Absolutely could be disinfo.
But notice how the OP contains names and work place information that pesky autismos can dig into and quickly verify or debunk? That's usually not the kind of favor pedo protectors at the Fedquarters bother with doling out.
I'm sure if there's any kind of meat on that bone we will all know very soon.
How many spooks on pol post non-stop disinformation, porn and gore to drown out real leakers?
It's a sort of 'masonic internet lodge' where insiders go to leak intel to disrupt carefully laid plans of the competition. Or to communicate under the nose of the uninitiated public. Or gauge the level of knowledge amongst the more tuned in about various programs and projects nobody is supposed to know about.
Yes, it takes years to develop the skillset to distinguish between psyop and insider information (hence the required minimum 2 years of lurking) but if you think you'll get better intel watching fox news or reading politico I don't know what to tell you, really.
The one conspiracy normies absolutely freak tf out over when mentioned.
It's actually pretty easy to dig a little on where Obama spent his college years (Pakistan, that's right next to AFGHANISTAN for the Americans among us 😉) and his very close relationship with with Brzezinski who incidentally ALSO was the CIA handler of "Osama bin Laden". Right in our faces:
Sars-cov-2 doesn't exist. It's entirely a computer generated sequence, made up for the occasion (the death jab).
No virus has ever been proven to exist. Virology is the greatest scam of the last millenia.
Same. Did you notice that their @-handles are often arab names like "ibrahim324886"?
Back when I still had my original account from 2017 all my followers were organic real people, this bot-infested version of twitter under Musk is something else entirely. But at least I haven't been banned again on my new account.