Biblical Christmas Incoming! This movie was made for 2024!
Hobbies are necessary
no date fagging! until tomorrow! :)
praise the Lord!
My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak. Yet I will continue to pray for courage.
In the link below at 33 seconds, there is a single frame lasting a quarter of a second showing this image. Be ready. It is time.
My mother in law invited me and my wife this spring to visit the Biltmore. When we got to the basement, I saw the pool and I felt the coldest chill go through my body. I realized I saw this pool many years back in a Q post and I googled it to be sure. I couldn’t believe it. I was standing in the pool room that actual dark satanic rituals had happened.
Thank you!
Sorry to ask this question here. I ask you because you might seem to know the answer since you found Q. I have a 1 year old and a 6 year old and I am scared about an imminent deep depression that could last 4 years that could affect most people’s ability to stay alive due to food supply shortages. Does anyone know what Q has told us to do to be ready for the next few years? Or will Trump turn things around immediate after he returns to the White House?
When is the optimal time to exercise the warrants in your opinion?
Just remember that in 2016 Trump won because they did not allow the steal to happen. Trump never had a chance with all the voter fraud preparations they had. Trump could have stopped the steal in 2020 but he chose to let it happen to show us the truth. Now that we know, there no need to let them steal it again.
I have been stressed and feeling lost since I saw Brandon take the WH. I am stressed no more. In the past few weeks it has become apparent to me that the bigger picture is coming together and the time to be stressed belongs to the Sheep, the cabal and those who aid them.
He left willingly because he could
I thought only Ms. Babbitt died that day. Now sky news says 4 people died and 100 police were insured. Is this horse shit?
From the washington post? I guess white hats are taking over the news outlets.🤣
Q said that they secured the election of 2016 and if Hillary tried to contend it, Q would have done the unimaginable. That is how I knew Trump let the DMS steal the 2020 election. So this theory makes good sense.
Really? That would be awesome. I assume they would be blacked out for treason, working with and for hostile entities to the US.
So defensive. I was referring to those who do not uphold their oath and decide to work for the cabal. I was not referring to you specifically.
Greed breaks all bags
It take a lot of money, planning and time to control every locality. Federal control was a dream come true for the cabal. Now no more.
You don’t create a Psyop that would cut your profits and your power and influence. If you did, you would be mentally impaired and the cabal is certainly not mentally impaired.
Or else, GITMO for you.