Agreed. As long as it is plausible that the security tools installed on devices, computers and servers everywhere were also harvesting data, that is all the cover that would be needed to release the declass data "anonymously", as if McAfee had collected it... kind of brilliant, when you think about it.
Nope. Solving those performance and scalability problems without breaking security looks to be close to impossible at this point. Some are hoping that specialized quantum computers are a potential solution, but how long will it be until we all have quantum computers? If ever?
You are mostly correct. The injections are not death jabs. Think of them as Russian Roulette. Some injections are harmless, some are neutral, and some are harmful (both short and long term).
The latest info is that the spike protein is not only a toxin, but it also acts as a prion that is able to pass the blood/brain barrier. So... long term, some of the people getting the injection will get neurological diseases like Alzheimer's, etc. The harmful injections do cause all kinds of other health problems as well.
Also, you are mistaken about the vaccine passports leading to a social score system. Yes, that is the DS plan, and yes that works in communist china, but it won't work in the US. The DS morons always think in terms of top-down command and control as a way to force people to do what they want them to do.
The US has a decentralized, distributed form of government (the states, and counties within states) that is very resistant to attempts at that sort of top-down coercion.
Some states have already passed laws that ban any sort of vaccine passport systems. More are following. Most will pass similar laws if it truly becomes a problem. That is a huge wrench thrown into the DS plans right there (we might have to move to a different state, but this IS a war).
Also, free enterprise and competition will quickly offer alternative products and services to replace those withheld by large businesses... plus, lawsuits will play a role as well (but those take a very long time to complete).
So, you are right about most of the things in your post, but the DS attempt to force vaccine passports and social score systems in the US will mostly fail.
The shills are swarming, using these types of lies to try to discredit DeSantis (and hoping the people on this site are too lazy to dig into it to expose the lies).
Think of it as a test to see which of the people here at GAW fall for these types of tactics. It is also a chance to practice critical thinking and discernment, if nothing else.
With enough practice, people really do become immune to propaganda going forward.
If his blockchain "dead man's switch" starts releasing significant amounts of data (think declass type stuff)... that could be a very big deal. 31 TB of data is the equivalent of thousands of DVD-length videos, etc.
I wonder what kind of data could be released like this? Hmmmm.
More smoke and mirrors so far. Any solutions to the performance and scalability problems (real solutions, not more bandaids) are fairly easy to prove with demonstrations of prototypes, which could then be independently verified.
Right now, Cardano only verifies their latest bandaids mathematically - not with real world performance testing and metrics.
Until then, they can blow all of it out their asses for all I care. I am waiting for real, verifiable PROOF of the solutions to these performance and scalability problems... without breaking security - not more promises, smoke and mirrors.
Well, two obvious problems in all blockchain systems are scalability and performance. This and other technical problems need to be addressed before these systems can ever be more than toys... and no, partitioning/sharding of the blockchain is a bandaid at best (looking at you Etherium), not a long term solution.
Every once in a while, Buy-den blurts out the truth.
Like when he said they had assembled the world's best election fraud system prior to the election, for example.
This is another glimpse into how the leftists really think. They are wrong, of course, if they believe the members of the US military would ever attack their fellow citizens though. Never going to happen...
As with everything else, Buy-den is full of shit. The entire statement is wrong, because it is based on the false premise that the military would use all of their weapons of war against their own fellow citizens. Never going to happen...
People can learn to recognize the concentrated efforts of groups of shills, creating multiple posts per day on the same topic filled with lies about the bill, backed up by other members of their shill teams to make supportive comments in each other's threads.
Too many people on this site fell for their tactics. All a deliberate effort to discredit DeSantis. He has them very worried.
The latest info on the injections is that they are intended to disable people in various ways, the worst being the prion diseases (Alzheimer's etc.). The spike proteins effectively ARE prions... but they do a lot of other damage throughout people's bodies.
Getting the injections is like playing Russian Roulette with your health. Some get a neutral injection, some get saline, some get poison.
Transmission ("shedding") of the spike protein is difficult, and requires a lot of direct contact, however. Exhalations are not enough - people complaining of feeling ill after being around people that got the injections are experiencing psychosomatic symptoms.
So, no Darwin awards right away... but lots of disabled people that others will have to take care of... like the guy in the picture above.
The provision to do that has been on the books in FL since 2002, when cuck Jeb Bush signed it into law. (Similar statutes exist in almost every state and have since the polio days)
The shills are swarming, trying to discredit DeSantis with misinformation about the recent bill prohibiting vaccine passports. Multiple posts every day spreading the same bullshit.
There is no point explaining things... Just treat them as trolls and ignore them.
... and that is why they cannot have a large control group of people that have not gotten the injections. It makes it obvious that the health problems are caused by the injections and not by "new variants" of the chinese virus.
All of the people responsible for these injections must be convicted of their crimes and executed.
All of us must get a supply of Ivermectin and the vitamins and minerals that go with it (Zinc, vitamins C and D, etc.) to start the treatment protocol as soon as any symptoms are experienced. This will not only protect everyone from illness but will also cause the chinese virus to become extinct.
This goes double for those that fell for the lies and propaganda about the injections - they are much more vulnerable to any follow on virus as a result. Fortunately for them, Ivermectin effectively treats almost all of the damage caused by the injections.
Ivermectin is such a safe and effective drug that it won a Nobel prize in 2015. It is off-patent and generic, so multiple doses cost about $2.00. Get some, and read about the treatment protocols at FLCCC ( ).
The AZ forensic audit has amazed me for several reasons.
First, it sort of just came out of left field while nobody was looking, after a rather lengthy delay. I was very pleasantly surprised when it started up, since I had previously given up on the states when the various state legislatures failed to do anything to address the rampant election fraud.
Second, the systematic and methodical professionalism of the audit itself also caught me by surprise. Where the hell did these Cyber Ninja guys come from, and how is it possible for them to be so good at something that has never been done before in the history of our country? They are just absolutely nailing this forensic audit. Truly a Gold Standard, indeed.
I strongly suspect that they have been planning and preparing (and maybe practicing) this forensic audit for quite some time... which kind of makes you go hmmmm.
Oh look! The shills are back... using some new handshake accounts... so sad.