After the incident, I looked her up and found her videos uploaded years ago and she's was anti-democrats and pro-Trump. What is the explanation for that? Why would she be an actor in a FF against Trump? Unless the theory is that it was a FF to benefit Trump in the long-run?
In his song Music Industry, he calls out illuminati and pedo's:
If nothing happens tomorrow I'm gonna be pretty upset
yeah yeah.... don't datefag, whatever
Gravity is just a theory as well
Here we are, gathering, fellow Qanon followers
That's awesome, but I had to pay out all the election bets I made with friends. Looking forward to something happening soon!
Did you just stumble on something??
Q posts about the Superbowl and God Wins!
And Chris Godwin is playing in this years Superbowl?!
I'm watching it now..... 23 mins in. Great info so far! The only problem with it is that it is for people that want to know the truth about what happened and have the attention span to watch it. If I send this to a normie friend, they aren't going to watch it and they'll be like "2 hours?!". To redpill normies we need condensed information that makes them question what they think is true.
Nope sorry.
Here is "the ledge" and the oval office in same "shot":
UNFORTUNATELY there was nothing unusual about that shot.
And here is where a car could be parked:
PLEASE let's just be real about the facts so we can't be easily debunked on false information that isn't critical to Qproofs anway
can anyone tl;dr what is happening in India with the farmers? (would rather here it here than with a MSM filter)
here is where a car could be though:,-77.037172,2a,75y,323.4h,91.76t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHVm29Xm5EsAe5i5kQpOwMQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Yeah and if you google maps the the oval office you see can see the building at the start of the video
We gotta share the feathers out of it
You're only responsible for your own health (and dependants), not other people
TOM MACDONALD said that!
This has already been happening in Canada for some time now. Unelected "Health Official" bureaucrat fucks are in charge of our laws and police
Pretty sure Tom MacDonald is 32 lol not zoomer
Isn't the correct account @USArmy? Not @army
Make your move MIL. We're waitin!
Very simple:
Make Q a joke to simpletons that watch MSM and agenda-comedy
Now they're more difficult to redpill