EarnYourVote 2 points ago +2 / -0

Believe it or not, there are some people on the left who are actually decent people, just ignorant. We should welcome them when they wake up and not trash them for their former beliefs. I applaud her for her integrity and for the courage to speak out knowing she would lose a lot of support and get an extra dose of DS wrath for leaving the plantation.

Blood on her hands? Yes. Those are the people who will be most energized to atone once they see it.

EarnYourVote 2 points ago +2 / -0

What on the call is damning to Josh? Lindell promoted it and then with each edited section that he played, he added his narrative before and after to make it sound bad. But there was nothing damning other than him admitting he violated the NDA.

EarnYourVote 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you - I have been wondering why the Dems went after the voting machines last time around. Did they not know? That doesn't make sense.

What does make sense is that they were putting pressure on these companies to play ball with them or they would be destroyed.

EarnYourVote 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am not saying Josh is the white hat here. But in the absence of any real coverage of what he did and why and in the absence of any truly condemning evidence from Lindell, I am not ready to turn him into Benedict Arnold.

EarnYourVote 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good discussion here. IMO, jury is still out on Josh. Lindell was just on WarRoom talking about the lawsuit. I love Lindell, but on this, he struggles to make any coherent statement. They are suing Josh but he didn't know what the suit was about.

I do agree that Josh broke the NDA - I don't think there is any question about that and Josh himself seemed to admit to it. But if there was fraud going on, Josh's claim, then that is trivial. What did Josh actually do other than tell supposed lies about Lindell? I am still not clear even after listening to Lindell's taped evidence. I will tell you this, I would not trust Pete Santilli (sp).

The biggest issue I have against Josh at this point is he has not come forward and tell his side of the story and take questions. Why won't he go on with Moseder or CannCon? Moseder stood up for him and CannCon refused to trash him.

EarnYourVote 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is from January. I am not aware of any reports of this investigation to date.

EarnYourVote 10 points ago +10 / -0

She says:

It’s no surprise that Republicans continue to defend their #fraudit. In reality, it is full of conspiracy theories and a complete lack of transparency.

So, there is a complete lack of transparency and yet she knows it is full of conspiracy theories? How did you figure that out Katie if you have no clue what they are actually doing?

Yes, that is such panic she cannot even see the inconsistency in her own BS narrative.

EarnYourVote 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think there is a lot of negotiation happening between team 1 and 2 behind the scenes. The leaks happen in order to improve the leverage of the one side over the other. But I suspect due to MAD, they will find a workable solution. Who gets patsied (has to resign or is fired) and then seeing the leaks stop will signal they reached a deal.

EarnYourVote 4 points ago +4 / -0

Glad these state influenced companies can stand up to their masters when they see the devastation it causes their business. This is HUGE. Deep State does not always get their way.

EarnYourVote 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can you imagine if Trump did this? I'm sure the media, DNC, big tech, antifa... would just let it pass without any mention.

EarnYourVote 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you think the Taliban is just going to let the 85b worth of armaments rust? War ain't over, pumpkin. This mess is just starting.

EarnYourVote 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good question. My thoughts - we would not want to be there on 9/11 so the date prior to that of consequence is 8/31, end of the month.

by Quelle
EarnYourVote 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hope we have some friendlies doing some pre/post image captures.

EarnYourVote 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think the real story here is not that they had the intel about the attack because I agree with you - that certainly exists. The real story is the blame game behind the scenes that is now leaking out into the public.

EarnYourVote 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's my thinking - and this is Politico, not Breitbart. You can see the DoD General trying to switch the focus of the story to the 'illegal leak' instead of the damning information. Sundance line at the end is intriguing - the rats are turning on each other?

EarnYourVote 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your corruption is destroying my country.

EarnYourVote 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wonder if it is tied to what Bryne is saying about AZ - that RINOs are moving in to tweak the message and take credit for the fraud that is being revealed. It won't work for Corman - he is already fully exposed.

EarnYourVote -2 points ago +1 / -3

I know I am breaking with the crowd here but I don't blame him for the shooting. There was a crowd outside the door and for all he knew, Babbitt was the first of many that would exploit the breech. I don't know if he was yelling at her to stay out or what the details were, but if it was my home and a crowd was outside that was very upset and one of them started to enter my home? Yeah, I would have shot.

That said, he is clearly being protected by the DS and that is bullshit.

EarnYourVote 2 points ago +2 / -0

He seems to have caught himself looking and tried to minimize it. I'm sure CNN will give this as much air play as Trump getting two scoops of ice cream.

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