Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yea...they can stare at my junk while I shitpost on the Toliet...read my stuff...but not much else. But give them time I guess.

Eel3 7 points ago +7 / -0

What happened to Hughes or Direct?

There are other options, their inability to compete is is on them...

FCC is into swinging it's detachable penis around of late, check out how they stifle GMRS users over the late couple months. They no want us talking to each other.

Eel3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Comprised leadership wishes to give the approval to the DNC however they will want it to look like the rank and file had a choice and voted their way...it will all be free and fair according to them (cough)...but just speculating really, however it would not surprise me.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Till the web of their own making snares them in situation they can't run away from...our State Dept is comprised to be sure but it is trapped with no place to hide in the long run.

Eel3 1 point ago +1 / -0

Slow and steady wins this race the more the people realize the power they do have the less the 2a becomes necessary in this situation...but make no mistake they have proding Patriots to kick it off for years in the hopes they would have an opportunity to crackdown on the civilian population but haven't taken the bait.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

In order for "Them" to hold power they do so by stoking fear and uncertainty then presume to save you from it...so they present that answer to the problem comes from their own good intentions...War, BRICS...they will fight it all to preserve that thing they call...Democracy (communism in sheep's clothing really). If you can see it their current actions are not actions of brave people fighting a just cause...it is because they are afraid. Still dangerous true but wounded and cornered in reality. Peace.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am sure that everything will heat up...It is going to look bad before it gets better expect that. Some things might even go "boom" loss of power, or communication the odd war involved industry burning to the ground...question is...Is your leadship suicidal enough to launch a weapon if ordered by NATO? Would they follow thru? I doubt it as a Russian hypersonic missle can arrive in response before NATO's conventional long range missle could make it to target. Time will tell.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would explain it to PW but they banned this account when I tried to explain it to them in the past already...sigh....


Meanwhile I will give it 48hrs before I get too caught up thinking it's real.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

While any one thing is possible...The only way that happens is if the US/EU NATO...launch missles...we had Q's assurance that while everything will to look to be in upheaval That you and your families are safe...we are watching a "movie" after all.

Sure the movie sucks...but it's the only thing worth paying attention too.

Eel3 4 points ago +4 / -0

Current leadership is balls deep in the problem it's win or die trying time for them.....meanwhile The Comedian has killed more NAZI's and Mercenaries with poor decisions at this point I almost think he's a double agent....however it's all about keeping Hunter/CIA and Blackrock/George and Alex happy and keeping Vicky out of a international court. So not long in less then year I think the shooting war is over but you can expect The Russian Federation to retain every inch is captures.

Eel3 8 points ago +8 / -0

618840 is the 4chan number ID of actual post that asked Q the question. And rather then answer directly Q posts the ID as if he answered the question with the question again.

Eel3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everything you state is possible...WH control is evident to me at least...as I believe The Resident isn't Biden, some may think otherwise I know and Kamela was set up by The Resident...whom else has been lead astray by the Judas Goat that Biden had become...looks at Starmer...Parliament...Boris...Sunak...the UN...The EU...The WEF....Zelenski...Macron...Trudeau....none make move lately independently of each other in some way and they in lock step in fates....yes...nothing is as it seems and I expect to be thrilled...even If it's delayed by actions and held on Christmas.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Starlink has been Partnered with T-Mobil for direct to cell tech for over a year...goal better coverage for those in deadzones...to just everywhere once tweaked and once Starlink irons everything out the service will be made available to all cell providers...this tech also deploys the direct EBS System we all kinda expect to see someday. I believe Apple was working with Starlink but that's partnership is cooling as Elon's not one of the boys these days.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would not be a hoot if that was Trump's former Diablo just wrapped.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

ReynoldMeds.com worked well for me it will take up 20days to arrive but it will arrive.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is idea that we have somehow "arrived" and there may soon be no reason to continue...well BS to that I say...I would compare where we are at as closer to D Day then V Day...we have only just secured the beach head and it is still a long way to end.

Just think of all the future former MET police and Aussie Cops who are going to try avoiding thier fates by becoming Uber drivers over here...well someone's gotta point'em out...lol

Just a thought.

Eel3 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not surprised..Ramzan Kadyrov, is one of the best leaders to have emerged from the Russian SMO now Ukrainian/WWIII...there is a lot genuine respect for their efforts.

Eel3 5 points ago +5 / -0

Your Crazy!!!

Hope that helps...

Trust the Plan...the chaos you perceive is about rattling the stubborn wake...don't get too caught up in despair.


Eel3 3 points ago +3 / -0

YouTube's ownership and it's advertising was just told they violated anti trust....and Youtube is also losing due to conduct of it highest rated channel.

If being woke is important to Alphabet they will destroy YouTube and Mr Beast just to make sure all MAGA leaning content is overshadowed and demonetized.

They would kill it all off before they would ever turn over level playing field.

Eel3 18 points ago +19 / -1

But then downstream I would include hospitals and Doctors Pharmacy's as well...too many of them got rich in process. Chase the dollars not science then you gotta go.

Eel3 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kim Clement once said chicago Hyatt durning the DNC convention but that was years ago pre Trump even...I only heard this particular revelation a couple days ago...it has been sticking my head as ponder it.

Eel3 8 points ago +8 / -0

I always remember a 90's drug called Phen-Phen...then I remember 00's and the late night legal ads...did you or a loved one...it did seem to work but destroyed people's heart valves...so I hope folks really will think about avoiding it.

Eel3 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it works for now...but in reality it started when they shot JFK and could have worked if they hadn't felt the need to speed up their timeline...gee, I wonder why...no I don't...I await the rewards of their own actions return to them in kind.

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