At most flipping should lower him from death penalty to permanent incarceration. But even that would seem like a betrayal of the American people.
If he does a 100% tariff, it will work out great for citizens of both side, but terrible for the satanic "elite".
I don't know if that is what the media is generally doing. Typically in formerly white countries, they will only heavily televise mass shooters if the perpetrator is white.
They quickly move on when a perpetrator turns out to be another race.
It is missing a cattle-style nose ring. Almost all the meltdown I saw had cattle-style nose rings, even the ones with men.
Aspirin does a lot, because of its pro metabolic properties.
Vitamin D does a lot as well.
It is unethical if they don't disclose who they are.
If they do: "We are British Labour Party members. We did a great job of supporting the genocide of our homeland. Please listen our reasons why you should vote for Kamala."
We need to end the pattern where the worst thing that ever happens is they are forced to step down and receive a generous severance package.
Ghaddafi never did the evil things Trudeau did. Saddam Hussein never did the evil things the recent non-Trump presidents did.
At least she told him the truth!
I am down with the short lived energy from sugars combined with dairy. I think it is all the preservatives. excipients and dies that do the damage.
The Angel of the Lord(Jesus?) uses the term "land flowing with milk and honey" as a strong positive description. Also, the mana God gave the people in the desert tasted like wafers with honey.
I think the anti-sugar sentiment everywhere might be from the cabal. I think sugar cravings might be natural, like salt cravings, water cravings and sleep cravings.
Definitely, everyone in the middle class will suffer. I think the end goal might be to remove the middle class entirely.
"every country has thee right to physically remove terrorists in its borders and those causing harm right outside."
This could be said about Rothchild's Israel by all of its neighbors.
Trump did endorse Guaidó instead of Maduro in Venezuela as well. Now that we see a little more it is becoming apparent Guaido was the deepstate's man.
Maduro has stated that he thinks Trump would like him, if they had a chance to meet, but that Bolton was lying to Trump to keep them apart.
He might be forced to support evil for a time, either because they have too strong a grip on power in the USA or because evil has tricked a lot of evangelicals and such into supporting it.
Putin is lucky because he can openly speak the truth and oppose evil, but Trump is working in a heavily corrupted country with a heavily propagandized people.
But whites will still be taxed into the ground to pay for it and excluded from jobs through DEI.
They have shown the world that all this time there was never such thing as an American military. There was a Globalist/Hexagram military that was staffed and financed by American slaves.
It is the same as the Serbian slaves (Janissaries) in the Ottoman Empire.
It boils my blood that within the last year, the uniparty-right have been lying to the public with "If we don't fight them there, we will have to fight them here", while we all watch the military do nothing here.
We need some real justice to start happening, including against the fake "justice system" that does nothing but prevent real justice from happening.
I hope Trump has something lined up.
I am skeptical of the idea that vitamin A is toxic.
I would suspect the establishment would heavily promote it, like "healthy" unsaturated fats, if it were toxic.
Instead, like vitamin E and sodium, they cast aspersions on it without attacking it in a direct manner.
We need to normalize executing war mongers. Starting an unjust war is first degree murder.
The universities are getting so dishonest and so retarded, that they need to be formally charged with fraud.
Collecting money from someone under the pretext that you will "educate" them, then filling them with this mental diarrhea, is fraud.
Thanks. I missed a number of those details.
There shouldn't be deportation for murdering. There should be the death penalty.
This is a bold lie. Democrat voters will know they didn't have a chance to vote against Kalama.
This is like farting in an elevator with one other person and telling them they did it.
Time for other courtiers to start calling out the European Union for their sham elections.
The fact that the opposition can't campaign or post on twitter without being falsely charged with "hate speech", means the elections are fraudulent, regardless of anything they are doing in secret to the vote numbers.
When you consider the deep state has been running a major campaign to convince people it is "racist" to oppose immigration of any kind, that fact that 54 still support total deportation, is massive.
I wonder if Kanye knew she was doing this before he married her.
Some things, like sacrificing a child for Moloch, should be unpardonable. The penalty for trying to pardon such should be very severe.