ConcernedGrandma 2 points ago +2 / -0

Praying for your heart and mind. I am so sorry for your loss...💜

ConcernedGrandma 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank You Dear for explaining that for me. That puts some peices in place for me. I Really appreciate this feed and the work you all do.

ConcernedGrandma 2 points ago +2 / -0

God has given us authority through Christ Jesus. People were decieved. Therefore repent wash yourself in Jesus's blood.Forgive those that deceived you, forgive yourself, forgive God ( not that God did anything , but peoples anger can give the enemy( his side effects) a place) Take Authority over all side effects from a wrong choice call them null and void by the blood of Christ. Cast out any spirits of infirmary in Jesus name and claim your inheritance in Christ. We walk in victory seated with Christ in heavenly places we walk on scorpions and snakes and no poisonous thing shall hurt us. You need to be who you are in Christ. This is a spiritual battle. Put your armor on and stop believing the devil!!!

ConcernedGrandma 19 points ago +19 / -0

Happy 🎂 Birthday!!

What a beautiful gift of understanding You have given ❤️ to many of us. Celebrate a life lived well, serving others, and spreading light in a darkened world. May you have all the joy your heart can hold, today, and all the others you are blessed with!!

ConcernedGrandma 4 points ago +4 / -0

He looked different years ago. Check it out, but I think he was replaced. Crazy as that sounds

ConcernedGrandma 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's 😁 too funny🤣🤣

ConcernedGrandma 2 points ago +2 / -0

VOTER ID BILLBOARDS IN GA. so I checked into it anyone can get one... anyone.

ConcernedGrandma 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn't the CIA fund the mockingbird media? And isn't it their agenda that all the pedophiles in Hollywood are hocking? Why do they think we care what the CIA says. No respect for that alphabet agency. The day we the people pick up our guns you little pinheads in your ties won't be able to stop us.

ConcernedGrandma 1 point ago +1 / -0

Piss up a rope Pence....no wait were going to need all the rope we got🤣

ConcernedGrandma 2 points ago +2 / -0

Scary thing is what's being injected into our meat? She's making her choice.

ConcernedGrandma 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not celebrating that satanic holiday anyway. Keep your candy the witches and warlocks put curses, hexes, vexes, and spells on it to open children up to the demonic.

If people have not learned that satan and his demonic hoards or real, and that the rituals have power not sure what else it will take.

ConcernedGrandma 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why would we believe HIM? I have never found him to be credible.

ConcernedGrandma 14 points ago +14 / -0

I stopped giving platelets after a tick bite....one guess who created Lymes disease. I have Rocky Mountain Spotted same bug as malaria. Ivermectin really helped me.

ConcernedGrandma 2 points ago +2 / -0

I use it last week I used the ivermectin and prosquantynle (sp?) to dry up a jelly fish sting. As soon as I put it on the itch left. I tried the regular's Benadryl hydrocortisone to no avail. Great on bug bites as well.

ConcernedGrandma 3 points ago +4 / -1

Also as as deliverance minister who has renounced and released many from the oathes and regalia, it is not as secret as most would believe. It runs off the spirit of deception, which is why we see nice people joining. They never move up the degrees ( ranks) because they have an impediment. That's how the potentates would see them. Un worthy of the craft. We would veiw them as normal but deceived. Even satan himself MUST follow God's spiritual laws. God gave this world to Man. Satan is an illegal alien. He may have stolen dominion ( power and authority) in the fall, but JESUS gave it all back to man by overcoming EVERYTHING in heaven, hell and earth , even death. Through JESUS we now have dominion over everything, the true disciples of Christ are healing the sick, casting out demons, and raising the dead. You won't hear about them because they have always been censored.

This is why Satan has to show man what he is doing.

When you agree ( make covenant) with a secret society, you have agreed with secrecy, deception, this means the devil now has permission to decieve You, or the individual who has made a decision to join. They don't find out who is worshiped until the 33 degree most don't make it past the 3rd. When they go in the first time they are blindfolded, have a cable tie around their neck and are given a heavy blow as they walk in. This is shock and trauma a well known open door in deliverance ministry, this is an entry point for the demon of deception. From this point forward you will have a very hard time convincing them they have been decieved.

This is NOT a battle between God and Satan. God created everything even Lucifer before he fell.

This is a battle between man and Satan. Man must learn who and what he is. They tried to steal our identity, they tried with the shot to steal our humanty....they fear us knowing who and what we are. This is the most exciting time ever!!!!

Didn't mean to get so long winded. I love your posts Dear Purkiss. Thank you for all the knowledge you have brought to us all!!

ConcernedGrandma 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Killing of Uncle Sam By Rodney Howard Brown, traces them very well. Brings it up through the centuries until now. 13 hour iTunes audio download. You can buy the book online. It includes footnotes of all the research. Talks about Rhodes and the beginning of college accreditation boards as well as funding foundations. The roots of skull and bones and much more. I learned alot! However, many times it made me angry and I had put the book down or turn off audio, and get over myself. I own both the book and audio.

ConcernedGrandma 3 points ago +3 / -0

Beautiful he paints on a canvas no man possess💜

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