FakeAndGhey 4 points ago +4 / -0

They want to be able to censor the Internet and be able to add, edit, and remove history and information to fit an agenda

FakeAndGhey 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's been around on Twitter for a long time I remember him shilling anti-Trump content since pandemic days. That account never seemed right. They've done a good job spreading propaganda while maintaining a low profile and keeping relevance and followers.

Basically he thinks Trump is the antichrist and great deceiver.

FakeAndGhey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good. Add them to the "we caught them all"

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

The recent one about football. Why? After anon shared the truth post with the same phrase as the 2018 Q Drop. That's a 6 year difference. Pre-Potus Trump on Twitter in 2013 also made the same line. So that's 3 times. Several years apart on different platforms.

FakeAndGhey 4 points ago +4 / -0

Future proves past:

May 8 2013 - 11:19pm "@Chris_Nima: @realDonaldTrump Would you rather have a 3rd Obama term or make out with Rosie??" I'll take the third term!


FakeAndGhey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump feels the same way, he's supported Bibi going back as far as I remember. I've spent all last night and started back this morning going through Trump Archive tweets, I'm in 2013 rn.

Sep 16 2011 - 11:33am 220 80 Show I applaud @netanyahu for announcing that he will show up at the UN to defend @Israel. A true US friend and great leader.

FakeAndGhey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mar 20 2013 - 3:22pm 656 153 Show The NFL has just barred ball carriers from using helmet as contact. What is happening to the sport? The beginning of the end.

Trump 2013 Tweet

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's getting closer to election so the Deep State is trying to quickly re shift the narrative to Orange Man Bad and Everyone is on board with Heels Up Harris.

FakeAndGhey 5 points ago +5 / -0

Beat me to it, but parasite pill PDF is that Chan post on steroids

FakeAndGhey 2 points ago +2 / -0

He isn't wrong and over the target. I wouldn't have dug in on the one dude but he's getting the point across to them and showing them he doesn't care about censorship and ain't afraid to say anything.

FakeAndGhey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Venezuela uses the fraud election software.

Venezuela gangs infiltrate America, due to open border

It's not coincidentally.

FakeAndGhey 3 points ago +3 / -0

My persona will never be that of a wallflower - I’d rather build walls than cling to them”

(@realDonaldTrump, May 12, 2016).

FakeAndGhey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden admin and his fake 4 years have been setting up the ultimate victory lap

FakeAndGhey 10 points ago +11 / -1

I remember the Intel shills were convincing people their were half human, half creature things underground and the boats were there for a DUMB mission under the park. But that's back when the Q movement was infiltrated. Still gets infiltrated, but it's become sturdy.

It's like a pinecone on a tree. A shills appears (pinecone) gets debunked shills falls. Yeah new shills or pinecones will periodically appear, but as long as the tree and majority of pinecones are still on it, the integrity of Q or the tree will carry one

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mississippi counties among first in the nation to use more ‘transparent’ voting machines, software.

Some Mississippi counties have opted to move away from traditional voting machines and voting software sold by large scale companies and, instead, transitioned to machines maintained by a nonprofit that focuses on making the mechanics of voting more transparent.

VotingWorks, a nonprofit company founded in 2018, first unveiled some of its voting machines in five counties in the Magnolia State, making rural Mississippi areas some of the first in the nation to purchase these types of voting machines and use “open-source” software. Now, the organization partners with around 14 jurisdictions in Mississippi for elections-related business.

(More excerpts in link)

FakeAndGhey 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not the strongest nor biggest human by any means, but I have the rage and fury of every Real American inside me with enough crazy that I'd step into the ring with Tyson in his prime if it meant saving the country.

I'm currently emailing pawns at Konnech and Dominion expressing my concerns over the election processes and inquiring about their China ties and whatnot right now. I'm in 0 fuqs given mode rn.

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because the documents I found of my ancestors in America. The marriage certificates were man: laborer women: housewife Have you had your syphilis shot? Why not? Finances.

They weren't fond of English yet which is why names like Karlsson went to Carlson. Heck alot of my great great grandfathers spelled there first names different on different occasions cause they probably weren't versed in English well yet.

So much not being explained about Americas beginning to us.

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay I do have a theory for Minnesota for you.

I believe Nords settled in Canada and Southern Canada...Minnesota and the upper most of the USA. I know mine grew up on farms with large families. Perhaps they were living in the free world and eventually the settlers from the north East made their way over and found us and incorporated what we came over here to get away from. It seems to be always about documentation. Even looking at old gov. Documents like birth records. The gov is always trying to control and cattle us. They ask if you've had your shots etc. and why not. Gotta make sure if you're living in the free world, you're paying taxes like the rest.

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

We can't get the real truth on Americas history and the history currently for us is being manipulated and we're at war with the truth due to the powers that be.

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

I took a course on correctional systems here in North America in college. A lot of the prisons here are privately owned. The prison systems are overwhelmed. Democrats strategically release prisoners on the streets during COVID allegedly to stop the spread. Clown World.

I occasionally get the urge to try and dig up my past before I was born and the history of America. The classic example being taught Christopher Columbus discovered America through out early education. Then after I leave college and do independent research on my own lineage, discover things such as Leif Erickson's voyage to America. I traced my grandmother's last name to her mom which was Carlson.

Yet the narrative was always blacks were the only slaves. Yet I've heard many say a lot of us were, like the Irish on my dad's side. America was infiltrated from the very beginning by evil forces.

FakeAndGhey 2 points ago +2 / -0

The YouTube channel is Tim and Dee two black guys who I guess walk the streets of Nashville asking girls sexual and freaky questions. Weird flex, but okay. Seems to be primary white girls since it denigrates them.

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was born and raised in the deep South in the United States, so I fortunately developed common sense conservative values. My Nordic roots go back to the most Nord presence of North American history as my mother's side settled in Minnesota and Grandfather who's passed and literally have no connection or insight on his past or family was from the upper peninsula of Michigan. I've found old documents referencing Canada too. Apparently, Minnesota is a blue Democrat shit show with people like Walz, Ohmar, and company running the show in that State and it's where George Floyd false flag happened.

I agree I noticed patterns of accounts and their posting behavior so it's nice getting a real perspective.

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's nice insight. I didn't dare bother with US politics prior to Trump and never voted. I attended a DJT rally before he was elected in 2016. I heard him speak and it made since. Bring Ford and auto manufacturer jobs back to the States. He was covert enough then, he wasn't straight up talking about Deep State, Swamp, Establishment yet very much, more so just getting America back to being great. Still didn't vote though.

The media psy-op here in the USA I knew was awful well before he ever got into politics so his entire first campaign was blurred by constant Trump Derangement Syndrome and constant news network slander so I tuned out the beginning of Trump's presidency...until COVID-19.

His daily press briefings were so hostile and angry towards him when everyone is confused and scared, the journalist in the press room gave more of a fuck about bashing Trump than some "virus". I knew I was watching Clown World at that point and watched every C-19 briefing and ironically I was already diving into illuminati stuff so the timing of thr Epstein stuff with Q was enough to stay vigilant.

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