Praying for that precious little person, fren.
Also praying that your sister's eyes and mind are opened to the evil deceit that has caused her to believe Pharma's propaganda.
I wish you and your family all the best in these troubling times.
I'm surprised the Moslems haven't objected to that clenched fist image.
The image has been borrowed from Marxism.The image is a Marxist symbol of resistance against Fascist, Capitalist Oppression.
Now I might be generalising here, but that styled fist is a left hand. In some Islamic cultures, the left hand is seen as the unclean hand, usually because that hand is used to wipe their arse.
Displaying the left hand to wave at other Moslems can be considered a serious insult, often resulting in reciprocal violence in some Islamic cultures.
Adding the penis is icing on the cake!
Fun Historical fact. The Nazis had a propaganda photo of Hitler standing with his right hand near his groin.
The British photo shopped a penis into his hand and then airdropped post cards of the image over Occupied Europe!
Hi fren, here is a link to a NTSB website with aircrash data from 2006 to latest records.
When you open the link the Page is "Summary Charts", clink the "Yearly and Monthly Totals" box.
With all the information that Awake people have access to, it can be alarming and frustrating to see "sheeple" still trapped within this matrix mindset.
It would be good if elements of the MSM could be controlled to start to break the "sheeple" out of this mind virus.
It's still early days in Trump phase 3. There is much happening beneath the surface that we can't have access to for OpSec reasons. All we can do is be patient and wait as events unfold.
Always try to look at the big picture, the 40,000 foot view.
Here is an Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) article with some information about how the payment to Hospitals for Covid Murder is calculated.
The reality annoying outcome of this appalling situation is that the current education system would insist that students being forced to use "speech to text apps", prove the system is working!
The Cabal and their "useful fool" puppets have been very successful in dumbing down society!
Hi, fren, here is a nitter link. On Don Simian's post, click on his x,com/i/article.
It was the Deep State operatives in the US that badly mishandled a counterinsurgency war. The Deep State profited handsomely at the expense of the Vietnamese, Americans and others such as Australians, New Zealanders,South Koreans.
The Vietnam War was another awful chapter in the tragic catalogue of "Endless Wars"
We used to get Coronation Street in Australia. It was taken off air Year ago as far as I know.
I couldn't help myself, I had to know how many episodes there has been.
That's a good article,fren. I've got one pet normie, 22 y/o female who proudly and defiantly tells me that she's due for her HPV vax top up, and she getting it despite my advice to research all vaccinations, especially the HPV one.
I'll send her this and see how much abuse I get this time!
I managed to stop her at 3 covid Vaxx.
They are getting desperate and terrified!
I saw an article,that I wish I had downloaded, about the way DJT leans forward. ( He's probably subconsciously intimidating his Deep State opponent when he has to shake their hand).
The article stated that the forward leaning was a sign of dementia, and thus DJT is not fit to be President, but apparently Biden was perfectly fine.
These MSM Deep State idiots want to go down feeblely fighting!
If it's D3, you are good to go, fren.
Calcifediol capsules are very useful.It is very fast acting, getting into the blood stream within a few hours unlike oral D3 capsules that tend to take days.
Calcifediol on it's own could have played a major role, as first line treatment, in saving many lives during the "Plandemic".
That's excellent news, fren. An incident like that can be a big scare and really shake you up! Take your time to recover and get back to your old self! You now have more time to help guide your children into the New World!
Welcome back to the Digital Battlefield, Soldier!
You hit on good point about citizens having the ability to have a referendum. There should be a process in all Countries, for citizens to call for a referendum, that isn't ridiculously complicated and doesn't result in a badly worded question that guarantees the referendum is rigged to result in the decision the "Powers that be" want.
You aren't wrong, fren. There is still much careful work to be done to awaken many people to what has been happening for millennia. It definitely appears the White Hats are following a very detailed "Plan" to reveal the truth to Humanity.
"Patience is a virtue"
Hi fren, here is a link for the "Stop World Control" website.
Scroll down about 6 articles and videos till you find a video titled " Operation Warpspeed Stopped The FEMA Camps", the video is about the artist of that painting. The artist's name is Chad Vivas, he appears on the video at approx 11 mins 50 seconds.
The video shows a lot of his paintings and mentions that he gave that painting to DJT.