😂 Like FL with conservatives? We are not that crappy.
Praying for you & your wife. 🙏 Love to you ❤️
I went on to Bluesky to check it out & troll. I assure he quit because of Trump supporters also trolling there. 😆
Oh, I also added some “right wing” News sites & commentators (following) when I borrowed her phone. 😆
Love this response. Love her through it. Is she aware YOU are a Trump supporter?
My sister was a wreck when Trump won in 2016. Then she sided with Biden I think (never told me) but she seemed mixed. This year she voted Trump. There is hope. They really need encouragement to look at facts. Problem is that Google search results are so slanted. Sad.
Can’t stand her. I don’t think we are the majority, but I know many like minded people that don’t want this crap.
Please no. Can’t stand our governor. There are lots of us here, but no ID for voting. Not sure how much cheating goes on, but we are disgustingly liberal.
Loved that series! A few of them stand out to me. S3 E10 Dead Man Sliding- justice is settled via reality game show. S3 E25 -Animal & human DNA fused. S4 E4 Virtual Slide- population governed by VR. S4 E7 Just Say Yes- where the earth encourages drugs & everyone is on them. S4 E12 The Dying Fields- where they hunt humans for sport. S4 E19 My Brother’s Keeper Where clones are harvested for spare body parts. Would love to rewatch this series…
He’s not a former politician…
It’s called “Satan summoning his legions” by John Robert Cozens.
This is a doctored video.
I’m with Putin with taking out the endless wars & central bank. Even if it is to our own detriment, we aren’t always the “good” guys.
I only got one and they left a message. Asking if I had any minors. I blocked them.
Actually no, most of us didn’t know. Some of us had kids over 30 years ago & long before the internet.
🤢🤮. Tell me you are just guessing…
This Chinese company made these nanolipid “pegs” that went into different vaccines worldwide. Check out the different shapes. https://www.sinopeg.com/
This video explains it more https://rumble.com/vqh10u-deadly-shot-of-graphene-oxide-in-every-covid-vaccine-and-boosters..html
His cousins were at the security firm working on the elevator shafts, etc. in the months leading up to 9/11 (it’s in this documentary). He knew, he even let the word “bomb” accidentally come out of his mouth at the White House. His daddy promised we’d be in the NWO…
I got one from CDC asking if I had minor children. I blocked the phone number. What the heck!?
My liberal California sister & brother-in-law will be voting Trump if Biden is the other option. It’s a start…
Well about 1-2% of us think the earth is flat/or a plane not a sphere. I know most of you think that is insane. I would have too back several years ago. BUT, in trying to disprove it… I became one. Three years later, I find in hysterical that I thought we were on a spinning ball whipping through space at hundreds of thousands of miles (per hr. 66,600 mph just around the sun…interesting number) People & buildings would be upside down in Australia and shooting stars would be shooting up. Gravity doesn’t exist, density does. Trillions of lbs of water supposedly hold in the earths oceans, yet fish swim freely, smoke rises. A apple drops off a tree because it is denser than the air. Water always finds its level. There are lakes that freeze that should curve at the miles they are at, yet they don’t. Werner Von Braun (started NASA) has psalms 19.1 on his gravesite. (Referring to the biblical firmament which they now call Van Allen radiation belts) OBuzz Aldrin said to a little girl “we didn’t go there” when asked by a little girl why we haven’t gone back to the moon. After Admiral Byrd explored Antarctica, the nations signed the Antarctic treaty. Later we had an operation called “Operation Fish Bowl” where they sent up high altitude try to “break the glass ceiling and/or measure its height. The “North Pole” is the magnetic center. Compasses don’t face south. A huge ice wall encircles the oceans & land. They tease on this in Game of Thrones. Stars are not suns far away, nor are planets actually planets. They are twinkling celestial lights. Google images “stars seen through a Nikon p900”. Plenty of videos. Many more examples, but they erased many good videos from YouTube, etc. The Bible says that the earth is unmoving 99 times. Nikola Tesla goes into the magnetic & ether & vibrations which is far too much to explain. We can see the same stars as we did thousands of years ago in the same spots year after year even we are supposedly whipping through the universe at 1.6MILLION mph. NASA means “to deceive” in Hebrew. The snake is omnipresent in all of their logos. Green screens for astronauts, Stanley Kubrick said he directed the moon landing. Watch Buzz Aldren reaction to Trump talking about space. Trump has spoken of the earth being flat several times. Once to a delegation from the Boy Scouts. So has Lin Wood. Kandiss Taylor. We are in a closed system (like an upside down fishbowl)
Well, enough rambling on. Please no insults, we can agree to disagree. But I think this one would BLOW people’s minds.
I just gagged. 🤢
Wow! This is fantastic. Thank you!!!
Going, stoked!