Citizen_Patriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

On my social media : "Our Governor just announced the State of Florida has established jurisdiction and he appointed AG Ashley Moody to oversee the investigation and the State's prosecution against Trump's shooter... Things are getting spicy here. Don't forget - this is "where woke goes to die", AND the home base of Sheriff Grady Judd! We got this."

Citizen_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have written him twice, and twice have received personal responses. In my last letter, I proposed changes to the VA system and our SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) with Japan, then had AI concoct a sample Executive Order - I did not wish to lay another problem at his feet without offering some solutions to consider. The subject was Agent Orange stored and used on the island of Okinawa.

Since I cannot post an image of the letter of his latest reply (sent from Mara Lago) I will simply quote some of the salient parts.

"The strength of our country lies in the spirit of the American people and their willingness to get involved.

The commitment to duty and the professionalism with which you have served is part of the outstanding legacy of our military service members.

May God continue to bless you and your wonderful wife."

I had briefly mentioned my Air Force bride, and the response told me someone was paying attention. Even if it was written by a staff member and signed with an autopen, it hangs alongside his other letter in my home office. His signature bled through the backside of the stationary, so I'm going to say he probably signed it himself. Besides a small collection of small arms, It is one of the coolest items I own.

Citizen_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

In my 20+ years with the MI State Police as a Dispatcher/Trainer, I've participated in many such motorcades, going back to Bush, Sr. and possibly the Clintons (memories fade over the decades). There is usually one radio operator dedicated to the task of keeping track of all these Troopers, but they get their "marching orders" from the Command staff after coordinating with the USSS advance teams. It's a huge logistical challenge, but it is glorious to witness. With over 200 CCTV's mounted along the local freeways, we could watch everything from our secure location. It was all captured on video. It is not uncommon to have a shit-ton of "Blue Goose" units covering the entrance ramps, and a few motor units to assist... at one time they were using souped-up BMW bikes. The motor units were adept at leap-frogging from one location to another at high speed, taking turns with their assigned locations. Even the locals helped out by spot-welding all the manhole covers along the route, just as a precaution. The radio traffic was handled by one senior dispatcher and on a digitally encrypted, dedicated channel. Of course, we had the choppers overhead as well. And, yes - the USSS shared the airwaves with all of us. I miss the adrenalin and the "pageantry", but thank God I now live in the Free State of Florida not far from Sheriff Grady Judd. I'm much happier not being anywhere around "Big Gretch".

Citizen_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

From the site : "Mark explored the hottest news topics and issues of the day with the names in and behind the headlines. He tackled some of the toughest subjects with some of the brightest minds in the country… public officials, media mavens, tough minded individuals… from business entrepreneurs to journalists and famous authors… including sexologists, warriors and porn stars. The name Mark Scott became synonymous with news talk broadcast for better than thirty years."

Citizen_Patriot 4 points ago +5 / -1

As a long-time digital photographer, I feel compelled to chime in here. Today's modern digital cameras have some amazing technology built right into the camera's internal processors that control all those many functions. Most days I will set the camera's shutter speed to "auto", and pick an f-stop to set my anticipated "depth of field" to give me control over what will be in focus when the finished image is captured and processed within the camera. Other times I will set the shutter speed and let the camera's internal processors determine the lens opening (f-stop). Beyond that, modern lenses for digital cameras have their own tiny microprocessors built in so the lens can communicate with the camera body to help eliminate shake and vibrations. These lenses are not inexpensive, but they can actually work very well to give the photographer greater creative choices. Much of that equation depends on the photog's assignment - what he or she envisions the challenges they might encounter. My camera settings will vary accordingly - a posed fashion model vs a fighter jet zooming by at 400 mph, for example. I've done high fashion, air shows, public events, and wildlife in the field. The human behind the lens makes some of those calculations, but the camera itself contributes much to the creative process these days. Just my $0.02 - worth exactly what you paid for it.

Citizen_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was kinda hoping for someone relatively unknown outside the Beltway, (but a proven) patriot, along the lines of Congressman Clay Higgins (R-La).

Clay Higgins is a certified bada$$. Just my $0.02. He'd make one helluva Attorney General, too.

Citizen_Patriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Check out "SprayedAndBetroyed" dot com - the VA has lied to us for years and continues to this day.

Citizen_Patriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have found it helpful to save these protocols and other such publications directly as PDF files on my Windows laptop. That way I can easily give them distinct names and save them to my "Cancer Cures" folder on an external hard drive.

Press "Control" and the letter "P" to bring up the print dialogue box, and choose "Microsoft Print to PDF" from the upper drop-down menu. You can then see other options such as color or B&W, number of pages, etc. Once you re all set hit the "Print" command at the bottom of that print dialogue box and give it a name and destination. Your computer does the work for you, leaving you with a nice, tidy PDF file of that site.

As a longtime Mac user, I had to relearn this on my Windows laptop...thought it might help some of the noobs along the way. Cheers !

Citizen_Patriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have a journalist friend over there writing for the Japan Times, so I get emails about these types of stories.... will keep an eye out for this stuff.

Citizen_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just donated a few bucks. As a disabled veteran, my funds are meager but DJT is still my CIC.

Citizen_Patriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

(disabled vet) I don't have much, but I just chipped in another $10. Let's GOOOOO!

Citizen_Patriot 19 points ago +19 / -0

I caught the tail end of the speech while on a quick grocery run.... DJT was ON FIRE! And this was on Fox News radio via Sirius XM radio in my truck. They even commented on the crowd size and stated "the Democrats are panicking".


Citizen_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I could not post a link to my latest book without getting sideways with the moderators, but you can find it on Amazon :) I will add your family to my growing Bended Knee List. God Bless - John Bates, author.


Citizen_Patriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

The DoD (and the VA) have been repeatedly caught in their lies for years. While researching the use of tactical herbicides such as Agent Orange in Okinawa, I came across a couple of paragraphs buried deep on page 188 of the 2022 NDAA Report to The Senate. It blows away the DoD's claim that they couldn't locate any records of Agent Orange being on the small island... and the VA parrots that claim as an excuse to deny vet's claims of exposure. After years and years of denials, the DoD put this in writing to the Senate:

"**The committee notes that under Operation Red Hat, the Department of Defense (DOD) imported Agent Orange to be used as a herbicide on military bases in Okinawa. Agent Orange was stored at the bases and used on public spaces in the 1980s through 2013. There has been widespread medical evidence linking Agent Orange and multiple health conditions.

Accordingly, the committee directs the Secretary of Defense to provide a briefing to the Senate Armed Services Committee, not later than March 1, 2022, on the use and storage of herbicides on present and former military installations on the island of Okinawa. The briefing shall discuss the shipment of herbicides to Johnston Island under Operation Red Hat, the excavation of suspected herbicide containers at Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in 1981, the Okinawa City soccer pitch in 2013, and Kadena Air Base; and other suspected locations of herbicide.

The briefing shall address any test results by the DOD and the Government of Japan showing the presence of the chemical components of herbicide—2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, and 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. The Secretary shall consult with appropriate organizations who represent veterans of Okinawa in preparing this briefing.**"

As far as I can tell, myself (and other researchers) cannot find any record of such a briefing as the NDAA report suggests. Meanwhile, the VA continues to deny health care and compensation for those of us exposed to herbicides. Much like the Vietnam veterans, we are facing an uphill battle against a small army of faceless bureaucrats that likely know any admission to poisoning the Pacific theater of operations opens a flood of claims from both veterans and civilians alike... and exposes their lies to us AND the good people of Okinawa that are still suffering the effects of their phuckery.

Sorry, but I don't trust 'em as far as I can throw a booger, but here's some sauce for ya, if needed.



Citizen_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

The shoulder shimmy at 2:05 is priceless ! Can you imagine him doing this as he leaves the courtroom ?

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