How about we just provide them with oceanside accommodations in GITMO. They don't even need any money there.
Deploy the Boat Dozers. That would make a good sequel to Kill Dozer.
Salty is the reason I have been able to laugh through this plan. Too many Patriots have lost their sense of humor while we watch this plan play out.
At least they know the missile system is in good working condition. KEK
The best part was the black guy on our right shakes hands, gives Trump a shoulder slap and a jab to the chest. Trump doesn't flinch and placed his hand on the man's shoulder while he shakes hands with the rest of the group.
I've made it to 7 so far and expect to get to 2 or 3 more at minimum prior to the election. I live in a spot that has numerous rallies within a couple hours of me.
Yes, but had no idea they were going to the rally.
I turned it on a little late but from what I have seen this is going to be a huge red pill.
The most important thing about Trump calling out real inflation numbers is for Social Security recipients to get proper cost of living raises. Cost of living increase was only 6% this year due to bogus inflation calculations by the Biden commie regime.
We need our young Patriots to form families and have children to restore this great country.
I hope Musk tells him to eat a bag of dicks.
The article says increased US population will cause the supply chain to not be able to deliver enough real meat. While this is a difficult conundrum for Lefties to solve famers will raise more cattle. Crisis averted, wow that was a close call as humans almost became extinct. What a bunch of Morons.
Since many Newbies and Normies will be looking for Q information I am posting the link from the side bar for them to look up Q posts.
Anderson Cooper and his brother Kathy Griffin are very afraid.
Traitors of a Feather go to GITMO Together
Thanks, just posted.
Yes, she is back at work but riding her little electric scooter. She is leaving home (day off) right now for Physical Therapy.
Easiest way to commit suicide is to post "I'm about to break the biggest story of our lifetime".
Best poem I have ever read.
Funny you posted as I was preparing my post. Kek
President Trump is scheduled to speak at 3pm ET.
I was at that rally. More than an hour from my home and I ran into my next-door neighbor in the parking area.
Valley Vet 500ml liquid is $75 and equals 500 12mg tablets. I use a 6ml syringe with a 16ga needle to measure doses. Full dose is 1ml per 110 pounds. Squirt it into a couple ounces of juice and drink it.
Customers will be lining up around the block to get a loaf of bread. Bernie says that is a good thing.
We know it can't be true since we have not seen a single dancing nurses' video. They are getting very lazy in their psyops.