Good comments...let me add...
This is Biblical....
It’s more than stolen elections and vaccines that have been slowing destroying us.
They are destroying our masculine men (through toxins, estrogen, parasites, etc), as they know we can no longer win without strong men.
The only thing the Devil (Satan, the Serpent) can do to us is hurt us, which he knows hurts God. We are the pawns.
God made Adam in his own image. Satan is out to destroy Adams race (seed). When you see the word seed in the Bible, think race.
The Bible is a book of genealogy- but many of us were not taught that. Follow the lineage of Adam and Satans lineage of Esau.
The Bible hasn’t been taught correctly to us, as many in the pulpit are false profits, which God warned us about.
Everything playing out today is in the Bible, if you learn to read it correctly.
Now is the time to prepare....He is coming soon.
Forgive me...I think allergies also come from other ways they are poisoning us: processed food, water with toxins, chemtrails, toxic cleaning products, toxic laundry detergents, etc. You get the drift. It’s way more than just vaccines harming and killing us. But I’m so happy your daughter is vaccine free. I wish all my boys were the same.
After Yahweh separates the wheat and the’s Biblical.
I have always felt so sad for parents of a SIDS baby. Blaming themselves for something they thought they did wrong. It causes people to look at them as if they did something wrong. Connecting childhood vaccines to SIDS was connecting a major dot for me. Your information opened my eyes and helped me see how deep this Evil goes. It lead me to research the polio vaccines and the evil behind it. We have a friend who has an autistic child. Child was perfectly fine until a vaccine. I’ve always thought autism was connected to vaccines since then. But never gave SIDS a second thought until I saw your post.
Thank you for posting this on a regular basis so all the new awakened frens can see it! I appreciate all new parents raising their kids vaccine free - no allergies, tumors, autism, etc...
I just wish more people would wake up to this madness....
This awakening is so much deeper and sinister than vaccines. Most people won’t be able to handle the truth....
I thank you! You woke me up majorly in 2021 to was the beginning of my rabbit hole research.
We are graduating in inner city schools degenerates that can’t read or write. These are the same people that destroy our cities and eventually become homeless or in prison.
As a parent, I wouldn’t have helped pay another dime of that college education. Let them figure it out on their own.
Do you have a pdf of this file? Or anyone know a high res file?
Call the local Sheriff and tell them what? Are there legal words to make them leave? Thank you
Hundreds of years best I can tell. Definitely going on in 1800’s. For how ever long the Devil has been roaming among us....that will tell you.
Yes Queen Victoria was a Tranny. That is Victoria’s Secret! Look at her face! She is a man pretending to be a woman! They have been doing this for longer than you think!
It’s all over Telegram. The memes for EGI are eye opening. This is “The Big Club” George Carlin was talking about. “And we ain’t in it!”.
Yes Satan is very our face real.
Once everyone wakes up to just how Biblical this is, you will be shocked. This is Good vs Evil and been going on for much much longer than you think. We are just Awakening. We have been programmed by the Elite our entire lives. Like living in a matrix.
On Rumble there are a lot of videos: but ALLSHALLBEREVEALED67 has a series called “IT’S ALL OF THEM” part 1-11 or more.
Are all our First Ladies Trannies?...take a hard look. There are videos on First Ladies being trannys on Bitchute and Rumble.
They worship a transgender Devil.
Britney Griner is a Tranny just in case you hadn’t figured it out. So many in WNBA are trannies.
Got it! Thanks so much!
Thanks! So what would you take for the cure?
Yes! You are absolutely right. My college friend teaches at an inner city high school. We now graduate 18 year olds who have been passed from grade to grade (no child left behind) who cannot read, write or do any math. I’m not talking about just a couple of kids. I’m talking about this has been going on for 20 years with no statistics given to public. She is told to give them answers on the tests. Multiply this across the country and we now a whole generation of degenerates.
Excellent question:
It’s not just the vaccine killing people: Make these changes in your New Years Resolutions:
- We put toxic chemicals in everything from laundry detergent to soap and lotion
- We kill dandelions in our chemical treated lawns - herbicides and pesticides
- poor nutrition
- toxic makeup with cancer causing chemicals
- over use of Big Pharma
- poor sleep
- heavy metals - think Chemtrails in the sky
- Toxic skin products (sunscreen and sunglasses)
- poor gut health
- EMF exposure (Apple watches and Fitbits)
- home monitoring and security systems that send enough EMF through your home on a daily basis to give you cancer within a year or two They are now building SMART homes to control everything with your phone - but the cost is your life with cancer.
- toxic air fresheners and toxic candles
- toxic cleaning products
- lack of minerals (think colloidal minerals)
- fluoride in our water - toxic tap water
- over use of antibiotics
- over consumption of SUGAR
- fast foods and over processed foods - when was the last time you ate organic vegetables?
- lack of time in nature - research grounding or earthing
- lack of exercise
- poor detox - the Bible tells us to fast and not eat pork (research parasites)
- vegetables oils
- soy (estrogentics in our food - did you know estrogen is being fed to us) think soy boys
- unhealed trama (we have a lot of children abused among us)
- pasteurized inorganic dairy (some good books on this)
- lack of community - purpose of immigration was to destroy our communities)
- smoking, vaping, drugs and alcohol
- soda (this rabbit hole is a big one)
- poor oral hygiene
- brainwashing TV programs designed to program you - we don’t watch anything
- and last but not least vaccines (SIDS, Autism, Allergies, and the list goes on)
People need to wake up fast to how we are being killed. There is a reason the Amish live the way they do.
Each one of these items are rabbit holes each family in America needs to research. They are not teaching our kids any of stuff above.
DO YOUR’s way way more than just the vaccine.
It’s not just the vaccine injuring people.
The job cuts are coming. More and more people won’t be able to afford food, all while sending billions to Ukraine. Gas will spike again - the temp price we are seeing now was to raise your spirits for Christmas. Cesar loved to control the mood of the people (evil). Energy will continue to climb higher and higher.
Most people will be using credit cards and debt to get by (usury). Small businesses are folding at a faster and faster pace. Immigrants buying up all the houses and new cars (where are they getting their money from). No new police officers, so we know what happens with crime in the city.
Will the sheep ever wake up?
It’s strange that other airlines not having same degree of cancellations. Obviously someone on inside of IT turned off notifications as no one received any email or text that their flights were canceled. That was very dirty to make people arrive and flight was canceled. We were thinking it must be contract related?
I hope this is a sign that the people are flexing their muscle against these corporations! As we all need to be aware of where we are spending our money.
WE THE PEOPLE need to be organizing and fighting. It’s coming at us from all angles.
Thank you for sharing this website!
That was a typo on number of Russians slaughtered. Sorry about that.
As for prophecy, I have no idea about any baptist prophecy. I only know about the Bible.
The Christian Russians also thought the Military was coming. They didn’t come and the Bolsheviks (aka the Edomite Jews) slaughtered 20-30 million Christians. The Jews/Edomites cover up history so they can repeat it...again...and again... When they say it’s Biblical, it is very Biblical. The Bible is playing out before our eyes.
Can I ask where are you getting your invermectin from right now?
Just to add to your comment...Wearing sunglasses when you go outside prevents your body from producing the chemicals it needs to protect your skin from the sun. Wearing sunglasses causes burns and skin cancer. It took me a few weeks to stop squinting with the sun outside. Your body needs the sun. I only wear them when driving in the sun now. I never wear sunglasses outside.
Research the Russians and Bolsheviks. How do you think they killed over 40 million Christians, then covered it up and not a stitch is in our history books? All those Russian Christians were given false hope (military is coming) etc. They waited until it was too late. Use discernment at all turns in the road. Read what the Bible tells you. The Bible has the answers.