AOC just said behind closed doors that rich elite do not want "Biden or Kamala" and want to remove them both.
You need to deport the people who brought them in.
Unpopular Opinion. Pathetic & useless speeches. Her speech of pain and complaining is ineffective because it doesn't name the problem. It diverts attention to "The migrants" as if some barefoot African has any political power. Only when you can "OPENLY" name them in public, on a podium, will we stand a chance.
Despite the dire situation she is in she doesn't want to be hauled off to prison for naming the destructive force that has been gnawing at the floorboards of humanity. Every White person in Europe is castrated right now.
Castrated by the same rootless international parasite that has it's tentacles on all the levers of control all over Europe & has now set their sights on implementing those same anti-blasphemy laws here in USA.
Yet despite what is going on people will still bemoan "How dare you name them!" my precioussssssss. #666
Is the movement full of leftists, commies, marxists, antifa, ex-blm yes but who created them in the first place? They are a symptom of the cancer rot in America.
It's day 211 of Israel butchery. Of Israel having a 100% stranglehold on American media as far as what the general American public has been able to see without having to go to Telegram or back channels to access the horrors of what this racist, IDF military is doing to people. Running a torture channel where they have no consequences.
#1 I want a cease fire to stop Israel from creating more refugees that they will then use their power to force our Congress to take them all in.
#2 I want a cease fire to stop the bleeding of America dry to fund these endless wars overseas like Israel, Ukraine, and anything else that comes up.
America has too many problems. We need to focus on Americans, fix infrastructure. Keep in mind the people of Flynt are still drinking sewage and yet we send Billions $$$ anytime our masters ring the dog bell. F'that I'm so over it. I'm over Israel. I'm over "our greatest ally" who bombed the shit out of us and sells our secrets to China.
We built a drone base there that we use to bomb the shit out of anyone who doesn't do what we say. We pay like $30-50M a year just to keep the lights on.
Niger is on what is called "The Coupe Belt" it's necessary for geopolitical reasons.
Mining, exploitation of natural resources, keeping them tied to the Euro and charging them interest for their own money, also controlling import and export US, France, or UK have their puppet strings controlling most of the countries that touch water.
Sounds great, People who take yearly flu shots, support the system, defend the system, and are the system. Despite them ending up in Urgent Care after taking it the typical response is "I'm glad I took it, it could have been worse if I got the real flu" hit the dirt losers. The faster the better. #AccelerateThisRide
Remove EVERY dual citizenship servant of another country. Including self proclaimed guardians of Israel
Prior to 1942, the Pledge of Allegiance was commonly recited by school children in the United States, and it was accompanied by a salute known as the "Bellamy salute." The Roman salute, also known as the "Roman greeting" or "Hail Caesar," was a gesture in which the arm is raised and the hand is extended forward with the palm down.
The original pledge was written by Francis Bellamy in 1892.
Children salute the American flag in front of the school in Morgan Hill, California in the 1930s -
It's not "trashing" someone. It's pointing out an obvious fact. This guy created his profile in 2015. Then all of the sudden Dec 2022 he is activated.
FYI: I don't really give a shit who is awake and for how long. Doesn't affect my life in anyway. What I care about is when someone comes out of no where and all of the sudden he becomes a Political influencer.
I'd hope everyone would be naturally skeptical to abrupt pattern changes.
In December of 2022 there was a shift in his profile. Before this date he had ZERO political comments. After this day we went full pro Trump. Out of no where all of the sudden this negro is an international politics expert? Yeah right...
Klaus is Final Boss.
It takes weeks for this & I remember seeing a documentary that there was evidence that they were in there doing something that alluded they were preparing the buildings for this. It takes time to do the cuts & setup the beams "white flashes" seen in the videos if I recall right don't quote me is typical of thermite.
Nano Thermite was found in the dust at Ground Zero. Peer reviewed in the Bentham Open Chemical Physics Journal.
Niels Harrit',
Thermite Bentham', "The great thermate debate" Jon Cole,Iron rich spheres' Steven Jones,
Limited Metallurgical Examination (FEMA C-13, Appendix C-6)'. `Nano Tubes' -
1700+ Engineers and Architects support a real independent 9/11 investigation. Richard Gage, Founder.
Explosive Evidence',
Blueprint for Truth',AE911′,
Toronto Hearings', `Kevin Ryan'. -
The total collapse of WTC 7 in 6.5 seconds at free fall acceleration (NIST admits 2.25 seconds). Larry Silverstein used the term "Pull it". Steel framed high rise buildings have NEVER totally collapsed from fire or structural damage. Builidng 7 was not hit by a plane.
Building 7′,
WTC 7′. -
Dick Cheney was in command of NORAD on 9/11 while running war games.
Stand down order'. "Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary?". Norman Minetta testimony. "Gave order to shootdown Flight 93.",
NORAD Drills'. -
6 out of the 10 Commissioners believe the 9/11 Commission report was "Setup to fail" Co-Chairs Hamilton and Kean, "It was a 30 year conspiracy", "The whitehouse has played cover up",
Max Cleland resigned',
John Farmer'. -
FBI confiscated 84/85 Videos from the Pentagon.
Moussaoui trial' revealed these videos. Released Pentagon Security Camera (FOIA) does not show a 757 and is clearly Missing a frame.
Sheraton Hotel', "Double tree', `Citgo". -
Osama Bin Laden was NOT wanted by the FBI for the 9/11 attacks. "No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11." CIA created, trained and funded "Al Qaeda/Taliban" during the Mujahideen. OBL was a CIA asset named `Tim Osman'. OBL Reported dead in Dec 2001 (FOX).
8)100′s of Firefighters and witness testimony to BOMBS/EXPLOSIONS ignored by the 9/11 Commission Report. 9/11 Commission Report bars 503 1st responder eyewitnesses. "Explosions in the lobby and sub levels", Firefighter explosions',
Barry Jennings', `William Rodriguez'.
100′s of firefighters and witness testimony to MOLTEN METAL ignored by the Commission report. "Like you're in a foundry", "NIST's John Gross denies the existence of Molten Metal", `Swiss Cheese', "As of 21 days after the attack, the fires were still burning and molten steel was still running." Leslie Robertson'.
'5 Dancing Israeli's' arrested in
Mossad Truck Bombs' on 9/11 that stated "We were there to document the event."
Urban Moving Systems' front company,Dominic Suter'. "$498,750 Business loan (June 2001)". "Officer DeCarlo',
Art Students', `Israeli Spying'. -
On September 10th, 2001. Rumsfeld reported $2.3 TRILLION missing from the Pentagon.
Dov Zakheim' Pentagon Comptroller. Former VP of
Systems Planning Corporation' (Flight Termination System). Signatore of PNAC document. -
220+ Senior Military, Intelligence Service, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials question the official story. '9/11 Whistleblowers',
Patriots for 9/11′.
Robert Bowman',Sibel Edmonds',
Albert Stubblebine',Wesley Clark',
Mark Dayton',Alan Sabrosky',
Cyntha McKinney',Jesse Ventura',
Kurt Sonnenfeld'. "" -
Towers were built to withstand a Boeing jet(s). "I designed it for a 707 to hit it", Leslie Robertson, WTC structural engineer. "Could probably sustain multiple impacts of jetliners", "like a pencil puncturing screen netting" Frank De Martini, deceased Manager of WTC Construction & Project Management. "As far as a plane knocking a building over, that would not happen." Charlie Thornton, Structural Engineer.
History of American False Flag attacks.
USS Liberty',
Gulf of Tonkin',Operation Northwoods',
OKC Bombing (Murrah Building)', '1993 WTC attacks'. `Patrick Clawson'. Project for the New American Century (PNAC) needed "a New Pearl Harbor", "Rebuilding America's Defenses". 9/11 Achieved those goals. -
BBC correspondent Jane Standley reported the collapse of WTC 7 (Soloman Brothers building) 20 minutes before it happened. CNN/FOX/MSNBC also had early reports.
BBC wtc 7′,
Jane Standley', Ashleigh Banfield'. -
"Flight 93″ debris was spread out over many miles. Cheney admits to giving the order to shootdown 93. "shot down the plane over Pennsylvania" Rumsfeld, "nothing that you could distinguish that a plane had crashed there" `Chris Konicki. "Not a drop of blood" Coroner Wallace Miller. "there was no plane." Mayor Ernie Stull.
Bush hesitated for 441 days before starting the 911 Commission.
Jersey Girls'.
Phil Zelikow' already wrote the outline before the commission began. Steel shipped over seas. Obstruction of justice. JFK and Pearl Harbor commissions were started within 7 days. -
The 911 commission was given extremely limited funds. $15 million was given to investigate 9/11. (Over $60 Million was spent investigating Clintons' affairs with Monica).
Bush said he watched the first plane crash into the North tower on TV before entering the classroom. "The TV was obviously on." Was informed about the second impact while reading `My Pet Goat' to the children. Remained for at least 8 more minutes while America was under "attack".
The PATRIOT ACT was written before 9/11. Signed into law October 26th, 2001.
Marvin Bush was director of Stratasec (Securacom,
KuAm') which was in charge of security of the WTC, United Airlines and Dulles International Airport. All three were breached on 9/11. ICTS was another company that provided security at the airports.
Wirt Walker',Ezra Harel',
ICTS", `WTC power downs'. -
"Who killed John O'Neil?". Former FBI task force agent investigating Al Qaeda/Bin Laden. Transferred by Kroll Corporation to head the security just before 9/11. John O'Neil died in the Towers.
Jerome Hauer'
Jules Kroll'. -
Insider trading based upon foreknowledge.
Put Options.' Never identified insiders made millions.
United and American Airlines' `Raytheon.' -
At least 7 of the 19 listed highjackers are still alive (BBC). No video footage of 19 highjackers or passengers boarding the 4 planes. Pilots of the 4 planes never squawked the highjacking code.
Alive highjackers',
ACARS', `Pilots for 9/11 Truth'.
My normal upload place for .mp4 is down. If anyone has any ideas as to where to save this. Looks like this hosting place will only stream it for 2 days.
Youtube hides his official channel. Here you go.
Anytime fren... :)
So we wait some more...
"The Ethics committee is responsible for investigating and reviewing allegations of misconduct by members of the House. They examine the evidence, conduct hearings, and determine whether the member's actions violated the rules or ethical standards of the House. The committee then makes recommendations to the House regarding potential disciplinary actions or further consequences."
That makes sense, by importing people who have ties to another country they hope to make the host country not patriotic but rather part of a globalist collective. Thanks
I heard Nick Fuentes ask this the other day mocking and I didn't have an answer. He said, if they are trying to depopulate us why are they trying to push immigrants into every country? The only thing I could think of is replacement. To have a whole new slave class... WDYT?
Essentially the same medication "puberty blockers" being given to our kids to pause their puberty until they decide if they wanna be full blown trannies or not.
After the 5th booster of the original they moved to what you will hear called "Bivalent" two mRNA pieces of code. lol
The bivalent COVID-19 vaccines have two mRNA components: one of which corresponds to the original strain of the virus that is broadly protective against COVID-19 and the other corresponds to the omicron variant BA.4 and BA.5 lineages to provide better protection against COVID-19 caused by the omicron variant.
Yes, they developed a "Platform" it's essentially creating a new molecule they designed on CRISPR the DNA editing tool they have. Their goal is to transform all vaccines to the mRNA platform so they can speed up their process.
What took a decade to approve is now just a matter of submitting a template to get rubber stamped.
The molecule is then coated in the lipd nano particle which is used as a delivery system to bypass your immune system. It deliver the payload "code/instructions" to make whatever Frankenstein spike protein etc.. they invented in the lab.
Whatever they have your body making it's synthetic and unnatural.
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for an Unapproved Product Review Memorandum Identifying Information Application Type EUA Amendment Application Number EUA 27034, Amendment 731 and 732 Sponsor Pfizer, Inc., on behalf of Pfizer and BioNTech Submission Date April 07, 2023, and April 12, 2023 Receipt Date April 07, 2023, and April 12, 202 Link:
FDA Letter:
I love it! I can't wait to see what these psychos want.