the egg head on the right behing trump looking shocked
source was the alien fucker
darnkess not darkness
reread/rewatch qproofs to see that Q is in fact working together with trump and isnt just a "conspiracy of some guy in his basement"
bald head*
when you put the original pic of obama and the mustache man into google reverse image search you would get the "do you mean: michelle obama is a man" annotation
he also bombed innocent german kids
yeah thats some baldhead
yes he deleting everything
star link? will we be able to receive alien tv shows?
he deleted my post where i revealed that the pillow guy is Q. maybe its not allowed to reveal that part of the plan yet
yes catched that too
he said the worst plague since 1917
so the pillow guy was Q all along
yeah the left are all expecting that already
so whats happening
it was the new zealand mosque shooting. And shortly before this, podesta had a trip to new zealand and warned of something
spirit cooking scars
she, or was it someone else, said "Qanon believers believe you are saving the world from a satanic pedophile" thing something like that, and trump said: "well is that supposed to be a bad thing?"
fatherhood v video
he put out two videos about that whistleblower blowing the whistle on roberts and pence
When you put that left image inzo google reverse image search it says "do you mean: Michelle Obama is a man" ?
he saw his, and their ENDING coming SOON, now (then) as trumps in place. it hit him like a PTSD flashback