This is an absurd liberal/communist/UN. delusion. The STATES own the US, Republic and the insane noise from DC., NY. Cal.and MSM will STOP when they attempt to overthrow the Constitution and State rule. Blue helmets on US. soil will be treated as an invading army.
90% of crime and shootings is in the cities that Have gun control. Why do they think the criminal lives in a gun control city?
Prove it or STFU.
That is a childish liberal/communist wish. There are 120 million honest armed Americans and half will never disarm. Who will disarm 60 MILLION patriots? NO ONE. My guess is, once the shooting starts it will never stop.
LMAO. Have they looked in Chicago?
NO. soros is working every day with/for the WHO and UN. to destroy the US. Constitution so UN. troops can Walk in and have the support of DC. The 'outcome' will be the same. A rifle behind every blade of grass, will greet them.
They are used for hunting and self defense but their purpose is actually to enforce the 2nd Amendment against the obvious liberal/communist traitor. What she will not say is 120 million armed Americans with 400 million firearms have never shot anyone and never will, but the same 5000 gang members kill 10,000 every year.
The question is always the same and they are simply not intelligent enough to answer it. 'Why would an insane criminal CARE if he had a permit'? Then Elon ( and schumer)can attempt to explain how many criminals they think will apply for their permit.
Two thoughts to add. In 1971 every single boy i knew had a shotgun or rifle In our cars, At School, and NO ONE was ever shot. The second thought is, the SCOTUS has already ruled that the police are not responsible for protecting the citizens and THAT fact alone demands that every citizen has the absolute right to protect themselves wherever they are.
Not just unlikely but almost impossible.
The real question is, how (and why) did federal marshals get to podunk so quick?
The 'gun lobby' is now about 120 million honest Armed Americans, lead by 10 million dues paying NRA, GOA and state rifle Assn. members. WE are called The United States Militia and That is called the 2nd Amendment. If liberal/communists could do math they would know that is Half of all American adults. They can chase the bear into the cave but........
Who came up with the massive failure of 'gun free zone'? Liberals in Congress. Who actually thinks the insane criminal will Care about the 'idea' of gun free zone? Liberals in Congress.
'Despite'? Was the illegal alien coward an NRA member?
If you will pull back the curtain you will find that MSM is not 'covering' the trial because they all knew exactly what was happening and were instead Covering it UP. So to cover it now is admitting they were part of the Crime. The MSM is the greatest criminal/s in history because none of the swamp crimes could have gone on without MSM Lying about it.
Subjected? LMAO. There is an old saying/joke about the way to win a war. Send a group of well armed Old Men because we have lived a good life and once pissed off, we will never stop.
Imagine that, a random shooter in a city with strict gun control. Where were the cops? They disarmed the honest citizen and promised to protect them. Now imagine three armed citizens on the subway.
The POTUS (Trump) or the US. Military activating the US. Militia. THAT is the only meaning of the 2nd Amendment.
I have been 'free' since obama stole my paid health ins. and gave it to illegals. The criminal MSM covered up this Crime and have not told a single truth since.
I believe the vast majority of Americans already know and are just 'waiting' on the Legal call to arms to respond. I will use the last scene from Butch Cassady as my example. WE are the 'just a few guys' ( American patriots) that the lying MSM says are the minority, when we are a quiet 120,000,000 waiting outside, for liberal/communism to come out and play. Legally, by the Constitution of course.
Covering up a crime, IS a crime. MSM Is the biggest criminal/s in the history of America because they Knew about ALL of it. The Fake virus and worse Vaxx., and the Fixed election (they actually lowered Trump's numbers on live TV).
The liberal/communist shit show called hollywood is being destroyed by American patriots by refusing to watch their woke BS.
Sorry, but an abortion is not an operation ON the woman, it is ON a fetus.
Except for these two lies. The mask does NOT stop a virus and the 'test' does Not work. Both the mask and the test say that on the box.
They have no claim for a buy back, because they never owned them.