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Skittles and shrimp, um um good.
Just tried Won't load, says Host error.
Besides the ignorance, it's a very bad actor.
Must have gone to the Joe Biden School of Speach Therapy.
Well, I don't know, I mean, she is a cunt, so there's that.
How can it be a "Tripledemic"? Covid killed the flu.
Ball less and brainless. Such a winning combination.
Never wanted to bite a Pepe..........but I do now.
The molesters are put into "PC", protective custody, (also known as Punk City). As for them walking the streets, that's the fault of our Judicial system.
Put him into General Population. Justice WILL be served.
Nope, he's not in his underwear.
It's the closest thing to a little boys dick he can suck in public.
Oh, I back Mr. Woods completely, and his being smarter is a given. But a sniper can blow the smart right out of you.
Watch your six James. These people are insane.
That entire creature is "non normal".
President Kennedy.
In the name of all that is holy, please don't let her breed.
And continued well into the 80's.
I was waiting for him to lean in and start sniffing.
They quarantine for mental illness ?
This should have the "Shitpost" label, not Kek.
That's like putting a kid in a candy store.
They've had 2 years to work out the details. Yeah, they'll be cheating.
She supported Biden, so this is the second time she chose a vegetable.
And if there were any real journalists out there we'd know what was on the USB. Alas, that will never happen.
Skittles and shrimp, um um good.