CigarTsar 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hehe, i do know a couple things about cigars.

Ask me anytime!

CigarTsar 8 points ago +8 / -0

My father, RIP, is just like Trump.

Yes, men like him will find "sons".

Nothing wrong with it.

Just the way it is with super high functioning Alpha men.

Every guy wants to be thought of as an alpha, but to be honest.

Few are.

Trump and my father were and are.

Me? Nah, not alpha, but highly skilled in many areas!

CigarTsar 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yes, pretty sure Dan was 16 years old at the time. They have been stuck to the hip ever since.

Dan is his most loyal advisor.

Trump has 100% belief in him.

Every social media post that has video?

Was ran by Dan.

CigarTsar 5 points ago +5 / -0

100% and Buckley was a good man. He just lived in a fantasy world where he thought rhetoric at the highest order would win the day.

Nah, there are insane people that are crazy as all be that have power.

He never saw what has happened, happening.

In many ways, Rush did not see it either.

We lost so much when he passed away.

Would love to hear what he has to say today.

CigarTsar 11 points ago +11 / -0

That is William Buckley. He is actually one of the good guys, but he was clueless in a lot of areas.

He is a direct downline of the English Burke, philosophy.

"Evil occurs because no good men stand up"

Russell Kirk, then Buckley, then Goldwater, then Reagan.

Problem with all of these men?

They believed you could fight with classical rhetoric.

Nah, the enemies they face have to be stabbed and bleed out on the battlefield.

CigarTsar 15 points ago +15 / -0

For people that know?

DAN is the man. First guy Trump talks to. 100% trusted.

He doesn't need any titles.

When Trump opens his phone and goes to call?

Dan is first number!

CigarTsar 6 points ago +6 / -0

He has done a lot of great work regarding the VA.

The VA does at times do some good work. My father was given about 5 more years of life because of VA.

He needed a specialist for his heart and had no insurance.

One of his former drinking buddies (dad had stopped drinking over 20 years ago) asked him, "didn't you serve on a naval vessel that patrolled vietnam during the war?"

My dad said yes. His friend then explained to him, dude, you need to sign up for VA benefits. You fought in the war and are eligible.

My dad was like, I was a botswain tending the deck and rope, hardly a war service.

His buddy said, "fuck that, when I was manning the guns on the helicopters and returned back to base? All those goodies that gave me a reason to keep going were because of you guys. You fought just as we did!"

My dad then signed up for VA and they paid for him to see a private specialist that definitely gave him many more years of life.

CigarTsar 6 points ago +6 / -0

My very limited inside baseball says this.

Guys like Rudy and others that fought for Trump and were badly damaged are being made not whole, but taken care of by big donors.

Say Rudy needs a new car. He has one delivered to use. Needs a credit card for purchases, he has one to use.

I cannot confirm this, but these guys are being looked after.

CigarTsar 5 points ago +5 / -0

I highly recommend watching the shawn ryan spotify podcast with Pete last week.

You will be amazed he was made sec of defense.

This guy loves the troops and hates the brass.

CigarTsar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Love him. He is like one of my past family members. A good serve.

CigarTsar 6 points ago +6 / -0


The shit I have seen my parents tolerate with less than desirable offspring is mind blowing.

But, in the end, some do get normal and for most part, because of that love from the parents.

CigarTsar 10 points ago +10 / -0

So many Vets in my family. God bless them.

How many Vets in my family that would recommend the youngins to join today?


Let us pray that our Nation and it's military can be healed.

No more wars where young people that love their country are sent in harms way in a SUV that came off the civilian parking lot.

Protect our troops and not involve them in wars that do not protect our homeland.

Close our foreign bases.

Do we really need 800 military bases all over the world?

Stop money manipulation through war. Do our sons and daughters need to die so a hedge fund asshole can send their garbage offspring to SMU in Dallas to then work at the new Goldman Sachs phallic office building being built in downtown?

Hell and heck, NO!

CigarTsar 1 point ago +1 / -0

We call Austin 'Little California'.

It is a shiat stain on our state for sure.

Has always amazed me how people flee Mogadishu and continue there stupid ways in their new land.

CigarTsar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Highly intelligent and educated people are super susceptible to mass formation.


Mattias Desmet explains it in an excellent manner in his book 'Totalitarianism'.

The CIA knows this and utilizes it against us through the media.

Covid and Ukraine war are brilliant examples.

If you think Putin is the bad guy?

You are mass formatted.

CigarTsar 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be mass formatted and wake up is rare. God bless her.

CigarTsar 9 points ago +9 / -0

I've lived in Texas my entire life and there might be liberals here, but they will not own up to it.

We are a deep red state. Even the Mexicans bleed red here.

The texas turning blue was always about the vote manipulation.

We are putting an end to it.

Count texas red for next 100 years.

CigarTsar 1 point ago +1 / -0

I spoke to Roger Stone about a year ago at length. He said Baron is crazy smart, possibly smarter than the old man.

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