I watched with no audio. But there's a reason they call general infantry "grunts".
I do believe they could be legit military. Too many people have a high vision of what they would consider actual military, mostly because of what they've seen on tv. I've experienced the military and I can confirm that the tv lies.
It's a numbers game. The chance of adverse effects from the virus vs adverse effects from the vaxx. Both numbers are small but one will be higher than the other.
For the majority, vaxxed and unvaxxed won't have any issues. That's the sector that is safe.
When more data arrives over time, those numbers will shift and I personally think that the vaxx will start to have a higher percentage of adverse effects.
That won't happen. A good portion of Walmart sales come from impulse buying. If they can't make you wander the store, you will have no idea what you "just have to have".
Every time your grocery store rearranges their aisles it is for this exact reason. It's a keystone of brick and mortar sales.
Let me guess. A little about about aids and puppies and nothing that is actually damning.