"Should he not consult" with Bannon and/or Naomi?
Hes a teensy bit busy right now and will be even busier over these last chance until its over 190 days, so my response is NO "he should not".
After all, BEFORE Naomi was into jab research, President Trump was telling interviewers that children and healthy adults should NOT be mandated to take the experimental covid vaxx. In fact, President Trump said the covid vaxx should not even be offered to them on a voluntary basis.
As he repeatedly pointed out, like any bad flu, the elderly and extremely unhealthy were the only ones at risk.
However, perhaps Naomi should consult with President Trump if he can find the time to help her out.
Sinceres, especially those in a community for Q trained anons, who still conflate Operation Warp Speed, that WAS, as PDJT says, miraculously "great" and did save millions of lives, with The Regimes vaccines are still damaged by the Regimes Destroy Trump By Any Means PsyOp or malevolents attempting to blend in.
President Trumps Operation Warp Speed =/= The NWO Death Cults vaccines
Trumps OWO == President Trumps only way to thwart the NWO Death Cults covid schemes.
Q link:
You Tube. Movie. Hunt for Red October. Scene. Combat tactics, Mr Ryan.
How did the subs Captain avoid the already launched, inescapable, torpedoes that would destroy the sub and everyone on board?
By ACCELERATING towards the torpedoes, at warp speed?, so the torpedoes hit the sub before they were fully operational.
"Trump should know better"
The commenter "should know better".
Bait offered.
Bait taken again?
Perhaps take time to re read Qs drops, which Q told anons to do every day,, in order to increase psywar savvy plus decrease vulnerability to psyop damage caused by hubris and lack of foundational knowledge.
"The way he pushed the vaxx".
These words and deeds are " the way" Trump " pushed the vaxx":
- Treat it like a bad flu that will be turned into the next Get Trump Hoax.
- HCQ works
- Ivermectin works
- Regeneron works even on high risk people who get CovidCabal
- Masks dont work
- No MANDATES to take an experimental covid "vaccine"
- No economic or social/emotional coercion to take the "vaccine"
- If at risk, treat it like all Right To Try decisions ie do your own research
- NO young person or healthy adult should take the covid vaccine
- Despite being arguably the most influential voice, there are NO pics of Trump getting jabbed which was the uber trendy thing to do at the time.
- There were NO announcements from Trump that he'd gotten jabbed.
- In fact, people only found out after it was leaked. When asked directly whether the leaks were true he said he said yes. He had decided, after talking with his physician, to take it
Does ANYONE seriously believe this is "the way" Trump, who's known as arguably the worlds greatest salesman persuader on the planet, would "push the vaxx"?
Believing this Anti Trump narrative is true reveals Regime PsyOp damage still exists or the persons motives are malevolent.
Hopefully the damage will heal within the next 190 DAYS to avoid blowing this miraculous last chance to thwart The Regimes schemes to destroy us all.
For what its worth, I'm a jab free " PURE BLOOD" living in Northern Commiefornia aka Seattle. I'm a pureblood who never bought The Regimes Covid Scamdemic fear porn THANKS to PRESIDENT TRUMP.
In other words fom the beginning, I listened to everything President Trump said and watched everything he did plus I read what he communicated to us via his back channel, the Q drops.
Fwiw, my brother, even though he didn't read the Q drops, knew not to buy the covid bs because he also listened to President Trump then took PDJTs advice by doing his own research.
Feel troubled?
These feels are an INVITATION to let God into your troubled heart so He can refill your heart with His Peace.
Obviously PsyWar and Spiritual War seducers use "troubled" feels as bait to hook one away from Truth and away from our WWG1WGA mission as Trumps Q trained crew.
Notice the latest polls, that came out just before Trump made this RFK Jr bashing Truth, all show Trumps lead over Biden increasing if RFK Jrs in the race?
Also, Trump knows that the DNC Political Machine's Lawfare thugs, like Marc Elias, are trying to keep ALL 3rd Party candidates that could siphon off Dem votes off the ballots in ALL states.
RFK Jr 2024 == Bernie 2016 plus?
"That's just senseless noise".
Ditto this deflection reaction.
Try again, minus the word used to justify deflecting rather than reflecting then genuinely reponding?
Lets find out:
" You know better than President Trump?" (about what HE should do?").
"Anything he says they go against"
Which is likely one reason why, after testing his rally crowds to make sure they were experimental jab aware, he made oddly pro vaxx comments during his interview with famously anti jab/pro Trump Candace Owens.
Since the Left despises Candace they gleefully spread the word that anti jab Candace got btfo by her Cheeto Jesus cuz Trump refused to bash the vaxx.
So thanks to Trumps Psywar savvy and Media Manipulation skills PLUS his love for ALL Americans:
Some TDS sufferers might reflexively say, "OMG Drumpfs FOR the jab? Then I have questions about the jab" Or better yet "I refuse to get more jabs ie Trump gave them a sociallyc"legit" excuse if the chose to refuse more jabs.
Plus newly awakening democrats, independents and apoliticals, who were becoming vaxx skeptical, thanks to Trumps refusal to go RFK Jr even when pushed to do so by anti vaxxers, could not be shamed into silence and compliance by accusations that they were part of Trumps cult and just echoing his anti science, conspiritarded talking points.
I monitor Regime Media sites so I knew they were creating these Silence and Compliance narrative MOABs to start dropping on the growing number of questioners and skeptics.
Consequently I cheered when Trump began to skillfully disarm the Regimes MOABs and loved him even more for his willingness to help Americans who were not his supporters even though he knew doing so would trigger a backlash from others "on his side".
As PDJT has often said, "I gladly take these slings and arrows for you and for our Movement to Save America" even when those slings and arrows come from The Regime traumatized and exploited Trump supporters
Mind reader?
Believe what others in Screen World say?
Perhaps during an obvious PsyOp Storm use a version of what the military calls The OODA Loop?
OODA Loop == Observe. Orient. Decide. Act. (repeat).
During a PsyOp Storm Q trained anons to remain dispassionate so the could be in, what I call, The OO Zone.
Fortunately while in The OO Zone, President Trump has given his supporters an ACT List of things to FOCUS on and DO.
Everything on our ACT List == FOCUSED on things to DO to help WIN the ELECTION.
When will every chance to help be GONE FOREVER?
In just 199 more DAYS.
Surviving these final PsyWar Storms == Recognizing who the Captain is and having the self discipline to do what he asks.
After all WWG1WGA
Seeing this meme bait on a board exclusively for Q trained anons and those who are willing to lurk and learn so they become Q trained inspires giggles, gratitude and curiousity.
Sometimes super easy "How Psywar Savvy Are You?" quizzes are fun. Plus they can provide unexpected, and useful, intel.
Notice the attempt to amplify Johnson hate by linking him, in a pic, to an old CUE, RBG, that used to reliably trigger pavlovian reflexive hate?
This meme was also deployed on PDW which is under a similar PsyWar attack right now.
Comparing reactions on both sites to the same meme bait will be interesting.
How long did jury selection in the ongoing YSL Fulton County trial, involving Rappers, take?
How long is jury selection taking in this case; a case which seeks to send a former President and the current Presidents leading political opponent to PRISON for the rest of his life?
Perhaps, as President Trump AND Q have repeatedly said,
right NOW and for these next FINAL chance 200 DAYS
its NOT up to "the military" to "step in because they have all the evidence"
but instead its our turn "to step in" and do our part. We the People ie me, you, each one of us.
Now is our turn to DO what Q trained anons to do and what PDJT is telling everyone to DO whether Q trained or not:
Be INVOLVED every single day for the next 200 DAYS, in the MISSION to help collect enuf VOTERS 4 a 2 Big 2 Rig landslide of Trump VOTERS or lose this chance forever.
As Q pointed out, and PDJT has too, their ability to do their parts RELIES on each one of us doing our part.
For instance, remember Qs drops telling anons to start being "be heard" ie learning how to be courageous and persuasive, to be effectively ACTIVE on the digital battlefields plus "VOTE. VOTE. VOTE"?
Precipice Awareness == choosing to give up ie suicide or fight to beat the odds and live
A Fight to live == every day, every minute, PERSONAL, DOING rather than viewing, in this case being 100% vote gathering FOCUSED.
After all the mantra Q gave anons, WWG1WGA =/= the crew sits back and waits for the Captain to save the ship from sinking and everyone on the ship from drowning.
Our Captain == Q Team, including PDJT == less than 10
Crew == Trump voters in 2020 == more than 70 million
So please carpe diem, anons while there are still diems left to carpe. 😘
Since there are only 200 DAYS left for each of us to gather enuf VOTERS for the 2 Big 2 Rig voter landslide President Trumps keeps telling us he'll need.....
Hopefully, POPCORN == donations, volunteers and VOTERS.
Carpet diem (and voters), anon frens, while there are still diems left to carpe.
😍 Thank you for this push back to this understandable yet dangerously infantalizing reaction; a reaction that's encouraged by Regime propagandists because it discourages individuals.
After all discouraged people, or distracted people, pose no serious threat to The Regime.
"Freedom of Speech...Watch what You Say?"
Thank you for asking.
My response:
Freedom == Accepting Personal Responsibility for how one uses their Freedom
Freedom =/= Free from Consequences for ones choices
Watch == be mindful ie be aware of consequences to self and others before choosing to speak or not speak.
Watch =/= stfu
"This trial has nothing to do with Hugh Hefner".
As brutally blunt OG /pol/ would mockingly say:
" Source: dude trust me?"
Or as those with Formal Logic would say:
Warning: Fallacy of Assertion and Appeal to Authority.
Obviously opiner =/= a Q trained anon. Yet.
"That means nothing"
Dear 6 day old account:
Offering some hopefully helpful info:
This community is for Q trained commenters. (See side bar. Read This Communitys Welcome and Orientation information).
As the infamously blunt /pol/ community (where Q first posted) responded to newcomers, "Stfu. Lurk moar. Learn moar. Or gtfo".
Fwiw, on OG /pol/ the stfu-lurk-and-learn phase == at least 5 years.
Obviously this Q trained community isnt as arbitrary around how long it takes for someone to lurk and learn enuf to begin meaningfully participating.
Bottom line, if a sincere, welcome. If not a sincere, unlike OG /pol/ my message is please do NOT kys. 😘
"This guy" == Robert Barnes.
Barnes == a long time attorney bro friend of RFK Jrs
Barnes == an unofficial part of RFK Jrs campaign, including going to RFK Jr fundraisers
Barnes == a famous, and famously aggressive, contrarian lawyer
In other words, Barnes is a gossipy I-Know-Better-Than-Trump (or anyone else) which makes him one the people Trump uses when he wants to do a leak psyop.
Barnes == a male Maggie aka "Maggot" Habberman