Deaf_MAGA_Pede 6 points ago +6 / -0

Could the reason why Trump picked Vance for VP is because of his wife is Indian? It's like Trump is telling us who the demonrat (sic) presidential candidate will be and it turns out to be Cumala Harris, an Indian?

I know I'm reaching here cuz it would be ridiculous that Trump picked his veep just to showcase the wife as part of a foreboding sequence for us to witness, but I can't think of a legit reason why Trump picked Vance. He doesn't have that VP, or at least presidential, material in him to lead America, at least to me.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Found these clips from 4chan:




Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tommy Chong used CBD oil to treat his prostate cancer, I believe. He even got it after years and years of smoking weed.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 4 points ago +4 / -0

Really interesting what St. Louis did there because in the deaf community, people sign it like that for "Deaf Power".

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for this, my wife is already taking some of the recommended vitamins on the list but I'll try Turmeric and Ginger to see if it will help/improve.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah I am well aware of that but unfortunately my wife and I both are deaf and we live off on disability benefits with medicare coverage. Medicare, AFAIK, don't cover naturopathy.

So if we were to see one, we would be paying out of our pockets. I'm able to get it under control with feverfew and magnesium like I mentioned above, but there are days when migraine is too strong, especially around the time of the month for my wife. :(

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 7 points ago +7 / -0

I remember a while ago, someone posted something about taking Sudafed to treat their migraines but found out that their local store no longer carry Sudafed, so they had to procure it on the "interwebs".

I tried searching but the most recent info on Sudafed was 10 months ago on GAW. I know it was more recent as I told my wife, who also are suffering from migraines, about what OP said on Sudafed. She has it under control with Magnesium Glycinate and Feverfew but sometimes there are days when both don't help, despite her taking 4 or 5 Feverfew capsules (normally 3 capsules a day).

I'm trying to find what the specific name of Sudafed if it's a particular one that has whatever in it that's different from any other Sudafed. It was something like Sudafed NR or something?

Anyone know the post I'm talking about or at least can OP of that post reach out to me on here? Thanks!

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, it's on Crunchyroll but it doesn't have Rohan Kishibe's Adventures and Stone Ocean adventure with the new female Joestar character.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru!" Kenshiro Trump says to the shooter! (Translates to: "You are already dead" for those not familiar with Kenshiro's phrase from "Fist of the North Star" series)

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does that mean Trump now goes by, "Jonald Joetrumpstar" or simply "John Joetrumpstar"?

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can imagine Trump's stand going, "Ora ora ora ora ora" as he plummets the shooter into the ground, while Trump dances away.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

But Hayao Miyazaki said "Anime is a mistake"!

I know what he meant, his kind of anime is great because it's a great "slice of life" and good-feels kind of anime, not the weird ones with a lot of sex appeal, sexual innuendos, sexual fetishes (including lolicons and waifus), androgynous people and off-the-wall nonsense.

There are still good anime outside of Studio Ghibli that I watch but yeah there are some questionable anime that I avoid because they're too weird and creepy.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn, yeah exactly what I've heard about work ethics in Japan. Harsh and unforgiving.

They'd both gone to the same high school together, one for low-level students with bad grades.

I'm imagining they had pompadours, dressed like gangsters wielding a bat or chains, rode motorcycles and had ganguro girlfriends. They probably even smoked in the bathroom and bullied the cowardly teachers.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm sure u/stevethefish76 can elaborate on that better than I can since he's literally there in Japan, but work ethics is pretty much like that in Japan.

They will have you work and work for hours and sleep there at the corporate office and take a shower or wash yourself at the sink in the employee restrooms.

You have to literally kiss their feet and asses to get at least one rung above on the ladder if you want to succeed. If you badmouth or underperform, they will shame you for eternity.

They can't really fire you unless you commit a heinous crime like murder or embezzlement so basically you're chained up to the company unless you commit seppuku or jump out of the window.

I believe if you quit, they will make it hard for you to find another job elsewhere. That's why we see a lot of NEETs (No Education, Employment or Training) living at home, playing video games and watching anime cuz they don't even want to work for a company that treats you like shit.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +5 / -2

Good for him but I still don't trust him. I still think he's a Trojan Horse.

I got my account reinstated a few months after he took over Twitter, then a few months ago, my account got suspended out of the blue, without warning or reason for suspension.

The reason for suspension? Elon Musk made several tweets talking about pedophiles and how awful they are, how they're well protected by deep state and stuff like that.

I forgot what I said, but it was a very, very mild comment along with "p3d0s" in my comment, cuz I didn't want to get suspended since there are a lot of people commenting with asterisks like "k*ll*ng", "r*p*d", etc.

Boom. Got suspended. I appealed like 15 times and I kept getting the same response from X over and over,

"X reserves the right to permanently suspend accounts that violate the X Rules or Terms of Service without further notice.

This account is suspended."

And nothing more.

All because I made a comment about pedophiles and put "pedos" in codes so I don't get flagged for "offensive" language?

That's BS.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

When President Trump said he will be back "in less than 5 months" in October of 2023 (not sure if I have the quote and date correctly), many people here, myself included, thought he would be back by either January or February of 2024 because we based that on the day Trump said he will be back.

But now, if we think mirror, it could mean from the point of when he's coming back, like for example November 5, 2024, and we have to go back 5 months, which would be ~July 5, 2024 for us.

Could be Christmas 2024 cuz he said we will have a "happy, merry Christmas!", so that would be Christmas 2024 going 5 months back to August 2024?

Again, if January 20, 2025, then it will be ~September 20, 2024 for us?

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or if you know your way around terminal/windows command line interface, you can install yt-dlp.

That's what I've been using the last 7 years, backing up a lot of videos. I love it and it's very flexible and easy!

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm a Linux user (Fedora) and have been one the last 10+ years and have not looked back to Windows. Recently, I helped my MIL set up a new laptop and it came with S mode enabled. Took me two days to switch out of S mode. After all that crap, it made me feel better about my decision to switch over to Linux.

The reason why I switched was cuz I grew tired of having to wait half a day for one single hotfix to apply, even on my custom built computer with the latest technology at that time, it still took half a friggin' day to apply a hotfix? Bye Windows.

Windows 11 isn't any better as it is pushing me away even further from going back to Windows.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

That PDF you linked, is literally the same PDF I have in my comment above and yes I've been following it, especially Protocol 1000. I'm about to do Protocol 1000+ in a few days as I have DMSO 70% here with me.

I've already done the starting procedure and got up to 3 drops. I don't know if you read my comment but I've explained what I did so far.


Deaf_MAGA_Pede 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK I must have misunderstood what you meant by measuring. I thought you were talking about the water part, not the drops part.

I've been doing the 3 drops (3 drops of NaClO2 with 3 drops of HCL activated in a glass cup) and added 4 oz of distilled water in between 20-30 seconds of the activating process to stop it from overactivating. I've been following the PDF from Ultimate Guide to Chlorine Dioxide with information from Brian Stone. I read it like 10 times, particularly the part where I need to do the protocol, i.e. Protocol 1000/1000+.

I believe I'm following it correctly and now I'm on Day 4 of the Protocol 1000.

Deaf_MAGA_Pede 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes and no. I've been eating one meal plus snacks pretty much daily but while on MMS, it was hard for me to not eat anything during the 10 hours period (8 hours with doses and 2 hours after to allow the mixture to distribute until it converts into salt in my stomach).

I found myself very hungry during the 8 hours period because it really does process whatever's in my stomach quick enough.

You just have to be careful with what you eat and not to overeat like eating a huge meal before starting the protocol because it can upset your stomach and cause a lot of burping and bloating. You can eat a big meal after 10 hours like dinner.

Also you need to remember not to eat anything that will neutralize the MMS/CDS like milk, chocolate, fruits and vegetables that have antioxidants (MMS/CDS is an oxidating agent and antioxidants will cancel that) and high in Vitamin C, supplements and on. The PDF I provided, have information on what you shouldn't eat.

So with that said, I've been trying to do the carnivore diet like steak and eggs. I've stopped eating chocolate for about 17 days now and while it was hard at first, I've gotten used to not eating chocolate now and I'm feeling much better than ever.

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