Dudemanfoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait till he tells Marty about the potential vp candidates preferred equestrian beverage!!!!

Dudemanfoo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope he appoints a LOT of democraps and rinos to "official soap picker upper" in federal ... uh... places..

Dudemanfoo 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am fucking telling you guys... my "Razor blade model" guillotine factory idea is gonna be GOLD JERRY!!! GOLD!!!

Dudemanfoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think what you meant to say is that mark cuban LIKES pole...

Dudemanfoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

When does he put on the high heels and the leather black pants?

Dudemanfoo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the "meeting" they were referring to was around 1895 tho...

I don't "believe" or "disbelieve" things like this... I give them a probability of being true or false.

Something interesting, when I read things, if they reference something else, I will often go read that before I finish this.

Something I was reading referenced the protocols maybe 20 or 25 years ago so I went and read them... and almost everything else said they were false so I gave it a probability of maybe 10% true

While reading something else, it referenced "the international jew" by henry ford...

So I went looking for that... could not find it on amazon anywhere, just a bunch of things talking about how "racist" ford was... finally found a copy out of INDIA and read it... half way through, I start thinking... he's talking about the protocols...

So I went and read those again... and holy shit.. even if it was not planned, that is what is happening.

Logically, henry ford would have been the elon musk of the day with massive amounts of money at his disposal to investigate...


He would have been 100 years less propaganda saying it's not true closer to the event.

So I now give the protocols about an 85% chance of being true.

Dudemanfoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or show the "white dudes for kabala" a pecker they can suck on...

Dudemanfoo 24 points ago +24 / -0

So ... they just shot at him.... and then the FBI helped by burning the body before the people could see if was actually the patsy guy the government said it was...

nothing to see here.... these aren't the droids you are looking for... move along.

Dudemanfoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess another possibility would be "have you ever been the HNIC in the senate?"

Dudemanfoo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think you’re somewhat going down the path Hobbs talked about

Government is a wheel

It goes from the tyranny of the one

To the tyranny of the few

To the tyranny of the many

And back to the tyranny of the one

We’re in the tyranny of the many right now about to go back to the tyranny of the one

Let’s hope for a benevolent dictator 😎

Dudemanfoo 14 points ago +14 / -0

She's probably ok....

but just to be sure... have you ever farted on live TV in the capitol building while giving an interview?

Dudemanfoo 6 points ago +6 / -0

People need to understand this.

Rules for radicals are VERY effective... and just because a pinko commie fag wrote them in a book does not mean other people can not be just as effective using them.

And the moar other people get pissed off... the calmer I feel...

On top of that... we don't know what the future holds... they may steal another one... and as a student of history, I know that that put's you one step closer to my fantasy business getting off the ground...

I will be using the razer blade model like Gillette... except I will be selling guillotines at wholesale prices and blades at very high margin prices!!!

Find a way to have joy in the mundane and a quite knowing that we will win in the end...

And don't fear a good revolution now and then.

Dudemanfoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't disagree, but a lot of these headlines are kinda clickbait and what I read leaves the impression that the whole crowd got up and left...

Then you read the article or watch the video and a few people head towards the door

Just trying to remain objective ... I was preeeeeety damn sure Trump won last time and know of all the cheating... but fooling ourselves into a false sense of security won't happen because of me...

Dudemanfoo 8 points ago +8 / -0

Pancreatic is and has always been the original turbo cancer.

Every person I have ever known was gone quickly and that spans 50 years.

Dudemanfoo 13 points ago +13 / -0

Civil wars are citizens against citizens....

Revolutions are citizens against the real enemy...

I will leave it at that.

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