They are under a kind of mass hypnosis. Read The Psychology of Totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet.
It doesn't matter if real planes hit the towers or not; the buildings (including building 7) came down in a controlled demolition. The DS/Cabal/Pedo Satan worshippers would have zero qualms flying planes full of people into the towers in order to provide the terrorist story line they needed to 1) invade Iraq and Afghanistan, and 2) more importantly, pass the "patriot" act.
It is time for States to authorize drilling in their states and ignore the federal government.
I am here too. Definitely feeling that delegates are angry and want real change.
Not enough, not nearly enough. When will the tribunals begin to prosecute those in governments and media who: 1) suppressed early therapeutic treatment, 2) put infected people with vulnerable elderly, 3) lied about the viruses origin at WIV and actively suppressed opposing views, 4) lied about and hid safety and efficacy data regarding these "vaccines," and 5) actively prosecuted and canceled anyone fighting their narrative that these jabs are safe and effective.
Dr David Martin shared this info with the Reinhardt Covid group in Germany months ago.
Here is the link:
This story illustrates how the DS used pedophiles, and promotes them to positions of power. This judge was found to have child pornography that went back to 2014. He was appointed a judge in 2016. Coincidence?
The fact that he was a "Republican" is meaningless. The DS needs control of both sides. Look into the Franklin cover-up. Look into Republican Speaker of the House who went to prison.
This was no mistake. It was purposeful and deliberate deception. Fox News and the rest of the MSM cannot be trusted. I have not watched one minute of any of their broadcasts since the election.
The OP is talking the Jeffrey Epstein's second arrest in July, 2019, in NY. He was held without bail and died in custody (Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself). The OP is saying that Epstein's arrest and rumors that he was talking to the feds, coincides with Malinda Gates contacting divorce attorneys.
Just even saying "eating babies" will lead some people to investigate and find out things like the man arrested for smuggling roasted gold covered babies (fetuses) into Britain.
Russia, Russia, Russia. Enough already. You cannot address the abuse of power by the American left that happened under Obama. Are you seriously going to claim that the IRS did not target tea party groups? It is a fact. Are you going to claim Pres Trump and many others were not illegally spied on? Or that Biden is not a corruptocrat? Or that Hillary Clinton cavalerly broke the law with her servers, the FBI covered it up, and she faced no consequences.
Until there is actual Equal Justice Under the Law, there can be no common cause with the left,
What a load of lies. President Trump served this country for free while under a nonstop barrage from the press and Demoncrates (but I repeat myself). You even threw out the Russia bogeyman. Let me guess, "all roads lead to Putin". And, are we supposed to believe that the same party that sicced the IRS on the Tea Party is suddenly going to start singing kumbayah with us? No, we know how the left behaves when in power. See Venezuela, Cuba., etc. Stick your olive branch up your ass.
Tragic case of a young mother dying within 24 hours of the flu. One is a million, or a consequence of the vax?
Check out this Substack article detailing research into how repeated injection of the mRNA vax leads to harm to the immune system.