My wifi stopped mid rant!
Had last day of school pool party for son's jr class, as we've done for 3 years. Lotsa work.
New kid, arrogant, a "model-type"who cant leave his hair alone or stop preening. Dumb like Travolta in Welcome Back, Kotter.
Shook my hand with zero squeeze back, walked away 2x as I was talking. Total new guy douche.
Look what he did to our 175-200 yr old prize oak!
Threw garden implements and an axe at and into it.
Calling his dad...gonna pay for an arborist's diagnosis.
It is a property value enhancer. Daniel friggin Boone walked thru this yard!!!
Any advise besides a beheading?
**ALL other kids were awesome! private school kids, very disciplined a disrespectful. **
Whew. Thanks, frens.
BUT, the old cPTSD guy DID NOT EMERGE!! Hallelujah! That's a win.
"Essay on Flatulence (First printed in the 14th Edition of THE MANUAL)
Flatulence, which can cause great psychosocial distress, is unofficially described according to its salient characteristics:
The “slider” (crowded elevator type), which is released slowly and noiselessly, sometimes with devastating effect The open sphincter, or “pooh” type, which is said to be of higher temperature and more aromatic The staccato or drumbeat type, pleasantly passed in privacy The “bark” type (described in a personal communication) is characterized by a sharp exclamatory eruption that effectively interrupts (and often concludes) conversation (aromaticity is not a prominent feature) Rarely, this usually distressing symptom has been turned to advantage, as with a Frenchman referred to as “Le Petomane,” who became affluent as an effluent performer who played tunes with the gas from his rectum on the Moulin Rouge stage."
A classic that slipped by the editors...
New a girl from high school, became some kind of scientist and worked at CDC with primates in the 80s. Got bitten and was dead in 3-4 days. Boom.
Exponential updoots!
Michael Savage's son started Monster....hmmm
Quit him a few yrs ago, but he was always, as a jew, interpreting and mispronouncing Biblical texts.
Refers to Ecclesiastes as a person...
Too much of a pseudo know it all
Same crew I saw outside the mall today
Bovine milk proteins are huge compared to human milk proteins, that's why some babies get colicky on cow's milk..can't break the proteins down Just an fyi. Goat's milk is a closer alternative, so i've read
Amen, fren.
This has pricked my catholic cousin's ears, as well. Pray for her. 62 yrs old and has never even read her catholic"bible"!
Has never heard of Saul, thought Jesus and Moses were in earth at the same time, etc. Sad how priests discourage the reading of God's word
She thinks all this is like a magic trick.
" I'm gonna start praying to this Jesus Christ!", she says.
She's degreed in Law, nursing, something at harvard, Navy veteran, actor (you've prob seen her in commercials), yet lost...
Thanks so much. Feel so words.
My estranged daughter called her little brother this weekend!!!
1st time in 3 years! He just turned 17! . They are 19 yrs apart..God does have an impeccable sense of humor. Just when I started making plans...3 weeks after she went to college...I rang the bell! At least He gave me 3 weeks!
I'm beside myself with joy...again.
God uses ALL things to glorify His name. It's all too much for my finite mind.
Again, thanks...and don't get the big head lol
HAD! So true.
I may slip up a little, but I'm better equipped frens praying is essential.
Lifelong lies are being replaced with Truths. Stuff I've innately known, yet was blinded by those constant, insidious trolling lies.
Guilt, misery, loathesomeness, false deservedness, "less than", unworthiness...all lies! God makes no such person.
Thanks, fren.
Everything I've always known has coalesced into unspeakable joy.
My tears are only joyful now; there's just so much, it's overwhelming in it's enormity.
Someday I'll unroll the sequence of events. It's not important, but it is glorious. As is the outcome!
To be "Job-ed" for decades and then for the storehouses to pour out unceasingly, by His hand!, is so humbling and and and...
Me? Yep. Me. The shed blood of Christ guarantees it. j
So beautiful...
I've been attacked many times. Since i was 8. It used to compel me to literally hang myself with my belt. 3x. Tiny nail. I'm alive. I was 8 and happy happy happy! I've only recently told anyone this story. Not telling mom! My brother didn't fair so well. Same hallway. 1983.
And we were raised in Congo by medical/Christian missionaries. Been under attack since 65.
Other brother o.d.'d in 74.
Pissed the devil off bad when my parents gave up everything, semimary x4yrs here, learned 2 languages in 2 yrs in Brussels and moved to the middle of Tarzan's backyard lol Crazy Tennesseans. .....
Since I, for the umpteenth time, gave it BACK to God and pulled my hands all the way out of the situation this time, and let God lead and do the fighting while I praise and obey is a powerful weapon.
It's slunk away. My guard is up. Solid ground.
Thank you.
Romans 12:12
Read about Jehoshaphat...
A "sugar tit" or teat if yer a farmer
Research fenugreek...increases milk production in many...for centuries
I love people.
Working intimately with people from all walks of life was daily therapy x 30 yrs. Rarely talked about meds, etc...usually life.
Been away from "my people" for 5 yrs since my eyes went down. Wonderful family I had...people everywhere. You don't know what you have until it's gone.
Used to take me forever to get out of a store cause I knew so many people. Such an honor, I must say.
Helluva bell-shaped pain curve out there
Tears of joy flow now...just one big chill bump!
Been a Christian all my life, but my wounded headbone heard the lies, whilst still knowing the truth. So strange, yet beautiful.
Thank you!
I'm a little Cherokee myself. Grandma was Melungeon.
Used to work on Cherokee res in Tahlequah. Great times.
I had an entire long exposé typed last night, espousing God's grace to me and I fell asleep and deleted my testimony. Doh
I've been healed from 45 yrs of PTSD! It's not's cPTSD. PTSD never encompassed ME. cPTSD is as if I wrote the whole signs/symptoms/sequelae myself. I not crazy. Wow. Not paranoid anymore. I've always thought everyone hated me...they dont!! I can look in a mirror again!!! (And I'm extremely handsome! 😂😂😂) I have my family back. A happy house!!!
"Complex" from lifelong trauma beginning as a child. Had no defenses in place... only trust and dependance and they were quashed. Betrayal is alln i6ve ever known...but MAN betrayed me. Not God. He held me and cried as I endured. I was never alone.
I like me now.
I can leave the porch.
I can go to stores.
ALL of my chronic pain is gone!!
No spontaneous weeping or anxiety.
The list is too lengthy.
I rarely pray for me anymore. I spend my time in PRAISE for victories, grace, patience, love and all this God has bestowed upon me...even thru the hell. Thank Him for ALLOWING you to's the least we can do. I just pray that my feet are placed where He wants them.
Never give up! 45 yrs I waited. It was worth it all.
The last 20 yrs have been a living hell, throughout which I acted ok and just persevered in pain. I'm free.
Its based on Carolus Rex, as well
Just posted rant
Wifi cut off