Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

I looked this school up because I used to live in the west suburbs of Chicago and wanted to know where this school was at.

Looking at the wiki and I'm like wow... A lot of actors/actresses as well as some democratic politicians like Ayassa Pressley went to this school. This also includes Jay Pritzker, J.B. Pritzker's uncle and James "Jennifer" Pritzker, J.B.'s tranny cousin. It is also noteworthy that half of the list, if not more than half, are the kind that Ye is talking about... Their last names are quite obvious, so obvious you don't need to look at the "Early Life" section to find out.

The school said it's a "Progressive Education" school. "Chicago Parent" did an article on that school, discussing the 5 things parents need to know about "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" (DEI) and yeah it's a cucked school.

Illinois really need to kick the Pritzker family and out of Illinois ASAP if they want to save Chicago and Illinois altogether... Lori Lightfoot as well, back to Ohio or rather somewhere else, where there are people who are "tolerant" and will accept someone like her. I know no one from Chicago who appreciates Lori or J.B. at all.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

We have to be careful with this. The pic used in that tweet is from 2020, around 4th of July in Georgia, but people are thinking it's the most recent image from the runoff.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly. It probably will be very confusing, painful and overwhelming for me when my auditory sense comes back and I'll be having a hard time handling stuff and trying to understand where that sound is coming from, what is making that sound, who is talking?

So I don't think I'll want to be able to hear as I've been managing just fine up til now. Of course, it would be nice to hear my child's voice but I also wanted to be able to hear my mom's voice, my dad's voice, my aunt's voice and many other people's voice and for some of them, it'll be too late for me to hear their voice if I ever get my hearing back.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 12 points ago +12 / -0

Q probably is talking about the people who are not red-pilled so once they find out, they'd want to do something drastic to themselves like suicide. I don't think Q means the world population or at least America's population.

We all know what's going on so we'll be prepared for what's coming, but for those not prepared, will be hit like a Mack truck.

Reading the comments here, I see some people are talking about DNA and the vaccine. I don't know about that one because how is it possible to restore DNA once you've reached maturity? Will all of the abnormalities go back to normal, like autism, Cerebral Palsy, deafness and many more?

I was born hearing but got sick with a terrible illness, which put me in the NICU for a long time. I got better then as a result of that, I became deaf. Years later, we have a child and we find out our child has some physical difficulties but nothing severe. We had our child go through tests to find out what's the main cause and through that, I found out that I have a small genetic deletion in my DNA. Apparently, my child has inherited the same small genetic deletion, which most likely explains my child's physical difficulties.

The geneticist told me that it is most likely due to the vaccine I got when I was a baby. This discovery was made long before Covid and the vaccine (a few years prior). It's thanks to that, I've become wary of any and all vaccines we take, including the Covid vaccine.

So I've been living my whole life with a small genetic deletion and if it's possible to restore DNA, then I don't know how to feel. Might be good for my child as my child is still young but for me, I've lived my whole life being deaf and all that so it will be a huge game changer for me.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe it's a religion that believes in UFOs and extraterrestrial lifeforms and all that. See the logo in that pic I included? That's their logo -- a combo of the Star of David and the Swastika.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure if this is true but I think Elon said he wanted to punch Ye for posting that swaskita but it's the Jewish Star with the Swaskita in middle of it like the Raelism logo and guess who got the honorary award from the Raelian Movement? Yup...

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 10 points ago +10 / -0

Maybe followers of the Bohemian Grove? Or the layout of Washington, D.C.?

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep and I'm here waiting to have my 13 year old account reinstated...

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope the "MuH cOvId" SJW fags who have watched this video or any other videos that included Bidet coughing and blowing into a tissue with his BARE hands then exchanging handshakes with Faggy Macron, again with BARE hands for both parties, will explode like the REEE'ing SJW.

They will realize the narrative they were led to believe, has been a huge stinkin' lie this whole time! If not, then they're the 4-6% who will be lost forever mentally.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah it was more of the physical features of the communicator. Apple made the claim that it was unique and no one have replicated it before but Samsung showed the S.T. communicator in court, which bears similar resemblance to the iPhone as far as the rectangular form and color in appearance goes. There's more to that but it has been a long time and I'm not really interested in the Android v. iPhone thing anymore as both companies are cucked.

I'm just waiting for the next best competitor to the cucked companies so I can switch away from Android and to a Linux-based OS that would rival Android.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 8 points ago +8 / -0

If it's a Balenciaga hood, then I think he's trying to bring attention to Balenciaga because he had a mouthpiece with "Balenciaga" on it then after the dinner with President Trump, he had rainboots on and on it, it says, "Balenciaga".

Would be odd to be against a company while wearing their merchandise? I think it's all for attention. He wants us to be eyes on Balenciaga and expose them as much as possible.

I know the situation is weird, even I am trying to understand the whole situation, but I think he's doing it to get eyes on him.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 4 points ago +4 / -0

Was wondering the same as my account hasn't been reinstated yet. Got permanently suspended for spreading the truth on Covid and the vaccine after 5 violations.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 4 points ago +4 / -0

Is GAW loading slow for everyone or is it just me? I can load any other sites fine but browsing GAW feels like I'm on a 56.6 kbps modem i.e. pictures are not loading at a blazing fast speed, but like parts of the picture are showing up in increments as it loads. Even the GAW banner is loading slowly...

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow that's a lot of masks on the ground! Here in Ohio, I've seen at least 5 so far, littered on the ground and I've been everywhere in this town for the last 2 years.

Interesting to see that happening in Japan, of all places, where they'd prefer to keep it clean. I'd think it would be like Hawaii, where you can't smoke a cigarette close to people and places and you can't just flick the butt away, you have to dispose it properly or get a hefty fine along with menacing glances from the residents.

As for the captchas and all, yeah it's weird and I don't post on any boards on 4chan, ever because I'm on clearnet, not even behind a proxy or using VPN so nah. I've been tempted to reply to someone's post but held my temptation back. If you ever consider going back to 4chan, I'd suggest installing 4Chan X extension, it makes the experience better and helps you with the filtering.

Thanks for sharing your photo gallery, I'm dumbfounded to see that happening! Also thanks for explaining your experience in Japan! I'm aware of the effeminacy there as I do watch anime but I still want to visit Japan. I know anime can be viewed as cringe by many on here as well as everywhere but hey, it's better than watching primetime T.V. shows, that's way more cringe than anime.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

You sound like you go on /pol/ often lol

Anyone who brings up East Asians having higher IQ on average than others can GTFO.

I go on /pol/ often and I keep seeing these "IQ" slide threads saying why are Asians so smart, while other nations are not as smart as Asians? blah blah.

On a side note, I'd love to visit Japan one day. I truly admire their culture, food and the environment! I love that they make it a habit to clean up after themselves no matter where they are but I think sometimes they really need to tone it down as there are custodial services that take care of that, like the Japanese fans cleaned up after themselves at the Qatar World Cup. I mean, nothing's wrong with showing respect but if there's cleaning services available for that, they should just yield to the cleaning services!

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is off the point, but I'm noticing more and more of words with asterisks in them.

What's going on with that? For example, the title has "killed" in it but instead, "k*lled". I also have seen "s*ic*de", "s*x" and some others. If it's there because they don't want to offend snowflakes, who cares?! But if there's a good reason for that, I'd like to hear them, like maybe to avoid censorship by the censor bots?

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

What really?! I have two Raspberry Pis 4 but I haven't been monitoring Pi news so what's going on?

Could it be because Raspberry Pi don't have a backdoor access for their ARM processor so they want to force backdoor access on future models? I read that Intel is going to come out with new CPUs that will come with a subscription plan where you pay more to unlock additional features on your CPU. I think Intel also have backdoor access for Microsoft to exploit in case of anything i.e. hacking, child porn and all that, but I suspect it's not for any of these reasons...

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

And the iPhone was a ripoff of the Star Trek communicator that Samsung has proven in court many times.

Remember Apple's motto, "Good Artists copy, Great Artists steal" and they stole everything from that Star Trek communicator but blamed Samsung of doing the same thing. That's why I've always viewed Apple as a hypocritical company for a long time.

"It's revolutionary!" is a cringe phrase so whenever Apple say, "it's revolutionary!", that means they stole something or or finally implemented a 2 year+ old technology in their "revolutionary" phone (see the Bluetooth situation).

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