I literally have some at home, thank you.
For a start you did not vote them in so you cant vote them out. Conservatives overwhelmingly dont know how to conserve anything, or decentralize anything. All it takes is severing their jurisdiction, and calling the American experiment done. Now we must deliver democrats to their own Union, via challenging secession and national dovirce.
The future is offline. Its a whole world outside, there are places where you can communicate information. This travesty, forces people to go back to community. And theyll need to separate the wheat from the chaff.
I will have to work on my empathy. Because I remember coming to terms with being homeless if I lost my job to mandates that pressure me into injecting mRNA into my body. I also decided to eat a bullet if life turned an ugly face, I measured if it was worth living amongst millions of people who were so sheepish and complicit. So any person who has an adverse reaction is paying the price for what they decided to do instead of standing with the rest of us. If we would have United, the globalists would not have stood a chance. We didn’t unite, because we are comfortable. I could watch ball players writhe and convulse and feel NOTHING. They are part of the reason why politicians are still able to walk down the street.
The people who you had conversations with are like my family…and….we have no business believing these people should or can have liberty. They don’t fucking deserve it. They suck off the government like leeches, and let’s face it… they can’t survive in a republic. I’m tired of waiting for these brainless sheep to wake up. If my freedom depends on them waking up, I’m toast. I want a secession. Texas has already drafted a referendum. Our founding fathers told us what to do when we no longer have a country.
California as an entire state tried to leave the Union in 2016; to e movement was called Calexit… it gained steam but fizzled… this idea is still amazing! And I hope we’ve reached a place where we can concede that we are no longer United so we secede. I truly want communism to come for the communists. I want to be away from them when it does.
I want to buy this man a whiskey shot! My hero!!!
Kids are supposed to be naive and gullible. Why the fuck did their parents send them into schools to be indoctrinated? They didn’t notice for 40 years marxists were in schools? Let’s put blame where it belongs. Progressives don’t have kids. They take our and brainwash them because conservatives allowed it.
We see what we want to see. Did he speak of his path to victory? What will ensure the certification of his election?
Who needs porn when they can stare into the violent flames of their country burning down to the ground. We all have a front row seat to what progressives and globalists have done. It’s far better entertainment and far scarier than violent sodomy.
He was on the verge of tears because he has been abused by everyone for years!!! And he wants more than anything that feeling he got when he won the presidency. He is out for blood, the problem is… our safety and freedom hangs in the balance of him getting the justice he deserves. He just told you to go back to your room because enough people haven’t woke up yet. If you are white, you know your won’t be safe in two to five years. Will you? You are being replaced! Your own government is framing you for slavery, and the colonizing of America which minorities fight to come to! Secession is the answer. We have to create a movement where states leave when Texas leaves. Our futures have been stolen from us. We don’t have a path to victory in 2024. We just don’t. To think, we have to pray that minorities who vote blue no matter who wake up??? Trump is blinded by his own vengeance right now, and we are losing time. We don’t have a future if we stay in this union. Honestly, I don’t want to fight for the old one. I want to fight for the new Republic. If we fight for a 2024 victory, progressives won’t get locked in a Marxist shithole they can never vote their way out of. I absolutely believe thy ye should pay for what they’ve done. I don’t believe we need to participate in federal elections e need a new republic. That is our fight. Or all is lost.
There are people who conduct psy-ops for the military, etc. And I can see how Trump is starting to raise eyebrows. His base is mostly white. He knows whites take beatings and are targeted. So why put them in the position where their freedom is dependent upon minorities waking up?? The fact that he screams about how rigged the system is yet he wants to participate in it is baffling. He is a former president. He knows states can secede. We can form our own Union and his former loyal staff, and former generals can help. The white race can be exterminated by minorities within the next five years. I am a secessionist before I am a conservative, and I am a Christian before anything. The answer is secession and disunion. If Trump announced the same, I’m pretty sure classical liberals, anarchists, libertarians and conservatives and patriots would be ready for marching orders. You would not believe the millions who don’t vote because they don’t like the system. So What will it take for you to realize your government is framing you?
Your paths are blocked via federal election because that isn’t your path to save the Republic. We have to have a disunion and a secession. It is no longer time to participate in a rigged game. In a newly formed Union we can have our own President. I wish Donald Trump realized this. Who the fuck is in his circle??? They put him through so much, he wants his vengeance, but our freedoms and futures dangle in the balance. I rather feel the sting of secession, than be persecuted in their surveillance democracy…I am conservative, but I am a secessionist first. We don’t have a path forward in 2024. We do not. If we waste anymore time, our futures and our children will possibly face genocide. That’s what comes for the white race. This is personal now, always has been. As the minority in the world, we are not safe around ideologies who threaten to put us in camps. Push the needle toward secession.
Delusional. Just be delusional..
I just don’t understand why he wants us to participate in federal elections. We still have the popular vote, some states can secede if they want. When forming a new republic he can have a place in office in that one. I don’t get it. What is his path to victory? He has no battleground states. Those states are lost.
Did the husband vote re or blue after that complete and utter horrible consequence…just curious. People have reported blurred vision, but seem more than willing to correlate it to anything other than their gullible and undercooked decision if taking this vaccine.
Nope. You are politically homeless like millions of others. Classical liberals, Anarchists, Libertarians, Conservatives and Patriots will die in their Democracy if they don’t push for secession.
We are the joke. The punchline is, we keep playing their rigged game. It has to stop. We are funding wars! Funding labs that “leak viruses” that conveniently cause global pandemics were global leaders save us by giving themselves more power. Trump has opened my eyes in a way I can’t I see how rigged and shitty this system is. I want the constitution. I want the Bill of Rights to be observed. Not a Democracy. His announcement better be more than a nothingburger. Or secession is the answer.
This is like the episode from the Office when Phillis designed the Christmas tree and it failed to even light up to evoke any response…If he announces something stupid about Truth social I’m just going to drink an entire bottle of whiskey and puke.
If Arizona is lost it will just maintain to be California East. The people there will have to move to red states to make those states redder. We need to have a secession in this country. You can decide if you want to exist in a liberal democracy with these people, or, go through the pain of building a new republic. When Texas leaves, we should too. Red states need to keep eyes on Texas. The paper work is already drafted.
The GOP, Republicans are positive freedom types. They are conservative but they believe in growing the government. They are conservatives, that are Republican, so you believe they are one of you, but you more than likely endorse negative freedom. You believe in “shrinking government.” You want the government in the “negative.” The only conservatives in Washington DC are positive freedom types, this is why they vote with progressives and liberals. You see….. you have two vehicles for a reason because there are only two types of voters. Negative freedom types and post it I’ve freedom types. It’s not about Republican vs. Democrat…those are merely vehicles you out conservative ideologies on. A Republican can be a conservative, but it boils down to what kind of freedom they endorse… it’s about negative freedom vs. Positive freedom. And right now, everyone elected endorses POSITIVE FREEDOM. The answer is secession and disunion.
Where do you live? And thank you!!