Clintanon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Taco Joe is a cool dude (1strespondersmedia)

Clintanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Except with right hand over heart..not digging for treasure 😅

Clintanon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Btw I know a lot of you guys are HOG fans and that nobody is hating on Tom around here even if they aren't a fan.

(My post might've been made out of excitement from the ultra 🔥 based albums he just dropped this week that are bumping my walls today.)

Any who doesn't know, he has bypassed the music industry and offers direct sales only from hangovergang.com 🎶

I NEVER shamelessly advertise things online but yes, I'm doing that. Go buy it..lets send our fren to the moon 📈

Clintanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tom sent me to tell y'all this..

"He's tired of ignoring the hate, it's no longer ok, so stay in your place..
 He aint got the bloodline that makes him enlightened & aint no mason controlling what he say..
 Nova's last name is Poholek. You know that the Rockefeller name is fake? 
 So go tell the Q Anon homies that none of us know him or just say it to his face."

(Tom might be a lurker around here..I think this post might have been called out (@2:00) in his new song "See God" off Renegade.)


Clintanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

"NWO Communism By The Backdoor" "NWO, Secret Societies, and Biblical Prophecy" "Zeitgeist The Movie" "JFK to 911; It's a Rich Mans Game"

edit: the first one listed discusses the Boer Wars and was directed by Dennis Wise, being his second doc after "Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told"..havent seen this one yet for myself

Clintanon 1 point ago +1 / -0

There might be a better way but I usually just use an image hosting site that gives a link to the image..

The paperclip looking thing is a hyperlink button i think..

If you highlight any text and then click the hyperlink button you can paste the image link from the first step. (Exampe below)

criss-cross spray patterns in TX

Clintanon 9 points ago +9 / -0

Step 1, drop metal oxides in the air.

Step 2, use "standing waves" to energize target area into a high pressure zone.

Step 3, blame the people for "muh global warming"

Step 4, charge the people for past, present, & future damages.

Step 5, REPEAT

Clintanon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Chem-trail HAARP on 5G Scalar-wave grid.

Clintanon 5 points ago +5 / -0

I know Newsmax is crap but this chick mentioned getting a permit a few months ago..


edited link to make it jump to the part of the video

Clintanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey Fren! My search function stopped working in Safari but it still works in Firefox if I need to search something out.

Clintanon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have a listen if you like rap..


Also, Roger Stone made a few appearances with these guys. haha

Bryson Gray & Roger

Forgiato Blow & Roger

Clintanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

He posed that 98 hours from his last post which said (4 laptops released to media and step 2 in 98 hours)..I was hoping the torrent would drop then. Anyone seen anything?

Clintanon 1 point ago +1 / -0

The pic I posted has the company/address/person who is selling the thing you're talking about.

(Thought I'd be clever and keep plausible deniability from doxxing someone I've never met but this is all public info found in about 5 min)

Pac Pro Solutions, LLC (Florida) Registered to Christian Whitehead at 7913 Foxcatcher

Figured some autist frens might wanna research it further. ✌️

Clintanon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Follow up...

IDK WHAT I'M DOING but I think I uploaded a pic...

Seems worth noting that it's sold and shipped by a third party...

Plausible deniability 🤔

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