Those behind the study in the Lancet Journal, which resulted in suppressing/banning hydrochloroquine, must be prosecuted because thousands died needlessly. Sorry does not cut it. Who was behind the push for this fabricatedstudy?
For those who detest President Trump, think about this. You voted in Biden and Harris, both of whom displayed corruption and no patriotism. Kamala slept her way to the top to get where she is. She shows reckless abandon of US citizens by refusing to go to the border. Biden had 47 years in government, yet accomplished nothing outside of supporting his drug addicted, sex starved, crooked son who provided further wealth to sexually deviant Joe through underhand deals in China, Ukraine, Russia and other areas yet to be determined. Biden lied about excusing student loans and taxes. He undermined the US by siding and bowing to China.
God bless Mike Lindell. The cancel culture has succeeded again! Cancel culture has ensured My Pillow’s business is booming and has ensured their employees have a job. General Flynn and a Mike Lindell are Patriots who never took the easy road.
Thank you, sir, for your service to this country. Your unwavering support to Trump and the U.S., despite the trials you personally had to endure, is remarkable. It would have been far easier for you to sit back and relax, until the final boom fell, but you knew the Country would be lost. So like a true soldier AND patriot, you persevered and forged ahead. God bless you and your family. God bless a President Trump and his family. You have all sacrificed so much, and believe me, we know it! And may God Bless America!
The Leftists need to stop listening to the lies and filth spouted by the complicit MSM. That is why the heads of the news organizations and their “commentators” all need to be held accountable for lies, spin and withholding the truth. Trump may not always be humble or act with decorum, but he got things done-peace in the Middle East and with N. Korea, fair trade, US energy self reliance, bringing back businesses to the US, pride in country and our military, support for the sacrifices made by military and police, beginning of prison reform, emphasis on child trafficking, etc. When have you seen so much accomplishment in 4 years despite the lies, harassment, impeachments, etc. That is why the news organization, Congress, FBI, NSA, CIA, FDA, CDC, etc. need to be cleaned out or disbanded.
Sounds like this daughter, sad as it may be, deserves what happens if she gets the shot. Another child taught in schools to be disrespectful of her elders. Time will come when she will wish she had listened, then it will be to late.
The government along with a Big Business is trying to control the free market by destroying small businesses. Get rid of Amazon, Walmart, Target, Costco. Support your small businesses and stop buying Made in China junk.
Government lies and is deceitful, now they are teaching children it is okay to do so. People need to revolt. Children at that age can not make a mature decision, otherwise we would allow them to vote, drive a car, drink, smoke, enroll in the military, etc.
This is a plan to squeeze the taxpayers and small businesses. Their goal is a monopoly by big business: Walmart, Costco, Best Buy, etc. squeeze small grocery stores, appliance stores out of business so wealthy big business can hold a monopoly. Raise food prices, put the squeeze on farmers so they sell their farms then big agra can come in buy the land for a song, spray pesticides on the land to contaminate crops, sell to market and cause ill health/death in those ingesting the food. If that doesn’t kill you maybe the a Covid shot will or maybe pollute the water. “Watch the water.”