DragonBallz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Respectfully, you might want to verify this affirmation. Good old latex is the one safe material to use for applying DMSO. Nitrile is not, unfortunately.

DragonBallz 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hearing Shapiro speak, I had to check if I was watching the clip at 2X speed...

DragonBallz 6 points ago +6 / -0

??? "Safe for constipation..." Well that's a relief.

DragonBallz 4 points ago +4 / -0

The DS will use this to stage a FF to blame Iran/Hamas. Will use this "provocation" to justify direct and overt participation in the conflict (as opposed to covert and indirect).

DragonBallz 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh my! They managed to find one old man chockfull with morbidity who has died of multiple causes while taking excessive amounts of vitamin D... Meanwhile, On average, it is estimated that around 55 people die from aspirin poisoning in the United States each year versus 20 dying from vitamin D overdose in the same timeframe.

DragonBallz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see it if I squint my eyes. Kek.

DragonBallz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Came to check the comments... You get an upvote! You get an upvote! You ALL get an upvote!!

DragonBallz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Should we be paying attention to the 2 white structures -cabins perhaps- on the shore?

DragonBallz 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Let's all calm down.".

DragonBallz 4 points ago +4 / -0

For people who never did a fast before be forewarned: 99% of you are going to feel like crap the first 48 hours. In fact, by the time you start to feel better it will likely be time to break the fast. However, the toughest part of fasting is not, as one may think, the time spent not eating but the process of starting to eat again, the refeeding part of the process. This part is extremely important but is often considered as an afterthought or actually not considered at all. When planning your fast, please consider what food you are going to put on your plate when the time to break the fast arrives. A lot of proponent of fasting recommend breaking your fast with fruits or fruit juices, because these are supposed to be "easy" to digest and not to much of a burden on your digestive system. My personal experience with different fast breaking protocols lead me to completely reject the carbohydrates approach to refeeding and embrace a ketogenic diet when it is time to eat again. I had done over a half dozen 5 to 15 days fast before going keto, and when it was time to feed myself again it was always a struggle to moderate myself when reintroducing food like the recommended grapes or other fruits: I just went crazy and ended up overeating, like in a uncontrollable frenzy, getting bloated and having a very painful digestion in the process. When the ketogenic diet first piqued my interest, it dawned on me that when you fast you are in ketosis, therefore I figured it would make sense to break the fast not with carbs but with a ketogenic meal. I tested this hypothesis by doing a 10 day fast followed by a dinnertime meal that consisted of steak and eggs plus a roman lettuce salad with tons of olive oil, avocados and nuts. 2 words: Total bliss. Never in my life has a meal sat so comfortably in my stomach: No discomfort whatsoever. I felt great and did not get the urge to eat anything more until the next day. Long story short, I now do a routine 3 day fast every month and I always eat keto when it is time to eat again. So if you are considering doing a fast, please plan ahead to the fast breaking part of it, and maybe put some time exploring what the ketogenic diet is all about. It could probably be worth your while.

DragonBallz 17 points ago +17 / -0

" I am intelligent therefore I cannot be duped." is an all too common fallacy.

DragonBallz 7 points ago +7 / -0

You did notice the handle of the poster? ( or maybe not) : "DonaldDump" ...I do wonder how one could buy into your premise that this could be genuinely a President Trump Gab account.

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