My local one always feels like a DEI setup. Pity Costco is the one with DEI since Sams Club is a dumpster fire where I live.
I'd be willing to watch a few episodes of this show.
Husband?? I did not see that coming.
Anyone who thinks that there are trans children supports sexually assaulting children…period.
I thought it was Episcopal? If so, they went ultra-woke a few years ago.
Proud to be a 20%er.
My first attempt at a meme.
Enjoy hell.
Edit: That is a very young age to die - any news on why she was called downstairs so soon?
Poor Carrie Underwood.
I am so excited right now!!!
Hope she’s tossed in like a side of beef.
We destroy rabid animals, so I don’t see a problem here.
That’s a man baby!
Hate to hear it about Reagan, although he was from Hollyweird...
Same. For some reason all the grocers bought huge stock of the vegan/organic//lactaid/super filled with chemical varieties (which did not sell), but very little of the real stuff. I have a few of the grocery stores my two cents to send to their corporate, although who knows if that would happen.
Thank you! BTW, they stopped selling egg nog last week where I live.
I miss Voat so much.
What a time to be alive.
Don't remember it firsthand, but have read the case.
Thank God.
Paternal Grandfather was in WWII - US Navy. Maternal Great-Uncle was a paratrooper in WWII. Had other relatives in WWII as well. I wish I had been old enough before the ones I met had died to ask them questions about the war/thank them for their service.
Please God let this happen.