Euphemism 5 points ago +6 / -1

almost regardless which conspiracy you look at the further down the rabbit hole you go, the more silent the T becomes.

Euphemism 2 points ago +2 / -0

at the end of the day, what matters is results..

and at the end of this day they have the same result.

When pointing out observable reality(Pam hasn't accomplished anything she promised on day 1, or otherwise yet, but has managed to pump up her public appearances) is met with variations of "Either with us, or against us"... there might be something rotten in denmark.

Euphemism 4 points ago +4 / -0

"They only took 118 because at this moment they are only arresting the actual criminals."

Ahhh, with all due respect... ALL of them, all 30K are criminals as they entered the country.. "illegally".

Euphemism 5 points ago +5 / -0

As others have pointed out, if the gov. makes a mistake and sends you more than you were "allowed", step 2 is armed men and jail if step1(Full repayment + interest) isn't made.

I fail to see why this should be any different.

Euphemism 5 points ago +5 / -0

the facts aren't looking to good tho...

Where is Pam? Kash?

The Epstein list?

JFK/RFK files? 911 report? Covid declassification?

2020 election fraud? Arizona?

So far the biggest "gotcha" is some middle rung director of CBP for misspending ~$3,000.00 thats it, thats all. 1/4 of the year done, and despite the last 4yr crime spree all on video, right out in the open.






Euphemism 1 point ago +1 / -0

yes, and since then, since the bamboozle...

Those influencers have came out and really chastised the admin for using them as lying pawns...demanding the actual release...

No? Not a one of them?

If this was done by Dem's we all know we'd be pointing it out. That they would either be in on the con, or too dumb to be aware of it - but in either case it would be used a evidence that they are just social media grifters... Why wouldn't we hold our own to the same?

Euphemism 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maxime Bernier, but he's been effectively censored by the media and the main party's.

Bernier, was a higher up in the CPC(The so called conservative party). During the leadership contest the Dairy cartel up here conspired against him and pushed Andrew Scheer to the leader. Max, left the party and started The Peoples Party of Canada.

During Covid while all the other leaders were parrotting the lies, Bernier was speaking the truth. While the other leaders were telling everyone to stay the fuck home - Bernier was getting arrested standing with everyday Canadians fighting the tyranny.

Sadly most CPC supporters will even admit that they really like the PPC platform, but won't vote for them because... they need to vote for the CPC globalists, to remove the liberal globalists which enacted the hated globalist policies that the CPC globalists signed us on to...

Yep, makes 0 sense, but that's their argument in a nutshell.

Euphemism 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only actual conservative party in federal Politics is the PPC, and the CPC/Liberals and NDP all align to make sure they don't have a seat at any table to speak. The media is more than happy to help that censorship as well.

In order to see Canadian Conservatives you'd have to be on X, and follow the PPC people - but as long as the media shuts them out, most Canadian conservatives will think they "have to" vote for the CPC.. a party that supports:


Forced lockdowns

Mandatory vaccinations.

15min cities

Mass migration


WEF/UN/WHO mandates

Sides with unlimited Ukrainian war effort.

In short, they're about as conservative as Liz Cheney.

Euphemism 10 points ago +10 / -0

It should.

When the Dr's realise they've been thrown under the bus, maybe they'll use some of that death-money to hire lawyers to defend themselves?

Euphemism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure there are some gop/demorats but...they got confirmed didn't they?

I said ultimately with the judicial, which we will see it play out(as it has with the others).

The point is, the war is here and has been for a long time. It isn't pointless to start to fight back.

Maybe a few more assassination attempts before we move past the strongly worded letters?

Thanks for your 2cents, they are awesome. Big Ups!!!

Euphemism 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I'm getting pretty strong vibe's of being conned.

Between the Epstien files not being released, to Pam blocking investigating Schumer... its starting to look a bit bleak.

Euphemism 1 point ago +2 / -1

Again... not dooming, its being aware.

Almost like we've been through this several hundred thousand times... How much more before the slowest of us pick up the signs?

This is the person we're placing our trust in, right? The person protecting Chuck Schumer?


EDITED: Also WTF are we "winning" The Trey Gowdie award for the most hot air signifying nothing? Come on man!!

Euphemism 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree that when it starts it will be a shit show for a bit...

So why wait? Right?

Trump has both houses, the executive and the Judicial(ultimately).

Trump has everything, there is no better time, there will be no better position, and their will be no time that the Trump admin will have the DS on their backfoot like now.

But instead of doing what he said he would do, what he promised he would do, we are getting? What exactly? Other more of the Trey Gowdie shit. You can't tell me I'm wrong.

How many weeks, months damn well years did that clown own TD for his furious sound bites all signifying... Nothing.

By the time we get 1/2 way to stage two, the midterms will have happened and the opportunity will be gone. Again. Want proof? We know they stole the 2020 election & tried to steal the 2024 election, Arizona is a crime scene.

Arrests for the previous election fraud? Bueller? Bueller? Because there is no accountability there, you can rest assured they're going do it again, aren't they?

Lets face it, these crimes aren't hidden, they're slam dunks almost definitionally, so why wait to give your opponents time to regroup?

Strategically, logically and rationally it makes less than 0 sense. Unless the goal isn't to win.

Euphemism 3 points ago +4 / -1

Its been months, and not a single perp walk, not a single shred of actually accountability.

Lots of sound bites, lots of "strong words", lots of promises... like "You'd be in jail", and to this day, in round numbers there have been 0.

A really round number.

I like Trump, but this has been a lot of the "just two weeks to flatten the curve" BS...

Until we see politicians being perp-walked, I am assuming we've been had.

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