Expose_corruption90 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hear you, do you have a driver's license, hunting license, fishing license, concealed carry license, register any of your firearms, or pay federal income tax on your wages earned from laboring? If you don't you are subject to heavy fines or imprisonment, but all those things relate to God given rights that we now are required by policy of a corporation to carry when exercising said rights. (Licensing is for privileges)

Expose_corruption90 6 points ago +6 / -0

The conflating of language in the statutes and codes, and internal revenue code along with executive orders and criminal banking; they slowly but surely have destroyed our access to our constitutional rights. This should be the biggest topic of conversation in my opinion.

Expose_corruption90 2 points ago +2 / -0

Spot on man. Yoga is literally a form of meditation/worship I the Hindu religion.

Expose_corruption90 5 points ago +5 / -0

I had thoughts of suicide as a teen. Grew up in a Christian home but I had turned from God. I was on anti depressants but they only made it worse.. One night I asked Jesus to please help me and literally the next day I felt like a new person. Depression and fear are attacks from the enemy (they same enemy who runs the NWO)

Expose_corruption90 5 points ago +5 / -0

They were definatley skimming as much pre 1964 silvers and dimes as they could lol

Expose_corruption90 1 point ago +1 / -0

The bible tells us that the global government will eventually rule under the anti-christ, and Christians will be persecuted and killed.. But not before there is massive revival and the Jews accept that Jesus is Lord!
But it's all on God's time, not the enemy's. What I'm getting at is Christians don't need to take up arms against some invading enemy. We just need to trust God, love others, and share the good news; that even when global totalitarianism finally does happen, that Jesus defeated death on the cross and will destroy the globalists who refuse to repent upon his return!

Expose_corruption90 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also every corporation has to file a corporate annual financial report (CAFR) yearly. Every state files one, along with the social security administration, USA inc, ect..

Expose_corruption90 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's real unfortunately. Researched this topic heavily along with constitutional law versus statutes and code. Check out sedm.org for a huuge database on law and how our government has been using contract law to subvert the constitution. It goes all the way down to the county/town government level.