CanadianAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good. He deserves to be very, very worried. Scared, too. He should reap what he has sown.

CanadianAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

What state are you in? No need for more info so as not to doxx. I can refer to your comments once I see the FF referred to by some asleep idiot preaching the anti-2A nonsense.

CanadianAnon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Kerry Cassidy? Who cares what she thinks? She is of the same ilk as Simon Parkes.

CanadianAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see your point. However, saying...

give up some years of freedom in order to save lives.”

...is exactly what the Globos wanted us to do, permanently.

CanadianAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe all the Geoengineering since WWII is finally coming to a head.

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