Yes your post among other ivermectin posts, is the reason why I want to take ivermectin. I have had GERD for a long time and I got really upset when I found out that once I'm on omeprazole, I'm on it for the rest of my life. I was hoping omeprazole will actually CURE my GERD but it was just suppressing or whatever it was doing then I'd have acid reflux again the next day and the cycle continues.
When you said your wife cured GERD with ivermectin, this is one of the many reasons why I want to take ivermectin, to see if I can finally stop taking omeprazole!
My wife, so far, is the only one who have taken ivermectin here as when she was very sick (not sure if it was Covid but she was vomiting and bedridden for one day prior to taking ivermectin) and she was over whatever she had in 2 days after starting ivermectin. She noticed that the skin blotches she had for pretty much her whole life, has gone away. It would appear whenever she's sweating or when it's the summer here and now it's completely gone. She tried using Selsun Blue, many topical creams and pills to get rid of it but nothing!
Yep, Streamable already took the first link offline on OP's list for violating the TOS.
Can you repost the first one? The one that ends in 21yei8? It was taken offline due to violation of the TOS. For this one, put it on catbox?
Also thank you very much for the videos! Got all but one downloaded already!
Or try yt-dlp. Just copied and pasted the whole list to a txt file and had yt-dlp download them all in seconds. No "daily limits" as it works locally on your computer.
Thank you very much for replying back to me! Just wanted to make sure you're saying you were taking by weight on the plunger on your own schedule for about a year? I initially assumed you were taking like one or two "pill" amount every day and I thought I could do the same thing as I have a limited amount of pills on hand here that I'd like to share with my wife and my father.
Guess I'll have to buy more if you were actually taking it by weight almost daily. I understand your regimen but just wanted to make sure what amount you were taking daily as I like to be 100% sure.
As for your condition, I'm glad to see you got that cured and are in good health now! Would be nice to try and convince my mother in law to take it as she has Bell's Palsy WAY before Covid started and maybe it's exactly what she needs. It's also an unfortunate situation for your son but I'm really glad he got through the stupid ordeal and is alive today!
My wife and I are also taking the same thing you are for the vitamins except for aspirin as it's a NSAID. It did cause some stomach bleeding or the sort for me when I had to take the 81mg form (baby aspirin) to supplement my blood pressure medication. I was also taking omeprazole for my GERD so I don't know if it's just because I've been on HBP and GERD medication too long, it has been abusing my stomach, which is why I'm hoping Ivermectin will help me get my BP and GERD under control so I can stop going seeing the doctor.
My goal is to stop relying on the doctor for the Rx. I've been also taking Black Cumin seed oil and Oregano Oil and they actually are doing wonders for me right now as my stomach is feeling much better and my BP seems to be better than normal. So maybe with ivermectin, it will eradicate anything left in my bowels as well as in my body so I will have a clean bill of health, at last!
Again, thank you!
Yeah what I meant was I didn't configure it and it's set to the most vanilla setting (allow all). I have Ad blockers and I'm not stupid enough to click on anything that's risky and will compromise my network.
Firewall-cmd --list-all shows that it's active but there's no special rules like forward ports, icmp blocks and all.
So in a sense, I don't have a firewall as I'm having it allow all traffic to my computer.
Clearly a very late post, but you mentioned that you were taking tons of ivermectin. Can you clarify how much is "tons" and how often? I'm thinking of doing the same, not just for prophylaxis but to see if it will clear up a few ailments I have, along with GERD.
Like one pill a day daily or follow your body weight like Dr. Z's protocol and do that daily? I have a lot of ivermectin pills available and would like to use them ASAP but I'm trying to find out what's the best route to take.
If necessary, you can PM me instead. Thanks!
Works fine for me. Not using VPN or anything like that. But I'm on Linux and I don't even have antivirus programs and firewalls.
Be careful tho, they may take your comments as "suggestions" and actually follow them through, especially your nephew!
I know that Ohio is being used as a place where companies like to test their products out. I know this because my friend is obsessed with M&M's and Mars would release a lot of M&M's flavors like strawberry, mocha, coffee, etc. years before it hit the general market nationwide/worldwide.
The same goes for fast food restaurants like Wendy's and the Portobello Mushroom 'n Cheddar burger that came out 2-3 years before it went nationwide temporarily. We were in Ohio when that burger came out and it was delicious. Then we traveled out of state and we were in the mood for that burger special again and we went to the closest Wendy's we could find on the road. The Wendy's about 200 miles away from Ohio, said they've never heard of the Portobello Mushrooms 'n Cheddar burger and we got confused. When we got back to Ohio, we saw the same thing again and had it again. Later on, I found out about Ohio (Columbus specifically) being the test market state of the USA/world.
With that said, I'm thinking that's why myID is being tested here before it hits nationwide.
Another reason why East Palestine is getting the brunt of everything is like I mentioned about Ohio being the state to test your product in, is that they're gearing up for the 15 minute City thing? They're trying to evacuate residents so they can buy up land then turn it into a 15 Minute City prototype.
Or it could be for something worse that we don't know about yet.
Found this on 4chan. I looked through some but it's too long. Basically it's a list of all of the people who said they took the shot and either suffered adverse reactions and/or died from it.
It is strange that people will not take advice from people who love them but will take advice from complete strangers.
So very true! Can't tell you how many times I've given advice and family and friends would do the opposite of what I've suggested (even some blamed me for not warning them enough!)
Hope your mother-in-law makes a full recovery and from that point on, she's wide awake!
Probably the Super Bowl?
I know not many here watch football, including the Super Bowl but it was on when I was around. I just happened to see a commercial at halftime.
It goes like this: A woman standing with a clipboard, apparently a director or some kind of person who has to check everything to make sure things are going well or whatever. Anyways, she shakes her head, indicating "No", then the camera switches over to a Trojan Horse that was about to enter a castle, but was backing up and being removed. Then "Crowdstrike" logo came across the screen...?
Other than the Crowdstrike that's involved with the Russia!Russia!Russia! situation, I don't know what this Crowdstrike commercial is for. Don't know if this commercial will surface on YT or elsewhere and not sure if everyone across the nation are seeing the same commercials that I'm seeing right now as it may be location specific.
When you see a worksheet or maybe an activity that seems to have come out of a textbook, look for "CCSSX.XXX" on one of the corners, usually as a part of a header or a footer. (Where "X" would be a set of numbers like "2.212")
Calvert had a lot of "CCSS" plastered across all of the work my child has done. Common Core is not limited to Math, it can span across all subjects.
Your son's workload seems less than mine as we would be up til like 10 p.m. working on all of the homework that was assigned that day and it's like 1 homework would take 2 hours to complete, then the next again 2 hours or so. My child would get like 4 homework assignments per day, M-F and it's like 8 hours worth AFTER school to do them with little breaks in between.
It was awful and my child had a hard time understanding half of the material. As far as math goes, my child understands math but that's only if I did the traditional way first then the "Common Core" way and my child kept saying they prefer the traditional way because it's so easy and faster.
Maybe it's because Calvert had to adjust to coincide with my child's school's curriculum because before the "pandemic", we felt that the school wasn't doing a good job teaching. For the class of 2020, at the time of graduation, the whole class of 2020's proficiency in math was 10%...
That's really embarrassing and how could the school system allow them to graduate with little to no knowledge of math and I don't even know what subject they taught for seniors like Calculus, Geometry, Trigonometry or even Algebra? If it was Algebra and they struggled with that, then it's most likely due to Common Core not doing its job right.
Just know one thing about Common Core: it is a huge waste of time because it is very confusing and there are extra steps to do one simple problem. It's like they're encouraging you to THINK outside of the box a.k.a. disregard the Occam's Razor in a sense.
Another thing is that they are replacing fiction books with non-fiction books for "Literature", or rather, "ELA" because they felt fiction books are not helping children think and understand the situation better. That part was true with Calvert, where my kid had to do non-fiction books and do research and many more... This is for elementary education... Scary to think maybe on the high school education level, my child probably will have to do a thesis/dissertation for their ELA class senior project...
Came here to see if anyone mentioned Calvert and how bad it was.
My child had to use Calvert during the so-called "pandemic" crisis and it was so bad to the point where a lot of stuff were not organized properly, links were broken and we couldn't find content where the teacher told us to go to and it would be missing.
Not only that but when we are actually working on the content itself, it was clearly Common Core based, not traditional based. How did I know this? When we were working on a worksheet, there would be something like "CCSS1.213" on the top or bottom page (It will be "CCSS" but the numbers vary as it would adhere to the section and page method). The worksheet is just questions and my child had to fill in the answers but there was one question I had no idea what they were asking.
Had to look it up online because the teacher wasn't usually available to us as well as to everyone else because they were busy attending to every student in the whole school, I guess? Anyways, when I looked it up, the first hit I got was "Common Core Standards" and behold, all of the answers to the exact worksheet we were working on.
"CCSS" is Common Core State Standards so I looked ahead and found pretty much everything we were doing is Common Core. I immediately got upset because my child was getting confused and frustrated when they weren't understanding anything that was asked for them to answer, but it made sense to me when I was reading some of the stuff and I was like, WTF?! Plus the amount of work is way too much for a student. Even my wife and I don't remember doing this much work when we were in school, Even my father too and he was making comments on how crazy it was that my child had to do like 2x or 3x more work than we did back then.
Don't know if Calvert by itself is any different than Calvert when working in partnership with the school but the Calvert we went through that was provided by the school, was horrible.
Hey wait, that's that dude from "The Princess Bride"!
I remember telling this to my Irish friend who was claiming that the black were the first slaves. He is a very educated person and even he knew that the Irish were the first to be slaves, he called me a racist for saying the Irish was the first and shut me out of his life. This is the same friend who also thought that I was a conspiracy theorist/alt-right for saying the clotshot will kill people. I did not even mention President Trump at all in my communication to him, yet he made the claim I'm using right wing talking points to "refute" him.
This was like 2 something years ago so Idk what's up with him as he have totally cut off all communication with me and my wife (we all were good friends in college and he was my roommate for a good portion of my college life).
Sad to see someone who had a lot in common with me and was awesome to talk to, has gone the cucked lifestyle now due to his wife, who is a massive SJW faggot.
Quality of the video isn't neat and clear but I was able to download the video then grab a screencap of him doing the thumbs up.
Looking at this screencap and the Jack Maxey pics, doesn't really look the same unless he grew his hair out and styled it differently.
If you're using wget for that, then use robots=off to prevent that from happening.
Anyone notice a large chunk of saved posts are gone from your saved folders here on GAW? I have one folder with over 2,200+ posts saved and now it's down to 1,900 something.
My initial thought was that one user had their account deleted, taking the posts along with the account into the void.
I think it's just your typical movie theater pop with straw through the top lid for aesthetic purposes. Don't think it's code/comms.
"American Dad" did an episode on trans fat. It was "Live and Let Fry" episode where Stan Smith, a CIA agent, finds out his office is pulling trans fat out and all of a sudden there's a trans fat ban in his hometown. So Stan got desperate and start smuggling trans fat into his hometown and his boss is on to him as the boss starts asking questions about trans fat.
Stan then have his son, Steve, smuggle trans fat but Stan's boss is also on to Steve so Steve pedals home on his bike while consuming trans fat out of the container and experience a heart attack like symptom (angina).
Basically it's just an episode that's supposed to be funny and all, but also teaches a lesson that trans fat is still bad, which is why it should stay banned.
I used to like American Dad as well as Family Guy but after 2016, it got cucked so bad, I stopped watching them all (American Dad is off air now but Family Guy is still running I believe).
So apparently this is satire according to this Facebook page.
Not only that but it was posted back in 2019.
Don't know how this will look on mobile, but on desktop, you will find "Portsmouth Ohio Official" title on the right side with "Satire page" right under the title.
Clearly her GERD is worse than mine. I'd just have an acid reflux from just lying down and the main reason why I started omeprazole was because I had a hole in my throat that they could see from just peering into my mouth. They said omeprazole (nexium back then) would fix that.
Little did I know back then that I'd be chained to omeprazole for the rest of my life, which is why I'm hoping ivermectin will free myself from the chains.