EkatrinaVelikia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its a chan term...whole lotta pasta...tastes dry without the sauce, kinda like CNN news reports.

EkatrinaVelikia 6 points ago +6 / -0

United prayer is more important than we will ever know in this life.

EkatrinaVelikia 2 points ago +2 / -0

And....If your bidet isnt working...

Have tons of those plastic grocery bags...if your toilet wont flush...pull bags over the toilet seat..Go in there and toss it outside...hope its cold enough outside for it to freeze. LOL

But seriously...better than the smell in your house.

EkatrinaVelikia 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope...been on Trump team since 2015.

I knew that Brexit vote was going to open up the US to a national revival.

This was simply my vision.

EkatrinaVelikia -1 points ago +1 / -2

I have thought that for awhile...that there will be a successful assassination attempt on Trump.

By successful, I mean shot in full view in public, we all know there have been multiple attempts thwarted by the SS. But this would be televised around the world.

I have never known if he survives it or not.

EkatrinaVelikia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reports from Italian anons saying it happened. Also one said zero info on the news but its real.

EkatrinaVelikia 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sounds like a SNL writer wrote it...

EkatrinaVelikia 1 point ago +1 / -0

True...Alex Jones is mocked by the MSM...better to keep him at arms length for a now. If he is a white hat ...it will all be revealed. Alex is a big boy, he can take the rejection for now. If he’s a black hat...

EkatrinaVelikia 1 point ago +1 / -0

That man has got a silver tongue.

And horns.

His sister all over Twitter...saying hes a good guy.

Id like to ask her what she thinks about the SIMPSON episode.

Predictive programming? Or did the actor Jake Angeli copy the character after?

Might answer a few time travel questions that we all have about Matt Groenig.

EkatrinaVelikia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why, i dont understand why single payer would mean layoffs.

Non-American sincerely asking.

EkatrinaVelikia 1 point ago +1 / -0

God Bless America

But I love singing “American Honey” while cruising down the highway.

Exceptional people, exceptional country. WWG1 WGA WW

EkatrinaVelikia 3 points ago +3 / -0

Intuition, gut feelings, resonation with the truth.

Read them...and see how you feel and what logic tells ypu is truth.

Should be easier now as well...the first drops were all about THIS election. And here it is...all making perfect sense now.

First board CBTS was under 2000. people...in months it was up to 20,000 people

Then it was deplatformed. Totally gone.

Many learned to used the chans...but it can be a cesspool ..the language is off the charts...but truth flowed through there, along with Q posts if are able to discern truth from the shills.

3 years, 3 months later...Q is all around the world...yellow vests in France, Germany began holding Q signs...millions of awakened people...who see what is going on. This is what scares them...but we reached the critical tipping point.

No way to put this genie back in the bottle.

EkatrinaVelikia 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump spent four years tearing down their criminal infrastructure.

He will spend the next four years building the new one.

“It’s just the beginning.” 4-10-20

EkatrinaVelikia 40 points ago +41 / -1

Q is getting traction.

Yesterday... Friend who doesnt watch tv...and is zero into politics...asked me if I heard about this Q anon thing.

THIS is going to break wide open on MSM, telly and social...to vilify Q and Q+ as we near the battle line.


EkatrinaVelikia 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember ... in the beginning reading on the chans that before ‘our guys’ reached out to Trump to be President...they were going to run military operations to take back the government..it was THAT corrupt. But Trump said YES, and now we are living out the result of that agreement.

So now...with Joey Bribes Biden trying to steal White House......what do you think ‘our guys’ will do now?

We don’t need hopium. We have military planning at it’s finest.


You were always great America, in your soul you were always great.

EkatrinaVelikia 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thats such a scary thought.

I read years ago that a writer becomes responsible - in the eternal life - for the characters they created in their books. Morally accountable foe what ever their character did...good or bad.

Still think about that when watching movies sometimes.

EkatrinaVelikia 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thanks for making the journey to represent the Anons. Im not an American...but you have prayers from all over the world. I prayed for ‘you’ in every mile of your journey. Hope you felt all our prayers.

One day in eternity we will all get to meet each other. I have said it before and I will say it again,

We shall be known in heaven for all eternity as the Band of Anons.

EkatrinaVelikia 7 points ago +7 / -0

Its important to keep optimism and hope high...we are over the tipping point now, we are the majority. No doubt.

Why do you think the media sllime need to make it look like they are the majority? Why do they constantly diminish size of Trump rallys? Lie about Joes crowds? Needed COVID to cover their unpopularity. Why is this so important to them?

Think on this and stay the course ...at least spiritually for now...be strong in faith and have trust God will take care of this.

...and pray

EkatrinaVelikia 2 points ago +2 / -0

When you feel this way, pray for others. Your prayers can pick them up.

Our unity is in the spiritual realm...we already talk to each other in this Internet cloud, how is praying with and for each other any more unbelievable.

Q asks us continuously for prayers. Why is that?

Q confirms the importance of prayer and unity, WWG1 WGA

Yes we may be surprised to find out who we have been talking to.

See you in the liminal...stay strong and united in faith.

God wins.

EkatrinaVelikia 1 point ago +1 / -0

You, me and the grandfather in Moonstruck

EkatrinaVelikia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Every leader makes the mistake of thinking they can control the mob...and when they can’t they seem surprised.

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