I either have to have faith that we are watching a movie or believe the narrative. Can’t believe both. So Trump won but Kari didn’t? Kari is an integral part of the plot. Some disclosure and accountability coming in election fraud?
I’m wondering if it didn’t go something like this, “so we have this evidence showing beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were involved in the death of your intern. Mika, you helped cover it up. This can go one of two ways……”.
My daughter breast fed as long as she could (and now he has two little hamster teeth on bottom that can shred skin 😬) but she looks closely at the ingredients (no soy, organic, smaller companies) but it still concerns me since the FDA is so lax and don’t care what long term effects are on children. Truly evil.
I feel his pain. Aside from the mystery Frankenstein chemicals, McDonald’s doesn’t even taste the same as it used to. I’ve eaten it twice this year out of sheer desperation when traveling. I immediately regretted it both times.
If you really believe we are watching a movie, then you have to believe she is a major character in the plot. All eyes are on her race and it’s going to be very interesting how this plays out. If she “loses”, I hope Trump puts her in his cabinet. *sitting back with my popcorn.
Yeah I misread. Deleted. 🙃