Me too, my first son born in 1980 . So I think he had about 8 and then my other son born in 94 had about 17 I think ( numbers may not be correct but the difference is close) now how many are there? Between the vaccines and what they allow in our foods there is no doubt that this is where the children's issues stem from. Where our diseases come from.
Seen it yesterday, theater was packed. At times it was so quiet people wanting to hear everyword, they even stopped eating their popcorn. I was scared to go because I wasn't sure what and how much they would show . They did such a good job at showing what is going on without showing you what is going on. It's sickening to know it took 5 years to get the movie released!!! Who wouldn't want the word out? Well,we know... but still..
He's completely right, she kept trying to put words in his mouth. I am glad he was able to repeat once again what he was saying. Which was quite obvious the first time,but she wanted to spin it to make the viewers think differently. This is how the media does it, as we here all know. But he got it in . Usally they cut him off with either another question immediately or commercial etc.
Idk, I'm just so sick of it all. Trying to keep the faith. When the let downs come I just try to find the positive things. It becomes to much to focus on the disappointments. It's like that slight hope you get when buying a lottery ticket, you kind of already know you won't win but there's that ever so slight thought that maybe I will... just to see that if course you didn't. Not saying that losing our country is like losing the lottery, but it's that feeling of hope with knowing probably not... Just keep praying and doing what you can on a local level ..
To be honest , although a conservative all my life I was an in the dark conservative. Never paid attention to the Goin's on really. Then the riots started in 2020 ! To b honest I didn't know about the bathrooms and I barely got here anyway.
Thank You so much!! I would hate to lose this site. It's my first go to everyday. ❤️