Farmerberry 0 points ago +1 / -1

This move by President Trump is totally beyond his acceptable powers.

What are African terrorists going to do for weapons now?

Farmerberry 3 points ago +3 / -0

The 'Flu shot is one of the best vaccines world-wide.

More profit than almost every other known vaccine.

Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have just read an example of a real political own goal = Ramaphosa has invited Zelensky to South Africa for a state visit.

I expect that this will cause a lot of trouble here, and even more once Dr Putin hears about it.

Farmerberry 4 points ago +4 / -0

Most White South Africans who are still in the country do not have the resources to live in any other country. This is more marked in farmers whose entire wealth is in the land and cannot be moved at all, and few people would be willing to buy a farm now.

Farmerberry 4 points ago +4 / -0

I fail to see why anyone here is upset with this obvious ploy to improve the rate of people volunteering for the military.

Declare that there is a shortage of lawyers in the active units and conscript every lunatic judge, posting to be at the CIC's discretion.

Jordan Peterson on why the "Elite" went left:


Farmerberry 23 points ago +23 / -0

There are already more race based laws in South Africa than ever before. The government is the most racist government in the world.


Farmerberry 1 point ago +1 / -0

The diagnosis of "autism" surged after the discovery of treatment (I did not write "effective treatment" so don't complain") so there may or may not be an increase in the real condition. Every vaccine has dangers so there has to be adequate research into the need, the safety, and the efficacy of each vaccine. The USA has a low risk for most infectious diseases so there has to be evidence of high safety before any vaccines are given.

Farmerberry 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read up about the Hunt brothers and manipulation of the silver market before you buy lots of the metal.

Farmerberry 5 points ago +5 / -0

Find a Dermatologist or Family Practitioner who trained in South Africa. There is likely to be one within travelling distance. American Medical Association may have a register of doctors and where they trained.

It sounds like "myiasis" with fly larvae in the skin. They can sometimes be squeezed out like a pimple but that increases the dangers of infections so it is best to have it done professionally if there are lots of them.

Ask Grok AI for some good suggestions.


Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is a fairly small but growing number of very successful Black commercial farmers. Almost all of these have bought and work their farms in ways that any normal farmer does around the world. These people face much the same dangers and crimes that the Whites do, including expropriation by the government if they are not part of the political gang. Farms expropriated from Whites by the government and given to "land claimants" almost all fail (90%) and are now barren.

Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are no statistics available to say how many commercial farmers are in the country, how many of these have Afrikaans or other languages as their home language. Our government does not use numbers particularly well, and suck whatever number they want to out of thin air.



What is not obvious is that most of the fertile eastern parts of the country are owned by Blacks, the arid and semi-arid west is farmed by Whites.


There is no definition of who or what the ANC and EFF are rebelling against, just a nebulous "National Democratic Revolution" . A meaningless political slogan to stir up never ending trouble. As to the expropriation without compensation watch this video by a rather logical young man who may make his own comments:


Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I lived in Johannesburg (I now live in a safer city) I had a few offers for AK47 type rifles at R200,00 (US$10,00) and rounds at R10,00 each. No questions asked.

These were probably "hot" weapons with a history of being used in crimes so the risk was too high for me.

Farmerberry 1 point ago +1 / -0

No where in Africa is truly safe, but most the best surfing beaches are in "safe" parts of the country. Most Black Africans are friendly and respect themselves and others, but there are certainly those who class themselves as victims so care is needed everywhere, and more so in many areas.

Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had an Internet fault, I hope that this is not posted twice!

This hiccough in South Africa may seem small and far away to most of you, but read this essay to see how it directly affects all of you. South Africa has for a long time been the petri dish for experiments about how to modify all the world's governments and societies. You may find a page asking you to register but just click on "No thanks":


Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

No, it is not that purkiss does not want his stuff on fire, but he knows I shall object strongly (ie physically) if my things suddenly and peacefully start to burn.

Farmerberry 1 point ago +1 / -0

These attacks are country-wide. Some areas are more dangerous than others. Few people will be able to accept President Trump's kind offer because of lack of resources. Most farmers have relatively little cash in easily moveable investments, even if they have excellent farms. Most urban Whites are not wealthy enough to live in USA, and investments are difficult to exchange to wealth in foreign countries.

Farmerberry 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would be much easier to declare that being a trans-sexual is an essential attribute for front line fighting, and automatically send all of them to hot zones. Those who want to protect the USA will be happy, the rest will resign.

Farmerberry 3 points ago +3 / -0

That means that there may be a clear pathway of payment from USAID via various government departments to HAMAS? I think that politicians in several countries may need to explain inconsistencies.

Farmerberry 2 points ago +3 / -1

Was Hamas not started and financed through Mossad? the plan could have been to depopulate Gaza and then profit from the oil and gas with long term tourism (obviously only by the "ELITE"?

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