Extremelystable -1 points ago +1 / -2

Fascinating insight into how rhetoric about Trump fuels these kinds of attacks.

Extremelystable 5 points ago +7 / -2
  1. How did the photo of the shooter FROM ABOVE get on the internet? It could only have come from a drone. WHO shared it?
  2. anyone who's even seen movies about presidential protection knows that you have to cover all vantage points. This lack of coverage seems insane.
Extremelystable 1 point ago +3 / -2

Has anyone done research on what exactly Q meant by this statement? Wondering if there's a thread on here or elsewhere that can shed light on what we were supposed to discover.

Extremelystable -1 points ago +1 / -2

This is a Q board, and Q has literally said that AJ is a shill. Why do you keep promoting this garbage?

Extremelystable 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yeah I'm sure that was a warning and not a heads up that that's what they were going to going to do.

Extremelystable 0 points ago +3 / -3

Stop promoting this shill. His production company is literally called Kid Love Productions.

Extremelystable -1 points ago +1 / -2

This is totally fake. The royal family is always looking for sympathy and ways to get publicity. If she really had cancer they would have announced this ASAP so the whole world could say they support her. Instead, we get this hastily pulled together PR stunt.

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