mRNA was created for the purpose of dealing with cancer, though.
What sauce are you basing this on?
Looks like it's from something else... found it here:
The movie Vaxxed talked about this.
Vote is currently 82.5% Yes
No problem. All he needs to do is a cheap photoshop job on a Hawaiian birth certificate.
The flight logs only show the people that used his plane. The client list will also include the scum that went to his island using their own means.
That would imply pack-a-day smokers should be healthy specimens of society. I'm a little skeptical.
Are you talking about the fbi witch hunt against him and subsequent resignation? I thought he was vindicated about that.
I prefer the one where the sheep are looking at a poster of a wolf with the caption "I'm going to eat you" and one sheep says, "I voted for him cuz can't stand Trump."
Flynn's been through a lot and never turned on President Trump, so I still trust him... so far.
Maybe this video will help put things in perspective...
Any sauce for this dry turkey?
Anyway, Diddy didn't kill himself.
I once heard no irs employees pay any federal income taxes. What would happen if I paid my state income taxes on time but forgot to pay my federal income taxes? Can't I just opt out of federal like the irs employees do? What if we all did that?
Search for the phrase "none of them took sick"
You won't find much on Google, but Bing or other engines will show a study where they set out to show how contagious the Spanish flu of 1918 was, but instead demonstrated that it was non-transmissible! The stuff they tried was pretty disgusting. I think the doctor's name was Rosenau.
Since when did resigning make their previous crimes null & void?
But this would be for Attorney General, though.
what's your secret for extracting the URL of the MP4 in an X post?
With userid @trumpobambino 🤣
Trump's secret plan is to rename them to Federal Evacuation of Migrants Agency
Likewise, if they can print a serial number on each dollar bill, they can print one on each ballot too!
I hope he didn't trip over a red scarf and hanged himself.
California is already red, were it not for the rigged voting machines hiding the truth.
And there's no way pencil neck got re-elected. MORE RIGGING!
Just like there's no way newscum didn't get recalled years ago. RIGGED!
And then give it the Maui treatment
What dosage do you give your cat, if you don't mind my asking?