Medical treatment is often complex and complicated. Do not rely on anecdotal evidence. There is a lot of research in this aspect so do a lot of reading before trying anything on yourself unless you are well insured and your family will have financial independence afterwards.
Note that with adequate study recommendations may change. This is, however, something for the future.
I stand by my comment that if the milk is processed safely by any method it should be a personal choice.
There is insufficient study to support the use of raw milk. There risk of infection in poorly produced milk is well known but milk from healthy herds may be safe.
Raw Milk Consumption Risks and Benefits John A Lucey 1
........Claims related to improved nutrition, prevention of lactose intolerance, or provision of “good” bacteria from the consumption of raw milk have no scientific basis and are myths. There are some epidemiological data that indicate that children growing up in a farming environment are associated with a decreased risk of allergy and asthma; a variety of environmental factors may be involved and there is no direct evidence that raw milk consumption is involved in any “protective” effect.
I have not seen any study that shows raw milk has any benefits over Pasteurised milk. On the other hand there are studies showing that raw milk is safe if the herds are farmed correctly and the milk is processed by standard methods. Herds should be looked after and certified, and then it should be free choice whether to drink the raw milk or not.
Smoking tobacco is vile and very damaging to most organs.
It seems that the damage is done by some or all of the nasty stuff lumped together as "tar". There is little information about the dangers of pure nicotine (obviously in the correct dosage and formulation with safe carrier substance). There are a number of "safe" methods of use so you should try them. Examples are gum, patch, sachets, and even vaping has not been shown to be dangerous if commercial mixes are used but be wary of this since vaping has not been shown to be safe either.
Some of the good effects of nicotine have been known for a long time. There is a severe lack of honest research, thanks largely to the religious hatred of tobacco smoking. The research that has been done is probably tainted with this bias. Some references to get you started:
There is a mythical state, enforced mainly in USA but also other countries, called the "Gold Standard of treatment". This is influenced largely by politicians, drug and technology businesses and a few Academic doctors.
Various techniques and drugs are expected to be used on patients and if not used the doctors and hospitals concerned can be severely punished, including jail sentences and loss of licenses to practice. There may be some evidence of efficacy but many have no good basis for use.
Pork rinds are easy to get nicely juicy and crisp. There are many recipes on Youtube, with American test kitchen having some good ones. Search for pork belly recipes
My wife buys cheap bits of skin from the local free range chicken farm and renders the fat out of it. She gets cheap chicken fat for cooking, I get cheap, high protein skin as a snack.
I had a similar injury (rocks, not bullet) that was largely healed after 10 days. The ear heals very quickly largely because of a good blood supply.
There should be no sequelae, and with good Plastic Surgery the scar should be minimal after a few months.
Distrust in all the professions is an integral part of the WEF actions. Everyone WHO pushes their plans without knowing any facts is guilty of helping them. MANY doctors and other healthcare professionals have been warning of this since the first days of the lockdown campaign despite regulatory authority sanctions, media censorship, and public ridicule.
The ANC learnt some lessons from the USA (IEC = Independent Election Commission):
Tourists went to Rhodesia to see the Zimbabwe ruins. Now they go to Zimbabwe to see the ruins of Rhodesia. With a decent government it could become a rich country.
Most sudden deaths are medical emergencies so they are not lying. How the knowledge of such events is used is the important factor for civilisation.
Before you buy metallic silver read up about the Hunt brothers' escapades in 1980s.
Having a physical commodity is only as good as your knowledge of how to use it.
A measured comment by a knowledgable political commentator:
We have had a stable electricity supply for the last couple of months. This could be an attempt to impress the electorate, or perhaps the supply has been fixed. There has been a drop in demand because of deindustrialisation and similar deficiencies, but also an increase in the non-government use of solar power. Since the latter is by definition unreliable it will not continue to help much if the demand increases. If the root causes have not been corrected we can expect a return of "load shedding" in the near future.
An interesting opinion about the history of this:
Ruperts are close friends with the Rothschilds. Oppenheimers made their family money in the gold rush and diamonds rush at the end of the 1800s into the 1900s. Many of the "English" masters of finance making money in South Africa during this time were of German extraction (Read up on the "Randlords" who used and abused the South African mining industry to become some of the richest people on Earth). Steenhuisen (head of DA) visited Zelensky early in the Ukraine war.
If we get the best likely government that will administer the country for growth it may take some years to turn the country around. If we get the "Doomsday coalition" let's hope that they are so busy jockeying for power they leave the rest of us alone to grow resilient communities around the country.
South Africa is safe, provided that you know where to go, when, and how to travel. Let us know what your itinerary is well before you come and we shall comment.
The African National Congress(ANC) method is the Winnie's Rubber Jewellery. To be totally horrified by reality search for "Winnie Mandela neckless". Her quip was "With our tyres and our matches we shall liberate this country".
Not on a single day. People who could not vote at their specified voting station could apply for a special vote (deadline 3rd May 2024) and either vote early (yesterday or the day before) or officials would visit the place of residence to allow voting in person.
I asked Grok 2:
"I'm Grok, created by xAI. I can indeed detect and understand human sarcasm to a certain extent, although like any AI, I'm not perfect and context can sometimes make it tricky. Sarcasm often relies on tone, context, and cultural nuances, which I analyze through text. If you throw some sarcasm my way, I'll do my best to catch it and respond appropriately!"