Datasinc 3 points ago +3 / -0

The soy-bois are no threat. It's the hungry, angry hippos you need to watch out for.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't noticed my taxes go down. I'm still paying to incarcerate people I've never met for crimes I'm not a victim of.

Scripture calls for the executions of kidnappers and rapists. There is zero calls for incarceration in scripture. Prison is unbiblical.

My point still stands.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alldaychemist.com (Not incredibly fast though)

Datasinc 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, he should be executed, not thrown in prison. Prison cost taxpayers $40,000 or more a year PER PERSON. That money is gained via theft at the threat of force from the government. By doing so you make every taxpayer a victim and you don't give the actual victims any closure.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those walls have been destroyed a couple of times via God's judgment. The most recent time was in 70 AD when Jesus came on the clouds and judgment on Jerusalem within the same generation that he was crucified. Also at the same time the temple was destroyed and sacrifice was ended.

Yes God's people are now those who are in Christ. The limited Waldorf vineyard has been destroyed and overrun. Gods people are now all over the world and the gentiles have been grafted in.

Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

That hedge is an allegory of the wall around Jerusalem.

It means that God would withdraw his protection from the Jews, and leave them exposed to be overrun and trodden down by their enemies, as a vineyard would be by wild beasts if it were not protected.

As far as the rest of your post goes... Either submit to God and His Word as the ultimate authority and objective standard of morality or something else fills in that void. For many atheists that's typically the government. An ever-changing subjective standard.

Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

They didn't "proposes a different interpretation" at all. You are misrepresenting the nature of their comment entirely.

You know there's a difference between saying something is definitively meaningless and saying that you don't think something has meaning or proposing ANYTHING?

Now that we've established a primary category (they made a definitive assertion) we can move on to subcategories and logical conclusions:

Logically that only leaves a couple of possibilities:

  • Stupidity

  • Intellectual dishonesty

So you're right, they may not be a shill, they very well may be an idiot.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Domestic abuse in lesbian relationships is higher than heterosexual relationships by far.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's exactly what I was attempting to convey to you.

Do. You. Understand. Now.?

Datasinc 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think your grasping the scope of what I'm saying... I'm talking about militarily Israel could wipe out Palestine in a very short amount of time, and redirect the waters to flood out their tunnels. This is a military fact. That they haven't done that is in fact restraint. Now what the reason of that restraint is, I'm not claiming to know. But we're basically talking about the military imbalance of Russia versus Ukraine.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think what you're failing to realize is that the people claiming to be God's chosen people and descendants thereof are in large part the remnants of the nation's that God instructed Israel to destroy.

What we have now is wolves disguising themselves as sheep.

They haven't had a legal claim to that land since 70 AD when Jesus came on the clouds and judgment and destroyed the temple and the city utilizing Romes armies to do so.

That was the divorce of Israel by God. His bride or now those who are in Christ. Is Temple is the body of the believers.

All Israel is now is a historical site.

Datasinc -3 points ago +4 / -7

Neither side is committing genocide unless you're changing the definition of that word.

One side has showed great restraint considering their military advantage. The other side has used money for humanitarian aid to instead launch attacks on the other time and time again.

They both fucking suck but let's not redefine terms or ignore that they're all ultimately shitty.

Datasinc 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly. 1000% this.

Datasinc 3 points ago +3 / -0

constitutionally guaranteed

No, constitutionally recognized as coming from our creator, God.

Parents and churches should have refused to allow the government to take over education period. Education is not the role of government.

Same with healthcare.

Churches founded every major historical university, they used to run schools, they used to establish hospitals, they used to voluntarily take responsibility for helping the needy instead of government welfare. It's all secular now.

This is a failing with America's Church and God's people giving up dominion and ground they had plowed and made fertile.

Jesus's blood bought it all. We're commanded to take dominion, not the back seat of society while someone else drives.

Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also the very big chain of $0.99 Cent Only stores just went bankrupt

Datasinc 20 points ago +20 / -0

That was a few days ago but still, praise God!

"Every head will bow. Every knee will bend. Every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord"

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dunno but Yuengling beer is freaking fantastic and hardcore patriotic.


Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. I don't have that particular book but I have several books that give a commentary and break down of Revelation like "He shall have Dominion" by Dr Kenneth Gentry And " before Jerusalem fell" The last days according to Jesus by RC Sproul. Chilton's book "Paradise restored" is on my reading list. Also heaven misplaced by Douglas Wilson is one that I want to dive into. I really love the sermons, discussions, lectures, and especially debates on the subject. Here's a killer playlist of those https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4vxYfDpoYaWjqK76eZukIyKtyX5Xa-J&si=AlfgbEqgaZqTP53c

Datasinc 2 points ago +6 / -4

The beast was Rome. Seven heads and 10 horns where the seven hills or provinces and the 10 governors of those provinces.

Revelation is written prior to 70 AD. It was about the upcoming destruction of Jerusalem and the temple by Rome's armies in 70 AD.

Rome, called the abomination of desolation, surrounded the holiest of holies and destroyed it.

And Christians when they saw Rome surrounding the city, fled to the mountains. They were practically the only ones that survived because they did exactly a scripture instructed them to.

Even Nero Caesar when written in Hebrew letters which are also numbers equaled 666. Nero was frequently called a beast and would even dress up in animal skins with claws to ripe apart Christians. He was executing Christians for not saying Kaiser curios, Caesar is Lord. He demanded to be worshiped above God or any other gods.

His image was on all the coins of the land so you couldn't buy or sell without his mark.

Datasinc 3 points ago +3 / -0

Appears to be in just a couple of frames when the watch is at a different angle.

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