EncompassingSQR 1 point ago +1 / -0

Will do! Me and my wife have a mineral claim in CO on kimberlite, I have a bunch of it that we brought back to the house. I’m just not sure how to crush it without crushing the potential diamonds :/

EncompassingSQR 0 points ago +1 / -1

I honestly don’t care enough and don’t believe one person saying anything will change anything, and the only way I’d make the income I do is to be a brain surgeon, no thanks lol. Like I said, I’m all for zero point energy or something to better humanity, going through the dangers and process to expose this wouldn’t be worth it, nor would anything change other than potentially killing the wages for my brothers and sisters that are also in this field.

EncompassingSQR 11 points ago +11 / -0

Join the fenbendazole cancer support group on Facebook. Order black seed oil, ivermectin and fenbendazole, for the fenbendazole get it from the happy healing store.com take 2000 mg a day. You’ll learn a lot from that Facebook group I promise.

EncompassingSQR 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s true that most drills are around 8100 when we start to go horizontal, at a 90 degree angle. It’s funny how so many people believe we are drilling extremely deep, nope, just kinda deep and extremely sideways lol.

EncompassingSQR 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is also very true, Diamonds are actually not near impossible to find if you know where to look, kimberlites is a great place to start and there are plenty in CO.

EncompassingSQR 4 points ago +6 / -2

Being in the oil and gas industry I’m positive this is true. Unfortunately however, as long as people believe this lie, I continue to make a great wage. If we could however switch to zero point energy or something along those lines, I would back that 100% for the greater good of humanity.

EncompassingSQR 4 points ago +4 / -0

True, screw the fags and trannies.

EncompassingSQR 0 points ago +2 / -2

He may have meant the 4th as In Putin, or better yet, the ones that controlled Putin maybe even against his will, we’re removed post Trumps victory…

by DrMcCoy
EncompassingSQR 1 point ago +1 / -0

Damn, maybe this was project blue beam all along.

EncompassingSQR 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’ve read a few places that they want to do it on a Friday. Maybe we are getting close.

EncompassingSQR 1 point ago +1 / -0

“ According to NASA’s estimations, the dam merely delays the rotation of the Earth by 0.06 microseconds. The rotation of the Earth is really slowed rather frequently by other causes such as the position of the moon, earthquakes, and even recently proven climate change.” Nope, I give little credit to the rest of this article once they put that tid bit in there…

by DrMcCoy
EncompassingSQR 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly this lol. There is a grand wizard in the kkk…

EncompassingSQR 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyway he’s recording in the wide angle .5 setting?

EncompassingSQR 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting! I wouldn’t doubt it. It was a pretty awesome sight for sure.

EncompassingSQR 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s just basically a souvenir if you will. Almost like a trophy for getting to a certain degree. No one is sacrificed or forced in to anything. I can’t speak for the retarded elite of course. FYI, there are only 3 degrees in masonry, it’s kinda hard to explain but there are other chapters one can pursue past a third degree master mason, these are called Appendant Masonic bodies but then they are referred to as (the degree number, followed by the Appendant Masonic body name) an example would be a 33rd degree knights Templar master mason.

EncompassingSQR 4 points ago +4 / -0

Haven’t watched the video but I’ve seen one of these pictured. Atleast it was very similar (it was night time but with city lights close by). It just vanished with no noise whatsoever. 2 people in front of me pulled over, as did I to watch this thing.

EncompassingSQR 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m living in Utah now, (was in CO). I work 14 days on and have 7 off. Other companies offer different rotations. When I first started in 2014 it was common to make about $110-$120,000 per year. Now it’s around $140-$145,000 per year with no experience. I’m well above that range because I have been doing it for so long but it’s still great for starting out! My job is called Wireline but I know other people in different companies / positions. It’s recommended to get your CDL but not required, especially if you are only wanting to do this until starting your business.

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