Deplorable5 1 point ago +1 / -0

And Mitch is a RINO.

Deplorable5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Useless. Just respect what he has done as his choice and enjoy your friendship as long as you can. With a little luck, he was in the placebo group. But chances are, he will blindly take any and all boosters.

Deplorable5 1 point ago +1 / -0

Milley and Biden must be court martialed.

Deplorable5 8 points ago +8 / -0

Please at all costs, if you suspect a Covid, avoid the hospital. Chances are with respiratory issues you will wind up on a ventilator. Call the Frontline Doctors. They will get the drugs you need to you quickly. Meantime read up on increasing your vitamin D and C, zinc, quercitin to try to get on top of the illness. All of these are readily available at your local Vitamin shop, GNC, local pharmacies. If not go to Swanson’s Vitamins or Amazon. Have them on hand, just in case.

Deplorable5 9 points ago +9 / -0

These doctors are a few among many who care about people. They don’t know us, but they do know the disease and what it is capable of. They know medicine, and every day put their licenses and reputation on the line to help people. Yes, it is costly for us, but also for them. How can you put a price on your health, your life? From personal experience with them, they ask the right questions about your health and determine what to prescribe based on your responses.

by Quelle
Deplorable5 1 point ago +1 / -0

I suggest all the scientists involved in producing the Covid shots and booster, as well as the heads of the a Big Pharma, Hospital administrators, heads of the CDC, NIH, FDA, Boards of Public Health, school board members all receive triple shots as they are forced to triple mask.

Deplorable5 2 points ago +2 / -0

How do they know there are variants when Covid has not been isolated, let alone the variants. And there is no legitimate, reliable test to test for any of the above.

Deplorable5 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Save Israel for the Last”. President Trump

Deplorable5 4 points ago +4 / -0

Australia government keeps citing a surge in Covid and the media keeps repeating it. No one asks, “how do you know there is a surge in Covid and not pneumonia, a cold strain or the flu when there is no legitimate test for Covid because neither Covid or the supposed strains have been isolated?” “Why are we locking down for an illness 99.7% survivable in the absence of comorbidities?” But sadly, media is a puppet of the government and the governments are puppets of a Deep State which is so evil they want money, power, control and depopulation. They are not quarantining you to “control the spread of Covid”. They don’t care if you die, because if they did care, they would be pulling the a Covid shots which have caused more deaths and adverse events than any of the vaccines combined in 20 years. Most countries are ignoring the deaths and injuries and continue to push forward with mandates, boosters, and Covid shot passports all for a shot that DOES NOT prevent Covid, but “might” lessen symptoms. Does this sound like your countries really care if you die? One thing I can promise you is that they will never stop the “booster” shots, they will keep moving the bar for your freedoms, they will demand you get the flu shot too (once the “new” test differentiating Covid from flu comes out in Jan. 2022). How will they present a new test, when they still have not isolated Covid or the supposed “variants”? More lies and subterfuge.

Deplorable5 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hope all those sneering doctors took their Covid shot. We will have the last laugh when we prove to be more knowledgeable about the Covid shot than they were. Work to remove from office all of those who dismiss us and think they are superior. For those school board members demanding masks for children, ask them to provide literature supporting their stance. Come prepared with your own handouts at the next school board meeting.

Deplorable5 1 point ago +1 / -0

And next month it will be only 4X vaccinated who are considered vaccinated.

Deplorable5 14 points ago +14 / -0

Because the AMA is being paid off to suppress treatments that work by Big Pharma? Medical licenses and admission privileges are being threatened by those who remember the Hypocratic oath and are being punished for trying to save lives.

Deplorable5 1 point ago +1 / -0

13 is an unlucky number. Is there some meaning with 13 service men and women killed?

Deplorable5 13 points ago +13 / -0

The government agenda to force everyone to take the Covid shot without the government mandating it is a work through on business (I would be willing to bet tax incentives, money or special favors are being offered), hospitals and administrators are being blackmailed (push the shot or risk not being able to take care of or receive reimbursement for Medicare, Medicaid patients, loss of government and Big Pharma grants, doctors-push the shot for monetary reasons or threaten loss of license to practice medicine or admit patients to hospitals.

Deplorable5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of course the Covid shot effects the nervous system: seizures, Guillian Barre (can effect your ability to void, defecate, walk, turn over in bed, stand, speak, breathe), Bell’s Palsy-drooping of the mouth, one side of the face, visual problems-optic nerve, uncontrollable jerking of the body.

Deplorable5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only problem, the Covid shot is NOT a PREVENTATIVE. Doctors who believe it does zero harm need to look at the VAERS report.

Deplorable5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Back in the 70’s, there was more patient focus. That changed in the late 80’s. JCOAH is a joke. The hospitals know the window in which they are coming, clean the hospital is for the visit and pay overtime to appear well staffed. The leadership picks the chats that will be reviewed.

Deplorable5 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hospitals aren’t stupid-they are bought and paid by the a Big Pharma, AMA, AAP, the government threatening to withhold Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement. I agree totally with Halya’s comments below. I worked in hospitals for 47 years. It is all very political and very politically correct these days. Remember the government mandate for electronic medical records so that your records could be accessed anywhere in the U.S.? Not true, because not all hospitals have the same electronic records and they don’t speak to each other. Just a scam for government to access your health records?

by Quelle
Deplorable5 1 point ago +1 / -0

If vaccines worked the vaccinated would not have to worry about the “unvaccinated”!

Deplorable5 3 points ago +3 / -0

When you think about how deep and worldwide the corruption and evil goes, you have to expect everything can not happen over night. I want it to, but if we just get the body and not the head, it will just regenerate.

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