None of that matters. You are spouting more bullshit. HE FIXED THE MILITARY. That was one of his primary jobs, and the DS could do nothing to stop him. He also fixed our economy, achieved energy independence, reduced regulations, etc. etc. but fixing the damage Obummer did to the military was extremely important to prepare for this war - and he was successful. Take your black-pill bullshit and shove it back up your ass where it came from.
Bullshit. You skip from Obummer straight to resident Buyden as if there was nobody in between, fixing all the damage done to the military during his first 4 year term.
Think hard, and maybe you can remember the name of this President who fixed things, "setting the stage".
Everyone getting the injection is an experimental test subject in clinical trials on humans (skipping over the animal trials). Everyone who does not get the injections is part of the control group (like me).
The only reason those clinical trials on animals matter is that until they are completed, the injections can only have Experimental Use Authorization (obtained fraudulently) and are therefore voluntary by law.
The numbers I have seen in paleo-climate research puts the sea level rise at 400 feet from the low approx. 18,000 years ago to current levels. It took many hundreds of years for the mile-thick ice sheets to melt completely, so there is some ambiguity.
You are talking about sea ice. Continental ice sheets approx. 1 mile thick covered much of the northern hemisphere. Seal level was 400 feet lower than it is today due to all the water locked up in the glaciers on land.
The land bridge between Asia and North America, and the subcontinent that became the South China Sea are two areas of land that flooded when the continental glaciers melted and sea level rose 400 feet (over time).
If there was an "Atlantis", it was most likely the area that is now the South China Sea. The South China sea is strange - average depth of 150 feet, which would have been 250 feet above sea level during the ice age.
11,000 years ago, that was a sub-continent sized isthmus that would have been one of the best places to live during the ice age climate. Warm, with a good amount of precipitation.
As the planet warmed up at the start of our current inter-glacial period (Holocene), that sub continent flooded. There is a reason that all ancient civilizations contain some sort of flood mythology in common.
Rigged elections are rigged. That should not be a shock to anyone at this point. We all have to do everything necessary to un-rig them, and make sure they stay that way.
If we do that, there will be few (if any) blues states.
There was a similar situation in the 70's with another vaccine - after approx. 50 deaths, the vaccination program was halted...
Times have changed. The DS and the MSM they control have gotten better at propaganda, and I think the sheeple have become even more gullible and stupid since then as well.
I agree. The rather obvious purpose of their actions was to discredit a medicine that had been used safely for 65 years was because they had to do that in order to get the Emergency Use Authorization for their injections.
If a safe, effective treatment is available, you can't get an EAU. So, their EAU was obtained fraudulently, and afterward 10 new big pharma billionaires were created (so far).
That is no coincidence at all. However, they will have left a trail of bribes and collusion behind them that should eventually result in their executions.
Parts of it are well done, but how can anyone tell if it is all just an elaborate LARP, or not?
Now a countdown to Sep. 17th... we have all had such good luck with Q-related datefagging - so this time, what could possibly go wrong?
The shills are desperate to debooonk this video. "I've been lighting off fireworks for over 100 years - ignore what you see and hear in the video and trust me instead".
I have a better idea. Many of us can hear the difference for ourselves in the video... so you can just fuck off.
Bullshit. Military tribunals don't play around.