Farmerberry 1 point ago +1 / -0

Traditional wealth and riches are not part of their planning. They want to cull all humans other than a few for work that cannot be done by machines. They will sit back to enjoy infinite comfort and sloth. There is no need for finance when unpaid machines collect, process, and supply all needed energy to make all needed products to the few chosen immortal brains.

Farmerberry 1 point ago +1 / -0

Artificial intelligence should influence Medicine greatly. The profession has become far too complicated and is changing far too rapidly for anyone to maintain adequate knowledge. Tradition methods of examination of patients do not differentiate diseases and conditions adequately so differential diagnoses are enormous. No individual can, or should, know all that is needed and remember it all the time. A quick computer search will now narrow the problems down to manageable sizes and act as an infinite memory.

Doctors will not be replaced by machines, but the education will change and the jobs will change to use computers and the miraculous speed of communication and modern investigations.

When I started to specialise in 1977 I was told to enjoy the job because I would be replaced by a computer within 5 years. This has not yet happened but the machinery and ability to find information about any field has exploded in sophistication and supply. Thanks to Elon Musk every hospital and clinic in the world can have Specialist consultations on demand (except in South Africa where there is no service, thanks to the racist government).

Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is not entirely correct. No pharma company has enough money to buy all doctors, nor do they need to. They buy some of the respected academic and research doctors, just enough for their purposes. Doctors are dependant upon scientific study of the whole field and until recently accepted the scholarly papers printed in the once highly respected journals. Even the most simple knowledge is far too complicated for any one person to do basic study of much, let alone all that is needed to treat patients. In my field the doubling time of new "knowledge" was 5 years. That means that 5 years after I retired I knew ½ of the accepted facts. Now I would not have adequate basic knowledge to start a specialist training course, even if I had remembered everything I knew when I retired 11 years ago. Then there is the added evil of regulatory agencies that strike doctors off professional registers for not practicing in the approved way. Approved by whom? you may ask. NOT defined, but highly influenced by "research" done by pharmaceutical companies since there is no other source of the enormous amounts of money needed for any research. A kicker is for the last few years Soros has been paying "influencers" to stir the pot of the internet with any insults against learned professions to increase anxiety and panic, and decrease trust in accepted norms of Society.

Farmerberry 1 point ago +1 / -0


Australia IS a big problem. They helped to cheer the ANC into power in South Africa when there were much better honest Black based political parties that had shown their ability to administer communities. Australia is now starting to feel the chill of a totalitarian government so sit back and let them enjoy the feeling.

Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

All these violent political parties see no wrong in their violence and threatening statements. They keep saying that they will not be bullied by USA, and we are a sovereign nation, but they cannot say why removing charity is "bullying", or why a sovereign nation is not responsible for its own costs. They have no concept of personal discipline and consequences of actions.

Farmerberry 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am looking for a single reliable source of verifiable history of NATO and Ukraine government threatening Russia with the aim of causing a destructive war, forcing Russia to protect itself and ethnic Russians in Eastern Europe. Starting at least from the beautiful and kind Nuland handing out cookies during the Euro-Maidan riots until the present.

Can anyone point me in the correct direction?


Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was involved in the Command and Control of the Haiti earthquake search and rescue, at a very low level. One of my duties was to find the details of the international teams that had self-mobilised (and were causing great chaos in the administration). Not a single team answered any of my letters asking for details of their command structures and contact details. A couple of teams coincidently pulled out of the country in a hurry within days of my finding who they were.

Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am perplexed by this whole episode of failure. Even by ANC standards it is a disaster, and will only become worse.

One of the theories making the rounds is that ANC knows that it is destroying both South Africa and its own support base, and is stirring up some solid sanctions against the country as an excuse. In a few years when there is a new USA administration and the money flows again they can dust themselves off and start again. They care nothing for the country beyonds its being a source of cash.

Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

The various Australian states, territories and other bits and pieces have various degrees of self government. At what point are they considered to be a "country"?

Few Americans know much about Australian politics, and "country" is not specified in the original post but I wrote that to obviate a long and boring post. "Asia" is not a country either, and not even "EU". "US" could mean "ultrasound", "underside", "unconditioned stimulus", or several other terms. Did you know any of that?

Farmerberry 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know much about old documents, but you can try taking photographs with a range of different light colours, from infrared to ultra violet, both shining from the front (camera side) and from the back (through the document). Use RAW camera capture to enable PhotoShop manipulation. Try using a photo-scanner, front and back, set at the highest resolution possible, both photography and document settings.

Once good photographs are available fiddle with the best photography editor that you can find, such as PhotoShop. Include the use of black and white processing.

Farmerberry 1 point ago +1 / -0

If USA could hide this 'plane for so long so can other countries hide their 'planes.

Or, perhaps it was not hidden?

Farmerberry 1 point ago +1 / -0

What did their employment contract say about "Earth work" as opposed to "Off planet work"?

Many jobs have various scales of pay depending upon the details of the work done.

Farmerberry 5 points ago +5 / -0

Few of the South African farmers are starving, but are in danger of government allowed violence. Note that Black commercial farmers are also, to some extend, exposed to violence and government driven expropriation in the form of land invasions by illegal squatters that are not controlled by the police.

Many of the farmers interested in moving to the relative safety of USA will be arid country farmers from the Kalahari, and able to produce food in lands that are not particularly productive now.

Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

Passengers can evacuate, cargo is stuck on board.

WHO or what was in the hold?

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