DonSpectacularis -2 points ago +1 / -3

Ten minutes later it was over and the back injury was 90% better. I was… impressed.


Alas, there are so many people on here hating on me and calling me all kinds of names (without even a legit REASON!!!) that I simply just had to go gift them all a custom response of my own lol.

Here, go have a look! (it's a linked comment, so you'll have to scroll down all the way below to even see / find it!)

Enjoy the show!

DonSpectacularis -2 points ago +1 / -3

MY RESPONSE to many of the criticisms being levelled against me in the comments section: Alright folks. I'd usually simply add this response as an "EDIT:" to the main post itself for the benefit of ALL readers concerned, but alas, the character limit prevents this. So well, here goes nothing...!

To start off with, there's a lot of name calling going on within this post. Calling me everything from a cocaine addict to literally satan or whatever. (Side Note: It is quite frankly hilarious to me that literally every single post that I make on here -- posts which are literally ALL about concepts such as LOVE, FREEDOM, PEACE, ENLIGHTENMENT, AWAKENING, SELF EMPOWERMENT and SELF FUCKING BELIEF get me labelled as the literal devil or satanic and whatnot. Like seriously people, if your version of Satan is talking to you 24x7x365 about loving others, standing up for yourself and your freedoms, and taking back your own fucking power, guys, I'll say this honestly, you better consider FOLLOWING that guy.)

In any case, I digress. Nevertheless, apparently, putting forth ( * checks notes * ) well researched arguments on a topic now makes me the literal devil incarnate... or perhaps, a coke addict. Great. So now here's a few more things for these ones' brains to chew on...

ONE, at the time of writing this comment, this post has 250+ upvotes / likes, versus a mere 2 downvotes / dislikes. This, on a board that's filled to the brim with smart and wise AF people who do their own research, critical thinkers, skeptical thinkers, and, above all, autists. So if I'm somehow fooling these ones, then guys, credit where credit's due, that must make me a genuinely Good. Fucking. Con. (or Troll or whatever).

Alas, I'm fooling no one and nothing on here and YOU KNOW IT.

YOU KNOW IT NOT because I'm "not a gifted writer", as one poster on here so very eloquently put it, but because I'm presenting LEGITIMATE FUCKING EVIDENCE for making my CORE CLAIM on here, which is, that your: MIND / WILL makes YOU stronger than whatever it is that the fakeass "Medical Science" Establishment would have you BELIEVE.

The Placebo Effect, scientifically proven. Wim Hof, scientifically proven. The power of Hypnosis, scientifically proven. The Guinness Book of World Records, scientifically proven.

Militarymen drinking their own piss to survive (and getting exactly ZERO side effects from this), OBVIOUS FACT, Circus Performers doing crazy shit, OBVIOUS FACT, Psychological Effects of Method Acting, OBVIOUS FACT.

So, just as an FYI, if you wanna call me names and things (whilst also wishing to be taken seriously on here), then, my dear friends, at least make an attempt to BACK THAT SHIT UP.

And now, do you know who isn't being called names in here?

Or who isn't being called the who's who of woo woo?

Your beloved "modern medical science", that's WHO.

So, by all means, if you want to call out someone on why they're spreading woo woo, then please, be my guest and go hit up your nearest local doctors / hospital administration / medical scientists or whoever else is dealing you health advice and please, PLEASE do us ALL a favour and ask THEM:

WHY the FUCK are they OPENLY allowing (and even scientifically VALIDATING) WOO WOO shit like the PLACEBO EFFECT?

It's so funny that I'm the one getting called out for spreading "woo woo" when ya'll won't even call out your (so called) "medical scientists" or the entire fucking medical establishment or big pharma or fauci or whoever on the simple fact that WHY did they NEVER ONCE address, in their plandemic preventative measures' communications (for the last 2+ FUCKING YEARS), the sheer power that one's MIND and one's WILL POWER hold on their very fucking WELL BEING? (not to mention OTHER obvious (and outright CRITICAL!) things such as staying / eating healthy, or empowering one's natural immunity etc...?)

Go ask them, that WHY IS IT SO that a literal fucking NOBODY on the internet (who is WITHOUT as much as a smidgen of a fucking "medical degree") can put TWO AND TWO TOGETHER and have enough LEGIT DATA on their hands to reach the OBVIOUS fucking conclusion pertaining to the sheer, immense POWER of one's own MIND / WILL POWER on their health...

...but THEY can NOT?

And if they CAN'T, then, why the FUCK are these ones even our "qualified medical professionals" and "respectable, legitimate SCIENTISTS?"

But you're so NOT going to ask them that, of course.

And that, my friends, tells you all there is to know...not about them, but about YOU.

And finally, a personal anecdote (because some of you decided to get personal and ask me as to just why I don't practice what I preach --- rather RICH coming from some people, but whatever):

I'm a person who has NOT been born into what one would consider a healthy family genetic lineage --- ALL kinds of disorders and ailnesses abound in my family line. And having born into a near-poverty situation, I was a skinny fuck who never even had ACCESS to food to eat to even as much as IMAGINE getting healthier. ZERO access to any sort of exercising equipment or whatever either.

Anyways, during this pandemic, and from DAY ONE, I neither wore a mask, nor did I sanitize my hands every 5 minutes or whatever. And, above all, forget social distancing, I literally went right into crowds and whatnot, knowing and TRUSTING FULL WELL in the sheer, immense POWER of my MIND.

This, I did in a COVID HOTSPOT.

And not only did I just do that myself, I also got a normie / NPC friend of mine to do the same, thanks to some truly convincing ARGUMENTS. Yep, I used exactly those ones.

Neither HE caught COVID even ONCE, nor did I. NEITHER of us jabbed even ONCE.

And meanwhile...


Literally ALL of them got it. Some of them MULTIPLE FUCKING TIMES; and THAT TOO when they were "triple jabbed, double boosted" and whatnot.

Make of this what you WILL.

DonSpectacularis -1 points ago +5 / -6

This, and also look into Reiki (personal experience, it's ABSOLUTELY LEGIT). As also I believe are so many natural / nature based cures too. The amount of sheer suppression (and I'm putting what they've actually done to folks here mildly) forced upon many of these perfectly acceptable / working healing modalities has been beyond criminal. Be it natural cures, Shamanic Medicines of the Southern Americas, Chinese Medicine (+Tai Chi), Traditional Indian Medicine (Ayurveda + Yoga), Homeopathy, and SO. MANY. others that we barely even know the NAMES TO. ALL dismissed in one fell swoop as "woo woo" or whatever. For example, QHHT (Quantum Healing HypnoTherapy) developed by the late Dolores Cannon is outright miraculous in what it can do, and has already been able to do, and yet, not a PEEP about it in the mainstream medias anywhere to be seen.

DonSpectacularis -1 points ago +6 / -7

Thank you for sharing your perspective. What I'll say here is that the very fact that she's scared to death of the China Flu indicates that fear STILL exists inside of her. Which in turn indicates that she has exactly ZERO trust or faith within her own MIND'S / WILL'S abilities and POWERS. Alas, a weak mind equals a weak body, and THAT is why no vaccine or medicine or saint or saviour in all of EXISTENCE can therefore cure her.

When I mentioned the idea of "strong mind" / "strong WILL" above...it indicates that the person has an ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY in their power to conquer ANY harmful ailments or poisons out there. Now, there are of course DEGREES to this level of faith --- for not ALL can just go right away and fully TRUST their ability to digest toxic poison itself like the Indian Yogis. But at the most basic level, one MUST at the VERY LEAST know that they are way, WAYYYYYY more powerful than some tiny ass virus.

In other words, the very EXISTENCE of THAT level of fear is clear EVIDENCE of a weak mind. And a weak mind in turn is a direct EVIDENCE of a weak BODY. And NO AMOUNT OF SELF-DECEPTIVE-"FAITH" in some EXTERNAL saviour (rather than an INTERNAL one such as one's own MIND / WILL) --- in this case, the said external saviour being the vaxx...well, no amount of pretend faith in an "outside agent" is fundamentally going to save a WEAK mind / body complex.

In short, for people who are only using the vaxx as a PERMISSION SLIP or a FORMALITY to put ONE HUNDRED PERCENT TRUST in their OWN mind's/body's healing powers and abilities; THOSE people are the ones that have NOTHING to fear from the said jab. In that, they're merely using the vaxx as a ROUNDABOUT WAY of FULLY trusting THEMSELVES.

Hope this helps!

DonSpectacularis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Looks like your long post responding to my question was deleted? I am unable to view it...

Does this link work?

DonSpectacularis 0 points ago +2 / -2

Thank you for your most kind words! But especially THANK YOU because WITHOUT you having asked that question, something absolutely incredible simply wouldn't have been possible!!!

That absolutely incredible thing in question, is the following post: i.e. MY ANSWERS to ALL of your questions --- including to those that you never even KNEW you HAD!

Enjoy reading; and THANK YOU for asking me that question (in the benefit of so many, OH SO MANY countless people!) ONCE AGAIN! :) :)


DonSpectacularis -1 points ago +1 / -2

People have stagnated even tho Q has repeatedly stated in several posts for people to "Expand your thinking".

I agree with this part completely. Personally speaking, I've limited my time pertaining to the external world greatly, and the only reason I've even posted on here so much off late is to boost morale, because I know how the awakening journey can get so very challenging at times, having been there done that, so to speak.

But, and this one's a huge BUT, unless we are actively researching things for awakening reasons, or actually having to fight some government agenda in our native place of stay -- there's no real reason for us to come on here 24x7 and stress ourselves out over pointless things beyond our control. Such time is far better spent on our individual growth, life experiences, spiritual growth and evolution, learning, enjoyment, and everything else that we can do to increase the collective vibrational frequency of the planet to one of joy, upliftment, true wisdom and positivity.

Actually, if we all as a majority did just that, it will resolve our current challenges faster than we'd ever even imagined because there will simply be way too much light upon this planet for the darkness to even as much as be able to live within, let alone thrive in.

Sometimes I wonder, with the amount of sheer attachment to Q / Trump / The Great Awakening / The Plan that I see people on here have --- what after the awakening's done and dusted with? Is everyone just going to stagnate and lose their very sense of purpose?

We need to already start thinking and planning on how to build that newer and better world once the Great Awakening's done with --- unless we are directly involved in something as time-consuming as research or something (pertaining to the plan) of course. Because, in all honesty, our work on the digital battleground should not, ideally take us more than 30-60 minutes each day.

There's a whole LOT more to life and what's to come; and we do indeed need to, as Q put it, "Expand Our Thinking", to move in that direction as a collective, instead of being stuck in some doom and gloom that has no reason to flourish now really, given how rapidly the storm has started to gather pace now.


DonSpectacularis 2 points ago +3 / -1

Dear Mass Murderer (quite the negative AF username there!), here's the deal: First of all, the very first people in charge of things here are you and me.

Every single thought, belief and expectation we hold helps shape both our individual as well as our collective realities. In other words, the Pessimists and Doomers amongst us will get to explore their chosen negative timelines, experiences and events; whereas those with positive thoughts and future expectations (i.e. the Optimists) will get to experience exactly that.

If this weren't so, the entire MSM and Hollywood and Pharma and Governments and just about ALL of the cabal's arms simply WOULD NOT spend so much of their TIME, ENERGY, and above all, MONEY (LITERALLY their MOST favourite thing in the whole WORLD!) on producing fucking Fear Porn and Doom and Gloom.

And equally, it is also the reason why I put so much effort in encouraging THE exact opposite, i.e. Prayer, LOVE/PEACE and ENDLESS POSITIVITY. Doubt my words? Go take a look at my last few comments yourself.

Finally, to address your core concerns here, if the Deep State were ACTUALLY winning against the White Fucking HATS --- the current (pathetic) attempts by the dark ones to cause wars wouldn't even be needed --- the whole plandemic psyop would've been (more than!) enough to get them their jobs done.

But such is the case now that they can't even keep a basic news item such as the existence of US biolabs in Ukraine from leaking out literally all over the place; and that's all DESPITE every last attempt by the Mainstream News Media and Big Tech Censorship to COVER SHIT UP.

And these are THE exact same people who once got away with easily hiding the truths behind 9/11 and the JFK assassination and Lady Diana's assassination and what fucking not.

So go put some 2 and 2 together my friend, it's not that HARD.

DonSpectacularis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol just gimme a moment to attempt this please!

DonSpectacularis -1 points ago +1 / -2

Actually, will it be possible to just screenshot the whole thing and put it up as an image? Should make things at least somewhat easier, I guess.

DonSpectacularis -1 points ago +2 / -3

As the author of the said post, please allow me to hijack this thread with something far, FAR more important and CRITICAL at this time: The GLOBAL MASS PRAYERS & MEDITATIONS FOR ESTABLISHING PEACE IN UKRAINE-RUSSIA (and the rest of the WORLD too!) that require YOUR participation most specifically! Let's derail the cabal's last messed up attempt at destroying our beautiful planet and its peoples through World War 3 or Nuclear Holocaust or whatever other evil wet dream they might so have, and show them ALL the sheer POWER of PEOPLE, PRAYERS, POSITIVITY and GOD coming TOGETHER as ONE!!!

A Humble Request: PLEASE DO consider UPVOTING this comment for greater visibility --- in the very greatest interest of our people and planet alike! And finally, a THANK YOU ALL for your Time, Efforts, Prayers, Blessings, Thoughts, Energies, and Positive INTENTIONS and DREAMS towards this world ALIKE!

Much, MUCH LOVE to you ALL! <3

DonSpectacularis 0 points ago +2 / -2

Lol they got a FUCK TON OF VIDEOS ON TRUMP in there; where he is either featured as good OR bad depending on what the Indian government's take on him at that specific time was.

Note: This "news" channel is basically an Indian government bought / sponsored propaganda puppet news outlet (and they barely even as much as ATTEMPT to hide the said fact) -- so basically, like any other MSM news outlet in existence lol.

DonSpectacularis 3 points ago +4 / -1

Also, if you're reading this comment at all, PLEASE DO consider JOINING IN the GLOBAL PRAYERS and MASS MEDITATIONS for assisting with diffusing the (cabal manufactured) Ukraine-Russia war situation, that the cabal wishes to escalate into World War 3 or a Nuclear Holocaust! Can't let THEM have this WIN, HELL NO!

A Humble Request: PLEASE DO CONSIDER UPVOTING this comment for greater visibility too! Thank you! :) <3

DonSpectacularis 6 points ago +7 / -1

Yep, and miracles such as these will continue to happen more and more and all the more as awakened masses from all across the world come together to put out these (maliciously ignited) fires by the cabal --- simply using their prayers and mass meditations as "weapons" alone!

Finally, expect even more of such powerful and mind blowing miracles right after YOU join your hands and FORCES with them TOGETHER YOURSELVES!!!

DonSpectacularis 2 points ago +3 / -1

Totally agree. It's all their decision ultimately, be it from Trump or from someone on their team, given all concerns pertaining to security and such. And I get the feeling that if and when they do ping us, that they'll find a way to let us know of it as well.

Just felt that it would be somewhat beneficial at this time for a lot of anons and patriots on here who have felt a bit low on the juice as of late, for reasons that we are all well aware of. And, if it takes but one comforting word from someone to raise everyone's spirits back up again, and, above all, reassure everyone that everything's going well and it's all going to be okay in the end, then I say, why not? They're all fighting for the same great cause ultimately, and not all are able to maintain high inspiration nonstop.

Think of it like a lighthouse beacon during the storm, assuring the madly bouncing ships that their turbulent times won't be lasting them forever. It's the very least that they could do for us all, is what I feel.

DonSpectacularis 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yeah, besides who doesn't know where we, the biggest fuckin pain in the arse (for a LOT of panickin' people on the planet right now) hang out the MOST lmao. I suspect there's a whole fucking team of dedicated CIA executive interns on here committed to the soul cause and purpose of monitoring the 24x7 influx of pepe memes and u/catsfive rants. Hell the Deep State faggots probably hang out on here way, WAY more than even we all do.

So Jacinda, if you're reading this post right now, may I interest you in some amazing horse dewormer sponsorship opportunities? You truly have it in you to become the face for the brand, I feel.

DonSpectacularis 6 points ago +7 / -1

Yep. And I'd like to think that even we give the White Hats some cool / unexpected ideas every once inna while, or just as much as a simple boost of inspiration on here (from time to time) no less. I mean, DJT and Q and White Hats are as human as you or me, and they too are going to need that juicy dose of hopium every once in a while --- their version of hopium being how strongly we are exposing the cabal's lies, how very powerfully we are motivating and inspiring one another (and many, many others) to continue to hold the line, and how we too are being the awakened face of The Great Awakening, among what are numerous other things. On rare occasions, I suspect that someone on here too has accessed some unexpected intel...or merely noted something interesting / insightful / useful / unusual that gave the White Hats an unexpected advantage, insight, access or portal into something useful or critical to the Plan.

No teacher simply teaches their students stuff without learning something from them in return as well. In that even the student is often playing the (covert) role of a teacher, and vice versa.

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