Chandler15 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are a strong woman! I too have been on here for quite some time. Lots of new people learning and not at the level you are. We are clearly at the biblical level now. Your list above can only be fixed by God/Yahweh. He is our only savior. Many think Trump is our savior, which is idolatry. God is coming.... We are in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah as you said.
Can I ask where you purchase your heirloom seeds from? Our food should not come from a box as processed food. Everyone should be growing and trading fruits and vegetables. Our food supply is so messed up with GMO and toxic herbicides and pesticides. Even our wheat for bread has been modified beyond consumption. Pure crap! Happy to hear you are making your own bread!
I would like to see people find God and prepare for their salvation and learn His Ways. Thank you for your message! God Bless you! May I suggest this site: ageoflaodicea.com

Chandler15 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes! I couldn’t agree more. Well said!
Each person goes through levels of the awakening.
The final level is His Word and the Bible. Time is very short as you said. Many are tied up in following the latest intel from people they call “truthers” which in many cases are false prophets.
It’s all in the Bible... The Jewish world of sorcery (pharmaceuticals) and multiculturalism (think TV commercials and flooding our cities with immigrants), fornication, and deviancy and godlessness and everything else which the beast system represents shall fail, and it shall all be destroyed, supplanted by the Kingdom of God. Is there anyone you know that is NOT on some kind of medication? It’s coming and no amount of intel will provide salvation....

Chandler15 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don’t have any idea. I know some ask for money and some have created lucrative businesses off the awakening. The Bible tells us to beware of false prophets and warns of idolatry. Many people are looking for intel about when things will happen and they are paying $$ for access to intel groups. The Bible teaches how ruthless the Edomites are. Do I believe there are Edomites (Jews) posing as controlled opposition? absolutely.

Chandler15 3 points ago +3 / -0

Use discernment....God tells us about false prophets...

Chandler15 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your body is getting rid of toxins. It’s cleansing itself for a reason. It’s all good. Drink plenty of fluids and rest.

Chandler15 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thanks! You said it much more direct than I. Not everyone on this platform is to this level of awakening. I’m happy to see more of us exist. The Jews are not the chosen ones, in case others are reading your great comments.

Chandler15 0 points ago +1 / -1

Do you study the Bible? We know Jesus was white because Pontius Pilate describes him in letters. He wasn’t middle eastern as some say. Watch 7 min video on Bitchute “what did Jesus Christ really look like”. Not everyone descended from Adam and Eve. Adam was also white. Watch videos called Truthvids on Bitchute. The Bible is clear about race and genealogy. Mixed race eliminates The Adamic race, which Satan wants. People will soon figure this out, as our churches don’t teach this. Once the churches took their tax deductions they agreed and bought into multiculturalism. The Bible is very clear on race (seeds). Then you will know why they want to eliminate Caucasian people. This is all Biblical.

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Parasites...the cause of many of our diseases. All meat products have them. Pork is the worst as they are bottom feeders. God tried to tell us in the Bible but the Cabal had to sell us pork for breakfast on TV in the 50s. We detox these through fasting or medicine. Modern medicine doesn’t want you to know all this because you might cure your own issues. There used to be a good document on parasites on catbox, but I can’t locate it at the moment. I’ll keep looking for it.

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

When in nursing school they teach if someone is on a statin drug make sure they don’t eat grapefruit. Why is that? Since we don’t allow nurses to critically think anymore, let me explain. A half a grapefruit daily is the same as taking a statin drug. Research grapefruit and high blood pressure. Also cayenne pepper helps clogged arteries. Research cayenne pepper and impacts on blood circulation. As much as I don’t like buying from Amazon you can purchase cayenne pepper oil from Amazon.
Remember God has given us everything on this earth to heal us. Our medical community doesn’t want natural healing. They don’t make a dime.

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Correct: They have been feeding lies about the Sun! The sun does not cause skin cancer!

Sunglasses and sunscreen is the main cause of skin cancer. When the sun is shining and the wave lengths of light hits your eyes it lets your brain know it’s sunny out. Therefore your body will start producing chemicals, which will then facilitate the process of vitamin D production from the sunlight. But when you wear sunglasses, the brain does not think it’s sunny out therefore the body does not produce the needed chemicals and your skin reacts in bad ways.
Most Sunscreen has toxic cancer causing chemicals being absorbed into your skin. We can use non toxic sunscreen like zinc, but ditch the sunglasses unless driving. You eyes will take a few weeks to adjust without sunglasses and you won’t be squinting as much - and much better off.

Would God have created something to harm us? We know skin cancer is man made. Wake up....

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything is the opposite of what they have told us. Food is medicine, but not the crap the FDA has allowed on our shelves. Most of the food on our shelves is banned in 32 countries. Stop eating processed foods. Soy is in so much of what we eat. Why? Do your research...hint: soy boys The food we are eating is changing our children. My Dad said the day he saw wheat 6ft tall, he knew they were poisoning us. That is not natural. They are feeding us genetically modified everything. When I read a store ingredients label, I put back on the shelf 90% of what I read. If you don’t know what an ingredient is, you shouldn’t buy it. Stick it to them! Corrupt food companies are making us sick and unhealthy to feed Big Pharma Look for local farmers market. This is where our food should come from! And red meat is good well cooked, but know where your meat is coming from as they are looking to vaccinate cows with MRNA vaccines.

Chandler15 20 points ago +21 / -1

Riddle me this: Why do they have mixed race couples all over the commercials on TV, like they are 98% of our society? It’s all most as if they are trying to destroy the white race...in our face.
Very strange.

Chandler15 0 points ago +1 / -1

You can tell by the gait who the trannies are. You can change a lot with hormones, but you can never change how a man and woman walk. Look at Tom Brady’s...remember the Satanist love to deceive you. They have been deceiving us our whole lives...we are awakening to it all. It’s called EGI (Elite Gender Inversion). These idols are not your average dollar store trannies you see in your grocery store. These idols have been raised since birth with hormone treatments. Rabbit hole this on Bitchute, then realize it’s been this way over a century.

Chandler15 2 points ago +2 / -0

So true! It’s why the Bible is no longer taught in public school. They might learn a few lessons, and they need to keep our kids dumb. All that Govt dependency in the cities.

Chandler15 3 points ago +4 / -1

I’ve seen some Tik toks with magnets in basketballs to make baskets much easier when the rim also has magnets that are controlled remotely. Those gloves the NFL players have magnets with the ball? We saw the remote controlled golf ball thrown on green in front of Rory at the PGA. So we know they can control golf balls and make them go in the hole.

Chandler15 2 points ago +3 / -1

We never seem to learn from history. Cesar controlled the events at the Colosseum in Rome. It was all entertainment. He learned how to control the people through mass psychosis. If he wanted to uplift their spirits, he knew who the people wanted to win (the underdog). If he wanted to punish the people, he knew who would lose. Winner and losers were selected. It’s exactly what is happening today. Based on gambling and a number of other things, they determine the winners and losers. They determine who the hero’s are, for jersey sales. It’s all created to separate you from your money.
I’ve noticed the cameras on the NFL field like lots of close ups. No shots of payers walking so you can see their gait. We might be able to see something we’re not supposed to.

Chandler15 2 points ago +2 / -0

You just moved up the ladder in awakening... Cities is where mass psychosis takes place. Group think.... Are you familiar with the Bible?
Research the city of Babylon, or the cities Sodom and Gomorrah. What happened in those cities and why were they destroyed? We repeat what we don’t learn from history. If you know history, you don’t live in the city.

deleted 3 points ago +4 / -1
Chandler15 3 points ago +3 / -0

I understand what you are saying and have regained the ambition. I have done the same. The thousands of different churches we have today tell you how many interpretations we have of the Bible. All these different interpretations is how we got here. We can see the Devil in our face, in Social media, politics, etc. When I grew up, my whole neighborhood went to some form of church and knew God. Today, more people don’t know God.
Example: It’s how we landed with homosexuals in the pulpit spewing falsehoods. God is pretty clear about laying with the same sex. That interpretation is false. No one calls out false interpretations anymore but buys into them - because they are not told they are reading the Bible wrong.

Chandler15 2 points ago +3 / -1

You are correct - it’s not like a normal textbook. And Jews (Edomites) have have a hand in throwing us off our course. Hebrew translation is a good start. Know that words spoken back in those days don’t have same meaning as today. Start with: Replace the word Lord with Yahweh (Gods real name and in our DNA) Use Strongs Concise and Concordance of the Bible. There is a word study dictionary for both Old and New Testament.
I also have some websites. I’ve had to relearn some of the Bible - some of which I never completely understood to begin with. Message me, and I would happy to send more info.

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

Article dated July 23, 2022 Daily Mail: ‘You can take someone’s DNA and design a weapon that can kill them’. House intelligence committee member warns people not to share health data with sites like 23andMe because it can be used to program new bio-weapons to target them

We may be too late, as millions have already paid to give their DNA away.

Chandler15 1 point ago +1 / -0

For those of us unvaxed, they are trying to get their hands on our DNA. Don’t give blood. We need to protect our DNA. Unless it’s for a loved one, don’t do it...

Chandler15 8 points ago +8 / -0

Agree! Many churches are not even talking about Satan being in our face daily (think children’s drag time hour). Many of those in the pulpit are false prophets. Soon the wheat will be separated from the chaff...I too am looking for the David’s in our world...

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