But who is the other guy funded by? Being Portland I'm guessing it's an illegal alien and that just sounded like someone they would vote for solely because he was an illegal alien.
Seems more like comms to me. Doesn't even make sense. A 2 man overthrow? What kinda crazy is that.
If he is I challenge him to define "better" and why that was his definition. Lots of people think certain drugs make them "better"
Yeah,ots strange how many people against Trump start go go whacko. Here, E Jean Carrol, RFKJr. It's a long list.
Ha! That's what I thought we were getting with this the first time someone posted the story! Cheers!
Aliens aren't apparition. And that's what came from the Vatican. It's not a question of if aliens are real. It's the point that the Vatican said apparition not aliens and Q said biblical many times and people want to use that as a reason to jump to yet another alien conversation instead of focusing directly on what was said. The entire post is BS if based on bullshit. Being the Vatican said apparitions that makes the entire post BS.
Yeah, you would think on a Q board where people have read and recited "it's going to be biblical" turn to aliens so fast and for no reason.
The Vatican starts telling me about apparition I'm wondering if this is the Vatican saying "Yes, you will see demons soon"
Seems like this circle is shrinking.
Don't recall the Vatican saying anything about aliens. Apparitions are not aliens.
I was hoping for Benny Hill music
Using the US dollar we have been sending thanks to Obama and his loans to buy gold to displace the dollar.
Absolute, unprofessional, trash.
Says "Case would not be brought against someone not names Donald Trump" later says "A prosecutioncould swing votes to Biden" So CNN just admitted that its election interference.
The inly war I am concerned with is the War Satan has waged against God and human kind.
And also they love to think that the ice leftover from the ice age wasnt supposed to keep thawing. Its "man made" solely because they noticed ot was melting. No clue on if it should have in the first place.
TBH. Id challenge them to prove it DOES exist. Then go grab one of the studies that prove that wrong. Or the proof that NOAA temp data has been a lie for decades. Or that the Great Barrier Reef has regrown when they said it was lost for good. Sea levels havent risen since the great flood. The "caw farts" is a farce. The CO2 emitted by a cow is mostly reabsorbed by the plants they are eating. The gasses they claim are killing the atmosphere dont actually make it up that high.....
How is this a delta? Q post does not say anything about sky event?
No. I simply do not ignore real world application/implementation. Which the pro crypto crowd seems to ignore for a promise. All while ignoring the largest elephant in the room World wide crypto is the largest step needed for one world governance. And poof. Satan has his control mechanism in place.
And none of that protects from a corrupt system that will in turn just tax thr living shit out of you when they want money since they cant print willy nilly. You pay or you get prison. Or they take away everything that was meant for the people and shift funds elsewhere. Fix the corruptionor it will never matter. Its also a pipe dream to think they wont have controls in place. Does anyone really believe the people who have built every system to track everything you say and do will stop at being able to track your money?
As long as the same crooks are in charge I will never be on board. As long as they can just tax the shit out of everyone for what they want I will never be on board.
Except there is no such thing as racism. Its a social construct of the marxist. There is also no such thing as fossile fuels. And human flourishing does not require it. Keeping the financial system in place does.
While he sells his nations soul to China.
He thinks we "allowed" all this to happen? I dont think this guy understands the whole picture.
It doesnt matter who. They all either have no morals or lose them quickly to try and stay inline with the party.
Well, kiss wells goodbye