As big as his head is, he has no brain!!
If these people stop announcing how much the other side needs to come up with, maybe she stands a chance! Lol Honestly, Arizona is Blue. It is California east. Red counties have to secede The way Oregon counties are seceding softly. They are quietly seceding to be governed by red states. The answer is disunion and secession.
Arizona is lost. And that has to be okay. Eyes on red states for secession planning.
We have to form a new republic. The answer is secession and disunion. We are trying to end federal overreach. We don’t need a congress or a senate or a presidency. It’s time to accept that. Secessionists do, Texas already drafted up the fucking papers! California has a secession model and so does Vermont! We need to divide state vs federal assets. Militaries must come together and negotiations must be had by former intelligence employees on our side with other countries who have nukes (temporary measure). You people would rather go through the pain of seceding than living under the thumb of Biden. Trust me. Secession is the answer. Don’t wait for trump to say it. If he did you’d be for it!!
We don’t need to do what Brazil is doing. If we take back the federal government, we would hurt our cause. We want to end federal government overreach. And frankly, Brazil is homogenized enough, that they unite under one banner. I would not fight for a progressive to live in a Republic with me. Fuck those people. Our answer is secession and disunion. Red states have the votes. This is our hill to climb. Stop going to war to die for progressives and liberals. You fought to end slavery to be framed and abused! Secede. It’s your natural born right! Red states must lead the charge. State and federal assets must be divided. Our militaries must unite and at the same time negotiations must happen with other countries we can ally with who have nukes. We have people who have intelligence backgrounds, and they know how things work. The answer is not mobilizing like brazil. It’s not participating in a rigged system. Republicans and Democrats in office, are both endorsers of positive freedom, (they grow government).. You people are salt of the earth people, but your ignorance was preyed upon. Conservatism is an ideology, but you either grow government or shrink it. You can be a conservative and a progressive and vote for the same policies if you endorse growing government. Conservatives like us, believe in negative freedom. We shrink government. Get it? You people vote in conservatives that endorse positive freedom. People who make the government positive (greater in size)… So no one represents us. No one. Let progressives be caught in the cage they built. Again, we don’t need to die for them. You dont need to run into building to save them from fires, you don’t need to fight for fair elections THEY CORRUPT. Brazilians protect their own. We can’t do the same. I want progressives to get locked in the cage they build. I just don’t want to be locked in it with them.
I don’t know….the military went through purges, didn’t they? Most were on the end of an inquisition about their voting pattern? Our boys are not in the military anymore. I hope I’m wrong,
If the other side of politics are indoctrinated, no news breaks will change anything. I do t feel the truth coming to light helps because people have the ability to turn the other way. People want to create their own truth, sadly. We have to disunion.
These people never learn, you don’t tell democrats how much they need to win, they find ballots to win. It’s these political strategists who are stupid. Democrats are playing chess all their own.
No one will care. They want free stuff. They want to be ruled. Seeds were planted for this moment of time years ago and now they are budding. We are not going to get far if we don’t secede from the Union. We have to take he 1776 constitution with us, not the corporate one. We must rebuild institutions. This is the moment in time for that painful effort. But it’s worth it if you want to preserve this country.
I see this as the fucking way!!! People have such negative feelings about secession. It’s happening. Good. We are no longer untied with the radical left.
My idea is a secession. Texas drafted up the papers already. Some not all red states will follow. You do not continue to play a rigged game. Congress, the Senate and Presidency do not represent o our values. We will have our constitution, bill of rights, we will be the new Republic. Do you really want to pretend as if we can vote our way out of this. Whatever is here is here, and it should capture progressives who voted for it. THe rest of us need to not comply!!!